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+Add REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS to remap accelerations
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  Added REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS to control whether to remap the accelerations that
are used in the predictor step of the split RK2 time stepping scheme.  Also
added the new routines remap_dyn_split_rk2_aux_vars, remap_OBC_fields and
remap_vertvisc_aux_vars to do the remapping, and code to call these routines
when REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS is true. By default, REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS is false,
and all answers are bitwise identical, but the entire MOM6-examples regression
suite has been run with this set to true, and they do appear to give physically
plausible answers in all cases, partially addressing the issue noted at  New entries are added to the
MOM_parameter_doc files, and there are three new publicly visible routines, but
by default answers do not change.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Nov 1, 2022
1 parent 8f9ba3d commit c8fae41
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Showing 4 changed files with 293 additions and 28 deletions.
31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions src/core/MOM.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module MOM
use MOM_dynamics_unsplit, only : MOM_dyn_unsplit_CS
use MOM_dynamics_split_RK2, only : step_MOM_dyn_split_RK2, register_restarts_dyn_split_RK2
use MOM_dynamics_split_RK2, only : initialize_dyn_split_RK2, end_dyn_split_RK2
use MOM_dynamics_split_RK2, only : MOM_dyn_split_RK2_CS
use MOM_dynamics_split_RK2, only : MOM_dyn_split_RK2_CS, remap_dyn_split_rk2_aux_vars
use MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2, only : step_MOM_dyn_unsplit_RK2, register_restarts_dyn_unsplit_RK2
use MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2, only : initialize_dyn_unsplit_RK2, end_dyn_unsplit_RK2
use MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2, only : MOM_dyn_unsplit_RK2_CS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,14 +103,13 @@ module MOM
use MOM_mixed_layer_restrat, only : mixedlayer_restrat_register_restarts
use MOM_obsolete_diagnostics, only : register_obsolete_diagnostics
use MOM_open_boundary, only : ocean_OBC_type, OBC_registry_type
use MOM_open_boundary, only : register_temp_salt_segments
use MOM_open_boundary, only : open_boundary_register_restarts
use MOM_open_boundary, only : update_segment_tracer_reservoirs
use MOM_open_boundary, only : register_temp_salt_segments, update_segment_tracer_reservoirs
use MOM_open_boundary, only : open_boundary_register_restarts, remap_OBC_fields
use MOM_open_boundary, only : rotate_OBC_config, rotate_OBC_init
use MOM_porous_barriers, only : porous_widths_layer, porous_widths_interface, porous_barriers_init
use MOM_porous_barriers, only : porous_barrier_CS
use MOM_set_visc, only : set_viscous_BBL, set_viscous_ML
use MOM_set_visc, only : set_visc_register_restarts, set_visc_CS
use MOM_set_visc, only : set_viscous_BBL, set_viscous_ML, set_visc_CS
use MOM_set_visc, only : set_visc_register_restarts, remap_vertvisc_aux_vars
use MOM_set_visc, only : set_visc_init, set_visc_end
use MOM_shared_initialization, only : write_ocean_geometry_file
use MOM_sponge, only : init_sponge_diags, sponge_CS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,6 +249,10 @@ module MOM
logical :: use_ALE_algorithm !< If true, use the ALE algorithm rather than layered
!! isopycnal/stacked shallow water mode. This logical is set by calling the
!! function useRegridding() from the MOM_regridding module.
logical :: remap_aux_vars !< If true, apply ALE remapping to all of the auxiliary 3-D
!! variables that are needed to reproduce across restarts,
!! similarly to what is done with the primary state variables.

type(MOM_stoch_eos_CS) :: stoch_eos_CS !< structure containing random pattern for stoch EOS
logical :: alternate_first_direction !< If true, alternate whether the x- or y-direction
!! updates occur first in directionally split parts of the calculation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1532,6 +1535,16 @@ subroutine step_MOM_thermo(CS, G, GV, US, u, v, h, tv, fluxes, dtdia, &
call ALE_remap_tracers(CS%ALE_CSp, G, GV, h, h_new, CS%tracer_Reg, showCallTree, dtdia, PCM_cell)
call ALE_remap_velocities(CS%ALE_CSp, G, GV, h, h_new, u, v, CS%OBC, dzRegrid, showCallTree, dtdia)

if (CS%remap_aux_vars) then
if (CS%split) &
call remap_dyn_split_RK2_aux_vars(G, GV, CS%dyn_split_RK2_CSp, h, h_new, CS%ALE_CSp, CS%OBC, dzRegrid)

if (associated(CS%OBC)) &
call remap_OBC_fields(G, GV, h, h_new, CS%OBC, PCM_cell=PCM_cell)

call remap_vertvisc_aux_vars(G, GV, CS%visc, h, h_new, CS%ALE_CSp, CS%OBC)

