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Releases: GuntharDeNiro/BTCT

Patch Fixes #4012 - Gunbot v4.0.1 - Kraken/Poloniex/Bittrex/Cryptopia - All OS - Core version_patched

12 Aug 21:01
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  • Fixed stepgain family


This is full version already patched: use it as a new install or just replace executables if you are already on v4.0.1

Please report any bug immediately!

Patch Fixes #4013 - Gunbot v4.0.1 - Kraken/Poloniex/Bittrex/Cryptopia - All OS - Core version_patched

12 Aug 23:26
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  • Fix Bittrex (and possibly other exchanges) hangs

This is a full install. If you are already on v.4.x you can just replace executables.

Please report any bug immediately.

Release Candidate v.4.0.1_core - All oS - Poloniex/Bittrex/Kraken/Cryptopia - Code name "2nite"

11 Aug 00:25
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  • Fix all reported bugs of v3.3.5
  • Bump Kraken to 4.0.1
  • Implement Cryptopia exchange
  • Implement all v3.x strategies: BB,Gain,StepGain (v2.0.4 style), PingPong
  • Implement Stop-loss
  • Allowing users to disable BUY orders
  • Implementing MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY and MIN_VOLUME_TO_SELL to handle dust (if ever happens)
  • If we have altcoin balance lower than minimum allowed amount: we buy
  • Implementing a new trend watcher using TA lib
  • Implementing new averaged buy price based on @BeerK0in formula. Thanks Beer K0in!

Config.js explanations and instructions:

  • Pairs format per exchange:

    • poloniex: BTC_ETH, ETH_XMR, XMR_ETC, USDT_BTC
    • Kraken: EOSXBT, DASHXBT, GNOXBT, BCHXBT all others are XLTCXXBT. Fiat are ZEURXXBT.
    • Bittrex: BTC-ETH, ETH-LTC
    • Cryptopia: SIGT_BTC, ETH_BTC, CHC_BTC
  • Possible strategies (format is buysell for mixed strategies and strategyname for pure strategies):

    • bb (for Bollinger Band in both buy and sell)
    • gain (for GAIN strategy in both buy and sell)
    • stepgain (for SG strategy in both buy and sell)
    • pp (for PingPong strategy in both buy and sell)
    • bbgain (buy with BB and sell with gain)
    • gainbb (buy with gain and sell with BB)
    • bbstepgain (buy with bb and sell with stepgain)
    • stepgainbb (buy with stepgain and sell with bb)
    • bbpp (buy with BB and sell with PingPong)
    • ppbb (buy with PingPong and sell with BB)
    • gainstepgain (buy with gain and sell with stepgain)
    • stepgaingain (buy with stepgain and sell with gain)
    • gainpp (buy with gain and sell with PingPong)
    • ppgain (buy with PingPong and sell with gain)
    • stepgainpp (buy with stepgain and sell with PingPong)
    • ppstepgain (buy with PingPong and sell with stepgain)
  • New Trend watcher (former supergun trend):

    • it is active only in StepGain
    • it is in a very short timeframe: looks at very latest 5 to 8 x 15 minutes candles
    • It uses -DM and +DM from TA
    • It is very useful to spot pumps (limited to the StepGain levels)
    • It will be configurable after a short period of test from GBU clerks
  • Some example of configuration settings and their meaning:
    "bb": {
    "BTC_TRADING_LIMIT": 0.01,
    "PERIOD": 15,
    "BUY_LEVEL": 0.1,
    "GAIN": 0.1,
    "HIGH_BB": 40,
    "LOW_BB": 40,
    "PANIC_SELL": false, //set this to true to sell all your altcoin at market price (set BUY_ENABLED: false)
    "DOUBLE_UP": true, //set this to false if you dont want to use the average down feature
    "STOP_LIMIT": 60, //In this case it will sell all your altcoins if the price reaches -60% from bought price
    "BUY_ENABLED": true, //set this to false to disable buy orders
    "MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY": 0.001, //if you have dust, set this higher than your dust
    "MIN_VOLUME_TO_SELL": 0.001 //if you have dust, set this higher than your dust

Provided config.js file must stay untouched: do not delete variables (even if you think they are not useful), do not change names of variable. Just add yoru pairs and change your values. Everything in "Strategies" section can go in "Override" of the single pair.
To verify the validity of your config.js use this tool

SUGGESTED STRATEGY AND SETTINGS: once again the best performances (unless you are in GBU) come with pure BB at 40/40 or even better at 45/45 with or without DOUBLE_UP.

