Releases: GuntharDeNiro/BTCT
Gunbot 3.2 - GUI edition: Windows/Linux/MacOs/armv6/armv7 - Release name "Brazil"
For Linux users: update executable, fixed reported bugs of last week + security margin (thanks CryptoKeeperCanada!)
Thanks to @raffaeledonadono for his contribution to the code of this patch!
Please report any bug immediately!
Patch Fixes #2022 - v3.2 Core - all CPU
- Fuck! multiple buys
Just replace executables and restart.
Please report any bug immediately!
Patch Fixes #2021 - v3.2 Core - all CPU
- Fix price to buy 0.0000 for BB strategy happening to some users after a sale.
NB: if you don't have this issue you don't have to update.
Just replace executables and restart your pair
Please report any bug immediately!!
Patch Fixes #2020 - v3.2_Core - all CPU
- Fuck! statuscode 429 at polo. Thanks CryptokeeperCanada!
- Fuck! nonce error at polo (99% of statuscode 422) Thanks Joaquin Nunez!
- Fix Bittrex and Kraken "onOrdersBalance"
- Passing lowBB and highBB to public so they can be saved in json file
- Add support for armv6 and armv7 x86 architecture
Just replace executables and restart your pairs.
Please report any bug immediately!
Patch Fixes #2019 - v3.2_Core - all CPU
- Fix buy price and sell price for stepgain. Thanks BZ!
- Kraken is retrieving "average" price on market orders: moving to limit orders! Thanks ThatDerp!
Instructions: just drag and drop the excutable into your 3.2 folder and restart yoru pairs!
Please report any bug immediately.
Gunbot 3.2 - Core edition: Windows(no GUI)/Linux/MacOs/armv6/armv7 - Release name "Portugal"
This is the core edition of the v3.2- all os/cpu are supported headless without GUI. This release is a great improvement on algo and strategies: all reported bugs of v3.1 has been fixed/improved. Thanks to all contributors of
- Increasing the power of BB strategy with the following algo: StepGain, Gain, PingPong. You can now mix the 4 strategies as you wish on the 3 supported markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex.
Here are the possible algo you can use:- Pure BB: the BB formula has been improved, it now shows good values and it is not
consuming the amount of CPU it used in v3.1. I suggest to start with 30 lowBB and
30 highBB values and then tune them on the fly for each coin. You can restart the
bot whenever you want: it will remember the BB. To use this strategy set
BUY_STRATEGY: 'BB' and SELL_STRATEGY: 'BB' in your config files. - Pure STEPGAIN: BUY_STRATEGY: 'STEPGAIN' and SELL_STRATEGY: 'STEPGAIN' in your config files, will give you the power to explore up and down until the bot finds the best price to buy and the highest price to sell (supergun trend watchdog applies with improved algo). All of this on all 3 markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex. We have now 2 levels of BUY and 2 levels of SELL only in config files, since the third has not been really useful. Set BUYLVL and SELLLVL to the right level you want to use. Example: if you have BUYLVL1 to 3 and BUYLVL2 to 5, set BUYLVL to 2 if you want to explore from to 5%to infinite, or set BUYLVL to 1 if you want to explore from 3% to infinite.
- Pure GAIN: BUY_STRATEGY: 'GAIN' and SELL_STRATEGY: 'GAIN' in yoru config files will give you the power to explore from BUY_LEVEL % to infinite and from GAIN % to infinite. For example: if you set BUY_LEVEL to 3 and GAIN to 5, it will buy at 3% or more (supergun trend watchdog applies) and it will sell at 5% or more (again supergun trend watchdog applies). All of this in all markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex.
- Pure PINGPONG: set a price to buy and a price to sell in PINGPONG_BUY and PINGPONG_SELL config values and your bot will continuosly buy at PINGPONG_BUY price or lower and sell at PINGPONG_SELL or higher. Supergun trend watchdog applies and this strategy is available in all markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex
- Any MIX of above strategies: you can set BUY_STRATEGY and SELL_STRATEGY values to any mix you want. For example you can buy with BB and sell with PINGPONG, or you can buy with PINGPONG and sell with GAIN, or BUY with STEPGAIN and sell with GAIN, and so on. Any mix you use, supergun trend watchdog will always help you to get a lower price to buy and an higher price to sell of what you put in configs: all of this on all markets, Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken.
- Pure BB: the BB formula has been improved, it now shows good values and it is not
Bugs fixed and improvements:
- All reported bugs at and in the Telgram group, have been refactored and fixed, especially the following:
- CPU and RAM leak on BB
- Fixed BB formula and reverted back to 2 as multiplier
- Fixed supergun trend watchdog not switching: we have now a separated MAX_LATEST_PRICES (which is used for BB) and MAX_LATEST_PRICES_TREND (which is used for supergun. I suggest to use 300 prices for BB and 30 prices for supergun trend.
- There is now a config file which can be used to change values for ALL PAIRS: for example, you want to change the BOT_ON_FAIL_DELAY for all pairs but you dont want to open all config files > open ALLPAIRS-params.js and set it like this:
var config = {
module.exports = config;
then save the file and all your pairs will change that value on the fly. You can put in the ALLPAIRS-params.js any value that is included in the traditional config file, so you are allowed to change any value you want at once.
- Fixed DASH and GNO pairs on Kraken
- Fixed deleting old BUY orders from order book
- Fixed BUY of tiny amounts
- Fixed email alerts: it now works again
- Code cleanup and refactoring of outputs: the save.json file outputs all variables every X seconds you put in bot delay time. With this feature you can build your own plugin, GUI, app based on yoru gunbot.
- Introducing dynamic reading
How to migrate from 3.1 to 3.2
1.- Move all your save.json files from the 3.1 folder to the new 3.2 folder
2.- Start your bot
How to start 3.2
This version is packaged: you dont need to install anything, it is all there. No node.js, no .NET, anything: the bot knows what to do.