! Replace the old grid with new one. All remapping must be done by this point in the code.
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do k=1,nz ; do j=js-1,je+1 ; do i=is-1,ie+1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2057,6 +2070,12 @@ subroutine initialize_MOM(Time, Time_init, param_file, dirs, CS, restart_CSp, &
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "USE_REGRIDDING", CS%use_ALE_algorithm, &
"If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). "//&
"If False, use the layered isopycnal algorithm.", default=.false. )
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS", CS%remap_aux_vars, &
"If true, apply ALE remapping to all of the auxiliary 3-dimensional "//&
"variables that are needed to reproduce across restarts, similarly to "//&
"what is already being done with the primary state variables. "//&
"The default should be changed to true.", default=.false., &
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "BULKMIXEDLAYER", bulkmixedlayer, &
"If true, use a Kraus-Turner-like bulk mixed layer "//&
"with transitional buffer layers. Layers 1 through "//&
Expand Down
39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion src/core/MOM_dynamics_split_RK2.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2
use MOM_time_manager, only : time_type, time_type_to_real, operator(+)
use MOM_time_manager, only : operator(-), operator(>), operator(*), operator(/)

use MOM_ALE, only : ALE_CS
use MOM_ALE, only : ALE_CS, ALE_remap_velocities
use MOM_barotropic, only : barotropic_init, btstep, btcalc, bt_mass_source
use MOM_barotropic, only : register_barotropic_restarts, set_dtbt, barotropic_CS
use MOM_barotropic, only : barotropic_end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2
!! end of the timestep have been stored for use in the next
!! predictor step. This is used to accomodate various generations
!! of restart files.
logical :: remap_aux !< If true, apply ALE remapping to all of the auxiliary 3-D
!! variables that are needed to reproduce across restarts,
!! similarly to what is done with the primary state variables.

real :: be !< A nondimensional number from 0.5 to 1 that controls
!! the backward weighting of the time stepping scheme [nondim]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,6 +258,7 @@ module MOM_dynamics_split_RK2
public step_MOM_dyn_split_RK2
public register_restarts_dyn_split_RK2
public initialize_dyn_split_RK2
public remap_dyn_split_RK2_aux_vars
public end_dyn_split_RK2

!>@{ CPU time clock IDs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1159,6 +1163,32 @@ subroutine register_restarts_dyn_split_RK2(HI, GV, US, param_file, CS, restart_C

end subroutine register_restarts_dyn_split_RK2

!> This subroutine does remapping for the auxiliary restart variables that are used
!! with the split RK2 time stepping scheme.
subroutine remap_dyn_split_RK2_aux_vars(G, GV, CS, h_old, h_new, ALE_CSp, OBC, dzRegrid)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< ocean grid structure
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< ocean vertical grid structure
type(MOM_dyn_split_RK2_CS), pointer :: CS !< module control structure
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), &
intent(in) :: h_old !< Thickness of source grid [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), &
intent(in) :: h_new !< Thickness of destination grid [H ~> m or kg m-2]
type(ALE_CS), pointer :: ALE_CSp !< ALE control structure to use when remapping
type(ocean_OBC_type), pointer :: OBC !< OBC control structure to use when remapping
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)+1), &
optional, intent(in) :: dzRegrid !< Change in interface position [H ~> m or kg m-2]

if (.not.CS%remap_aux) return

if (CS%store_CAu) then
call ALE_remap_velocities(ALE_CSp, G, GV, h_old, h_new, CS%u_av, CS%v_av, OBC, dzRegrid)
call ALE_remap_velocities(ALE_CSp, G, GV, CS%CAu_pred, CS%CAv_pred, CS%u_av, CS%v_av, OBC, dzRegrid)

call ALE_remap_velocities(ALE_CSp, G, GV, h_old, h_new, CS%diffu, CS%diffv, OBC, dzRegrid)