Thanks to @raffaeledonadono for his precious code contribution. Thanks to all users that patiently tested and reported bugs of previous versions.

Please report any bug immediately!!!

Release Candidate v3.3.5 AllOs_x64 - Code name: "Emotionless Fork"

31 Jul 16:12
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  • Fixed bugs reported in v3.3.4
  • Processing only pairs with trading signals
  • CPU/RAM improved performances
  • Implemented "bought price" for deposited coins: if you deposit a coin from another exchange, move "BOUGHT_PRICE" setting in "override" and GUNBOT will know the price you originally bought it

Dont stop it on 1st August. The bot is ready to take any direction of the market and help us to take advantage of altcoins reaction to the BTC fork. We waited patiently till now with all our bags: shutting down right now is something i don't suggest, we are not quitters!

Tested configurations to face up the fork:
LowBB/HighBB 40/40
GAIN: 0.6
Let it run 24/7 and watch charts and wallets at exchanges: you'll never know what would happen!

Wish you all Happy Fork!

Please report any bug immediately!

Patched v3.3.4 - Poloniex/Bittrex - AllOs

27 Jul 22:16
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  • Fixed reported bugs for Bittrex exchange
  • bump version to v3.3.4
  • include transaction fees in volume to trade for buy and sell
  • changing timeouts in microseconds in config.js
  • fix an issue with override that would override for all pairs and all exchanges

Please report any bug immediately

Release Candidate v.3.3.4_core - AllOs

26 Jul 22:30
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  • Added pairs to hotreconfig: now you can add/remove pairs by adding/deleting them from config.js without restarting GUNBOT
  • Added options to disable "average down" > DOUBLE_UP: false/true; IF you set this to false, GUNBOT would trade without averaging down.
  • Added BTC_TRADING_LIMIT in override: you can now specify a btc trading limit per pair in "override" section
  • Add check to protect from multiple buy
  • Add armv7 build: enjoy your raspberry pi3!!!
  • Fix bittrex sell

Please report any bug immediately!!!

Release Candidate v3.3.3 - Poloniex/Bittrex - All OS - Code name: "Autopilot"

25 Jul 16:42
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This is a major release introducing new concepts both in core and strategies. Starting by this release, Gunbot devs family is now bigger: @raffaeledonadono is now caring about the "core-engine" while i am focused on the "strategies" part of the code. This new devs structure will allow us to stay focused on the different parts of the code while double checking each other code with doubled security and coding accuracy.
Please: continue to forward all support requests to me, tho, thank you.

  • The final release will aim to:

    • Make Gunbot able to run as many pairs and as many exchanges as you want in one single process using a very low amount of RAM and CPU
    • Solve all past reported bugs
    • Give new Technical Analysis instruments for an advanced trading experience
    • Give a real cross-platform package including GUI for *nix/OSX/arm
    • Give Gunbot real-data from exchanges with no limit to "bot timing"
    • Give 3rd parties devs a Websocket API to build plugins
    • Give Gunbot capability to work as a live data-hub for 3rd parties software
    • Give end-users capability to build their own strategies based on TA indicators
  • This Release Candidate aims to:

    • Give existing customers a tool to liquidate their altcoin holdings with profit and give new liquidity to their Gunbot to continue trading at new price levels (healing from recent cripto-crashes)
    • Give a preview and receive feedbacks for a community-driven final release
  • This Release Candidate is able to:

    • Run all your pairs in one single console for Poloniex and Bittrex exchanges
    • Average down your "bought price" from existing "bags" and sell them at profit in 24/48 hours
    • Continue to trade all your pairs without creating "bags" or liquidating them at lower levels (with profit) if the value of the altcoin dropped below the bought price.
    • Fetching real data from Poloniex and Bittrex exchanges: you can now see the same values than exchanges for indicators (BB, EMA, etc). If Gunbot restarts, the indicators data will NOT be lost.
    • Trade all your pairs with a real and effective BB and GAIN strategy (SG and other strategies to be completed in a patch)
    • Deprecate bot timing: we are now "live" on the exchange and we run following microseconds tickers updates from exchanges
    • Fix all bugs reported in v3.3.2: double buys, wrong indicators, wrong priceToBuy/priceToSell calculations
      included all 422 errors, stuck instances etc
    • Added TA indicators capability
    • Added "watch mode only" and "panic sell" mode: first mode would run gunbot without trading, second one would sell all altcoin at actual market price (WARNING: it might be at loss).
  • How to run v3.3.3 from existing v3.x

    • Disclaimer: v3.3.3 is backward compatible with any existing trades/balances. - v3.3.3 config files are NOT backward compatible
    • Step-by-Step instructions:
  1. The concept: one of the main issues of Gunbot old versions, was to be unable to follow the price flow during up and down levels swings. If BB and EMA moved to new low levels and you bought during the previous price level timeframe, you would end with the unfamous "bags" in your portfolio. Despite we all "luv" bags because they represent cheap coins we were able to buy, if market conditions keep being bearish, "bags" would engulf our portfolio with unsold coins, hence missed trades because of low primary coin liquidity. The v3.3.3 "Autopilot" version, solves this issue with a simple wise move: averaging down your bought price and selling all "bags" at a profit in a short-term time frame, giving so new liquidity to your Gunbot and making it able to continue its profitable strategy on the new market level.
  2. How it works: the leading indicators are still BB. Now we use live data from exchange so we can trick BB at a reliable value, same than exchanges. I tested this strategy with SMA: it triggers the average-buy order TOO EARLY, do not use SMA for this strategy!!
    See the following scenario:
    • Your last buy order for coin X was at 0.001;
    • HighBB was at 0.0014;
    • Bear come in the scene and price drops to 0.00083 and now HighBB is at 0.00094;
    • Because HighBB value (0.00094) dropped below your last bought price (0.001), Gunbot buys again SAME AMOUNT OF COIN X
    • We have now a new "bought price" at (0.001+0.00083)/2=0.00091 with an HighBB at 0.00094: WE CAN SELL AT PROFIT VERY SOON!!!
  3. What you need to do to autostart this on your existing bags?
    The Release Candidate is already configured to start this automatically on your existing bags. The only thing you need to configure are pairs you want to run on this. Let's see some config file format:
    • We are still without GUI so you will need to understand how the config file is structured: it is a json file
    • Sections in the config.js file need their synthax:
      Exchanges/Pair section

"pairs": {
"poloniex": {
"BTC_XMR": {
"strategy": "bb",
"override": {}
"BTC_ETH": {
"strategy": "bb",
"override": {}
"BTC_ETC": {
"strategy": "bb",
"override": {}

  "bittrex": {
  	"BTC-LTC": {
  		"strategy": "bb",
  		"override": {}
                 "BTC-PIVX": {
  		"strategy": "bb",
  		"override": {}


As you can see it is a simple json file but we need to respect commas, quotes and parenthesis format inside it. The tree is like this:


If you have any doubt you can contact me for assistance about the right synthax to use or you can open config.js file with Notepad++ using its embedded code highlight feature.