- Windows: your GUI will come in the next days, i know a lot of you are already using it with no GUI so here to you
- gunthy.exe BTC_ETH poloniex
- gunthy.exe BTC_ETH kraken
- gunthy.exe BTC_ETH bittrex
- Linux: chmod +x this file > gunthy-linux and then run it like this
- ./gunthy-linux BTC_ETH poloniex
- ./gunthy-linux BTC_ETH kraken
- ./gunthy-linux BTC_ETH bittrex
- MacOs and Arm: i have built on those CPU the gunthy-mac and gunthy-arm files to start like Linux
We have now a separated config file for each market and a params file you can use to change any value you want in all pairs, as described above. Here are the config files names:
- poloniex-BTC_ETH-config.js
- kraken-BTC_ETH-config.js
- bittrex-BTC_ETH-config.js
- ALLPAIRS-params.js
In ALLPAIRS file you can move any value you want directly from config.js files. Simply copy/paste those values from config.js file to ALLPAIRS and save ALLPAIRS. All your bots will reload values yu cahnged/added to ALLPAIRS.
Here are the values in config and a brief explanation:
var config = {
MAX_LATEST_PRICES: 200,// limit of latest prices to analyze to determine if price is growing or falling
MAX_LATEST_DIRECTIONS:30,// limit of latest price directions ,used in supergun detection
MAX_LAST_ORDERS:5, // keeping last orders bought
PERIOD: 15, // candlestick period
SAVEFILE_SUFFIX: '-save.json',
DEFAULT_CURRENCY_PAIR:"BTC_ETH", // single pair format for all markets !
BUYLVL1: 3, //buy when the price drops by this percentual or lower if BUYLVL is 1
BUYLVL2: 12, //buy when the price drops by this percentual or lower if BUYLVL is 2
SELLLVL1: 2, //sell when the price drops by this percentual or higher is SELLLVL is 1
SELLLVL2: 70, //sell when the price drops by this percentual or higher is SELLLVL is 2
BUYLVL: 2, //possible values 1 and 2 (if you want to buy at level 1 or level 2)
SELLLVL: 2, //possible values 1 and 2 (if you want to sell at level 1 or level 2)
BUY_STRATEGY: "BB", // accepted values BB or STEPGAIN or GAIN or PINGPONG
SELL_STRATEGY: "GAIN", // accepted values BB or STEPGAIN or GAIN or PINGPONG
LOW_BB: 5, //buy when the price is higher than low BB by this percentual
HIGH_BB: 5, //sell when the price is lower than high BB by this percentual
PINGPONG_BUY: 0.001, //price to buy (or lower) in the ping pong strategy
PINGPONG_SELL: 0.002, //price to sell (or higher) in the ping pong strategy
BUY_LEVEL: 0.1, // If GAIN buy strategy is used, buy at this percentual below lower ema value
GAIN: 0.1, // If GAIN sell strategy is used, sell at this percentual above bought price
BTC_TRADING_LIMIT: 0.01,// max amount of BTC balance to use for each pair
SECURITY_MARGIN: 60, // sell all balance if currency decreases x% after you bought it
MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY: 0.0005, // bitrex min volume
BITTREX_PRICE_METHOD:'ohlc',// ohlc OR vwa "price to buy" definition method
BITTREX_VWA_1_INTERVAL: 10,// weighted average interval in minutes
BITTREX_VWA_2_INTERVAL: 120,// weighted average interval in minutes
KRAKEN_PRICE_METHOD:'vwa',// ohlc OR vwa "price to buy" definition method
KRAKEN_VWA_1_INTERVAL: 1,// weighted average interval in minutes
KRAKEN_VWA_2_INTERVAL: 15,// weighted average interval in minutes
POLONIEX_PRICE_METHOD:'vwa',// ohlc OR vwa "price to buy" definition method
POLONIEX_VWA_1_INTERVAL: 0.02,// weighted average interval in hours
POLONIEX_VWA_2_INTERVAL: 0.04,// weighted average interval in hours
BOT_SLEEP_DELAY:(1000)*10,// bot cycle delay (koef*sec)
BOT_MAX_LIFETIME:999999999,// overall bot lifetime(koef*min),
BOT_ON_FAIL_DELAY:(1000)*5, // bot repeat cycle delay if previous cycle failed (koef*sec)
ALERT_ON_NO_FUNDS:false, // email on insufficcient funds
SMTP_EMAIL: '%[email protected]',
SMTP_PASSWORD: '**********',
SMTP: true,
Gunbot Release 3.1 - patched (all OS)
Here is a package of v3 with all patches already applied.
Patch Fixes #1024 - Windows/Linux/Mac/ARM
- Forces the bot to do what people want even if we dont like it: security margin is now STOP LOSS
- Forces the bot to do what Poloniex doesnt do: Bollinger Band are now saved and you can restart the bot without loosing BB
- Some tuning of the BB formula to make it smarter.
- Fix Kraken primary coin for ETH, ETC, GNO, LTC, ICN, MLN, REP, XDG, XMR, XLM, XRP, ZEC
Just unzip the BB.js into the bot folder and restart your pair: you will not lose BB calculation and will not have to do any manual thing on the bot. It will keep going on from where it left.
Please report any bug immediately!!
Patch Fixes #601 - 1000trades Windows only
- Fix MAX_BALANCE for 1000trades
- Add the right STEP-GAIN config template for linux users
- Include PAtch #425 in the official download
- Code cleanup
Please report any bug immediately
Patch Fixes #425
Fix fiat trading on Kraken
just unzip and replace Kraken.js in your bot folder. No need to restart
Please report any bug immediately!