end subroutine remap_dyn_split_RK2_aux_vars

!> This subroutine initializes all of the variables that are used by this
!! dynamic core, including diagnostics and the cpu clocks.
subroutine initialize_dyn_split_RK2(u, v, h, uh, vh, eta, Time, G, GV, US, param_file, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1275,6 +1305,13 @@ subroutine initialize_dyn_split_RK2(u, v, h, uh, vh, eta, Time, G, GV, US, param
"If true, calculate the Coriolis accelerations at the end of each "//&
"timestep for use in the predictor step of the next split RK2 timestep.", &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "REMAP_AUXILIARY_VARS", CS%remap_aux, &
"If true, apply ALE remapping to all of the auxiliary 3-dimensional "//&
"variables that are needed to reproduce across restarts, similarly to "//&
"what is already being done with the primary state variables. "//&
"The default should be changed to true.", default=.false., do_not_log=.true.)
if (CS%remap_aux .and. .not.CS%store_CAu) call MOM_error(FATAL, &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DEBUG", CS%debug, &
"If true, write out verbose debugging data.", &
default=.false., debuggingParam=.true.)
Expand Down
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions src/core/MOM_open_boundary.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ module MOM_open_boundary
public open_boundary_register_restarts
public update_segment_tracer_reservoirs
public update_OBC_ramp
public remap_OBC_fields
public rotate_OBC_config
public rotate_OBC_init
public initialize_segment_data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5190,6 +5191,184 @@ subroutine update_segment_tracer_reservoirs(G, GV, uhr, vhr, h, OBC, dt, Reg)

end subroutine update_segment_tracer_reservoirs

!> Vertically remap the OBC tracer reservoirs and radiation rates that are filtered in time.
subroutine remap_OBC_fields(G, GV, h_old, h_new, OBC, PCM_cell)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid structure
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_old !< Thickness of source grid [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_new !< Thickness of destination grid [H ~> m or kg m-2]
type(ocean_OBC_type), pointer :: OBC !< Open boundary structure
logical, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), &
optional, intent(in) :: PCM_cell !< Use PCM remapping in cells where true

! Local variables
type(OBC_segment_type), pointer :: segment => NULL() ! A pointer to the various segments, used just for shorthand.

real :: tr_column(GV%ke) ! A column of updated tracer concentrations [CU ~> Conc]
real :: r_norm_col(GV%ke) ! A column of updated radiation rates, in grid points per timestep [nondim]
real :: rxy_col(GV%ke) ! A column of updated radiation rates for oblique OBCs [L2 T-2 ~> m2 s-2]
real :: h1(GV%ke) ! A column of source grid layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: h2(GV%ke) ! A column of target grid layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: I_scale ! The inverse of the scaling factor for the tracers.
! For salinity the units would be [ppt S-1 ~> 1].
real :: h_neglect ! Tiny thickness used in remapping [H ~> m or kg m-2]
logical :: PCM(GV%ke) ! If true, do PCM remapping from a cell.
integer :: i, j, k, m, n, ntr, nz

if (.not.associated(OBC)) return

nz = GV%ke
ntr = OBC%ntr
h_neglect = GV%H_subroundoff

if (.not.present(PCM_cell)) PCM(:) = .false.

if (associated(OBC)) then ; if (OBC%OBC_pe) then ; do n=1,OBC%number_of_segments
segment => OBC%segment(n)
if (.not.associated(segment%tr_Reg)) cycle

if (segment%is_E_or_W) then
I = segment%HI%IsdB
do j=segment%HI%jsd,segment%HI%jed

! Store a column of the start and final grids
if (segment%direction == OBC_DIRECTION_W) then
if (G%mask2dT(i+1,j) == 0.0) cycle
h1(:) = h_old(i+1,j,:)
h2(:) = h_new(i+1,j,:)
if (present(PCM_cell)) then ; PCM(:) = PCM_cell(i+1,j,:) ; endif
if (G%mask2dT(i,j) == 0.0) cycle
h1(:) = h_old(i,j,:)
h2(:) = h_new(i,j,:)
if (present(PCM_cell)) then ; PCM(:) = PCM_cell(i,j,:) ; endif

! Vertically remap the reservoir tracer concentrations
do m=1,ntr ; if (allocated(segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres)) then
I_scale = 1.0 ; if (segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%scale /= 0.0) I_scale = 1.0 / segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%scale

if (present(PCM_cell)) then
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(I,j,:), nz, h2, tr_column, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(I,j,:), nz, h2, tr_column, &
h_neglect, h_neglect)

! Possibly underflow any very tiny tracer concentrations to 0?

