Sometimes the default auto-conversion tools provided by asbind20 is not enough for handling special user-defined types, it requires user to provide rules for translating them between C++ and AngelScript.
The std::byte
is defined using enum class byte : unsigned char {};
. However, the default logic of type translator will converted enumerations to DWord
) because all underlying type of enum
in AngelScript is int
Here is how to make std::byte
be treated as uint8
by asbind20.
namespace asbind20
template <>
struct type_traits<std::byte>
static int set_arg(asIScriptContext* ctx, asUINT arg, std::byte val)
return ctx->SetArgByte(arg, static_cast<asBYTE>(val));
static std::byte get_arg(asIScriptGeneric* gen, asUINT arg)
return static_cast<std::byte>(gen->GetArgByte(arg));
static int set_return(asIScriptGeneric* gen, std::byte val)
return gen->SetReturnByte(static_cast<asBYTE>(val));
static std::byte get_return(asIScriptContext* ctx)
return static_cast<std::byte>(ctx->GetReturnByte());
} // namespace asbind20