Releases: GuntharDeNiro/BTCT
Gunbot v27
(Added a patch to the build on 17th of October at 18:18 PM UTC+2)
(Added patch v27.0.4 on 23 of October at 18:43 PM UTC+2)
(Added patch v27.1.4 on 9 of October at 22:23 PM UTC+2)
(Added patch v27.1.5 on 10 of October at 11:20 PM UTC+2)
(Added patch v27.1.6 on 14 of November at 19:42 PM UTC+2)
(Added patch v27.1.6 on 15 of November at 16:47 PM UTC+2)
(Added patch v27.2.5 on 1 of December at 02:00 PM UTC+2)
(Added patch v27.3.2 on 7 of December at 15:51 PM UTC+2)
New download location for future releases
From now on we'll publish new Gunbot releases on our own site:
Gunbot v26.0.4
This build is a patch for minor bugs and improvements coming from v26.
As usual you can find all news and fixes at our docs >
Gunbot v26
Latest changes at
We continue our commitment to DeFi economy: DyDx fully functional.
To add in the next beta round: pancake
Gunbot v25.0.8 - HNY!
Gunbot v25.0.4 (DeFi) - Stable patch
This patch corrects an issue that would not allow tokens holders with MM true to run DeFi. Thanks @CrazyMop
Gunbot v25.0.3 (DeFi) - Stable patch
This patch corrects a case that would not allow MM holders to run DeFi. Thanks @CrazyMop
Gunbot v25.0.2 (DeFi) - Stable patch-ab90FfC3
This patch includes dYdX to the selectable exchanges in the Edit License page (thanks @CrazyMop), fixes mobile view charts (thanks @Exquitas) and It also includes missing libraries from 25.0.1 (thanks @sdh1981).
Gunbot v25.0.1 (DeFi)
Includes the following Dave's changes for Quanta G-type strategy:
take into consideration GB unit cost as an additional indicator in trade mode flip to "rebalance"
ability to store GB unit cost time series in state for external analysis - override STORE_UNIT: true
ability to store trade profit time series in state for external analysis - override STORE_TP: true
ability to store inventory uPNL time series in state for external analysis - override STORE_INV: true
above data stores snapshot only on Trade Profit change
refactor order cancellation and creation functions
order creation now cyclical around mid-spread (buy, sell - moving out to order depth) - thanks @cryptokoala4
code refactor to make it work with GB simulator
new feature AUTO SETUP. You add upper and lower bounds, leave base in your account and this feature exchanges base to the right amount of quote - no more manual intervention !! PLEASE READ DOCUMENTATION !!
trading timeframe can be set to whatever you want (was 240, go for what you like now) - this strategy is not time bound so timeframe is really for GUI only
misc fixes and code clean up as we move closer to stable
Gunbot v24.6.7
Gunbot v24.3.2 stable release for Ultimate users
This release is the first commit for newly revived Gunbot Ultimate version.
You can access Gunbot Ultimate by tokens allowance or from one of our resellers at
Instructions at