! Update tracer concentrations
segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(I,j,:) = tr_column(:)
if (allocated(OBC%tres_x)) then ; do k=1,nz
OBC%tres_x(I,j,k,m) = I_scale * segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(I,j,k)
enddo ; endif

endif ; enddo

if (segment%radiation .and. (OBC%gamma_uv < 1.0)) then
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%rx_norm_rad(I,j,:), nz, h2, r_norm_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)

do k=1,nz
segment%rx_norm_rad(I,j,k) = r_norm_col(k)
OBC%rx_normal(I,j,k) = segment%rx_norm_rad(I,j,k)

if (segment%oblique .and. (OBC%gamma_uv < 1.0)) then
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%rx_norm_obl(I,j,:), nz, h2, rxy_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
segment%rx_norm_obl(I,j,:) = rxy_col(:)
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%ry_norm_obl(I,j,:), nz, h2, rxy_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
segment%ry_norm_obl(I,j,:) = rxy_col(:)
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%cff_normal(I,j,:), nz, h2, rxy_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
segment%cff_normal(I,j,:) = rxy_col(:)

do k=1,nz
OBC%rx_oblique_u(I,j,k) = segment%rx_norm_obl(I,j,k)
OBC%ry_oblique_u(I,j,k) = segment%ry_norm_obl(I,j,k)
OBC%cff_normal_u(I,j,k) = segment%cff_normal(I,j,k)

elseif (segment%is_N_or_S) then
J = segment%HI%JsdB
do i=segment%HI%isd,segment%HI%ied

! Store a column of the start and final grids
if (segment%direction == OBC_DIRECTION_S) then
if (G%mask2dT(i,j+1) == 0.0) cycle
h1(:) = h_old(i,j+1,:)
h2(:) = h_new(i,j+1,:)
if (present(PCM_cell)) then ; PCM(:) = PCM_cell(i,j+1,:) ; endif
if (G%mask2dT(i,j) == 0.0) cycle
h1(:) = h_old(i,j,:)
h2(:) = h_new(i,j,:)
if (present(PCM_cell)) then ; PCM(:) = PCM_cell(i,j,:) ; endif

! Vertically remap the reservoir tracer concentrations
do m=1,ntr ; if (allocated(segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres)) then
I_scale = 1.0 ; if (segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%scale /= 0.0) I_scale = 1.0 / segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%scale

if (present(PCM_cell)) then
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(i,J,:), nz, h2, tr_column, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(i,J,:), nz, h2, tr_column, &
h_neglect, h_neglect)

! Possibly underflow any very tiny tracer concentrations to 0?

! Update tracer concentrations
segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(i,J,:) = tr_column(:)
if (allocated(OBC%tres_y)) then ; do k=1,nz
OBC%tres_y(i,J,k,m) = I_scale * segment%tr_Reg%Tr(m)%tres(i,J,k)
enddo ; endif

endif ; enddo

if (segment%radiation .and. (OBC%gamma_uv < 1.0)) then
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%ry_norm_rad(i,J,:), nz, h2, r_norm_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)

do k=1,nz
segment%ry_norm_rad(i,J,k) = r_norm_col(k)
OBC%ry_normal(i,J,k) = segment%ry_norm_rad(i,J,k)

if (segment%oblique .and. (OBC%gamma_uv < 1.0)) then
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%rx_norm_obl(i,J,:), nz, h2, rxy_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
segment%rx_norm_obl(i,J,:) = rxy_col(:)
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%ry_norm_obl(i,J,:), nz, h2, rxy_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
segment%ry_norm_obl(i,J,:) = rxy_col(:)
call remapping_core_h(OBC%remap_CS, nz, h1, segment%cff_normal(i,J,:), nz, h2, rxy_col, &
h_neglect, h_neglect, PCM_cell=PCM)
segment%cff_normal(i,J,:) = rxy_col(:)

do k=1,nz
OBC%rx_oblique_v(i,J,k) = segment%rx_norm_obl(i,J,k)
OBC%ry_oblique_v(i,J,k) = segment%ry_norm_obl(i,J,k)
OBC%cff_normal_v(i,J,k) = segment%cff_normal(i,J,k)

enddo ; endif ; endif

end subroutine remap_OBC_fields

!> Adjust interface heights to fit the bathymetry and diagnose layer thickness.
!! If the bottom most interface is below the topography then the bottom-most
Expand Down

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