Strategies section
The strategy section is preconfigured to start averaging down when it is needed and sell pretty much immediately with 0.6% of profit: if follows BB in buy (unless TRAILING STOP enters the scene) and then sells at 0.6% with GAIN (notice the highBB setting is at 60 to not override GAIN). Start like this to get rid of your bags and let it run for 1 or 2 days. You will see your bot coming back to life on your poloniex/bittrex trading history (and balance). When you are satisfied of your bags recovering, switch highBB setting at 40 or below at desired levels: you will meet a new GUNBOT: emotionless, continuosly profitable, despite the coins swings.
Example of strategy to get rid of bags

"strategies": {
"bb": {
"PERIOD": 15,
"BUY_LEVEL": 0.1,
"GAIN": 0.6,
"HIGH_BB": 60,
"LOW_BB": 40,
"PANIC_SELL": false

Change to this configuration once you got rid of your bags

"strategies": {
"bb": {
"PERIOD": 15,
"BUY_LEVEL": 0.1,
"GAIN": 0.6,
"HIGH_BB": 40,
"LOW_BB": 40,
"PANIC_SELL": false

Disclaimer: you need capital to average down. Rather you are able to deposit more bitcoin at your exchange account or you need some immediate liquidity from existing bags. How much capital or how much liquidity you need to start using this strategy? Same amount in BTC (or primary coin) of one of your bags: say you have a list of 10 bags > deposit BTC (or primary coin) amount equal to ONE OF YOUR BAGS HOLDING VALUE IN BTC (i.e. if one of your bags is ETH and its value in BTC is 0.02BTC: deposit 0.02BTC), or sell one of your bags (any of your choice) at market price so to give your account an immediate liquidity, if you are unable to deposit more BTC (or primary coin). You dont need to deposit a lot of BTC (or primary coin) to average down your bags: it is enough to cover just one bag only and your GUNBOT will start a chain of bags-recovering, getting liquidity as it sells your bags. Keep this in mind by now on when you use GUNBOT: dont use all your capital, GUNBOT will need a reserve in case averaging down is needed because market conditions.

  1. How to start GUNBOT
  • Windows: compile the config.js file and double click on gunthy.exe
  • Linux/MacOs: compile config.js file and run ./gunthy

I'm pretty sure a lot of questions will come out and i'm looking forward to all of you bugging me 24/7 on forums and Telegram...but this is why we love GUNBOT!

Please report any bag immediately!!! ;)

Gunbot 3.3.2 - Poloniex/Bittrex Patch

04 Jun 21:13
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  • Bump Bittrex to v3.3.x
  • fix multiple buy on bittrex
  • fix "waiting to sell" at zero balance if obsolete sell orders were deleted


  • Just replace executables.

Config changes:

  • Bittrex has now 3 levels on STEPGAIN
  • Beware: api/secret input has changed in v3.3, they are now in the "market settings" section. Beware what you write there!


  • Bittrex is not checking nonce for can try to speed up your bot even with a lot of pairs ;)

Please report any bug immediately

GUNBOT v3.3.1 - Poloniex patch

03 Jun 23:46
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Please use this on poloniex only.


  • fix nodemailer: you can get an email alert with no funds on wallet (settings in pair's config file or ALLPAIRS params.js)
  • if we don't have assets, we don't need the security margin set to the last bought price: make it fluctuate with the market price
  • fix multiple buy
  • tuning price to sell with BB strategy
  • mitigating errors 422 and 429.
  • sending lib.mark for EMA1 and EMA2 on console.logs
  • bump color and debug consoles to the latest v3.3
  • introducing "Night Vision" GUI
  • cleanup debug console every 30 minutes so we don't get stuck with huge logs buffer
  • add some anchor to GUI panels
  • attempt to use askmike's solution to add some padding to nonce

Gunbot 3.3 - SMART edition: Windows/Linux/MacOs/armv6/armv7 - Release name "Satoshi Nakamoto"

30 May 20:12
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A tribute to the person that changed our lifes. Namasté GM Satoshi Nakamoto.


  • Fix ALLPAIRS priority and HotReconfig functions: ALLPAIR overrides CONFIG correctly now and have priority 0

  • Introducing early stages of machine learning on "price to sell" and BB calculation: the best price to sell is now automatically picked up by the bot, based on the strategy you using, compared to GAIN (which acts like a safety level to not sell at loss). One of the pros of this: if you restart the bot, you dont need to wait for your BB to be recalculated, they are now dynamically used as long as they update over time.

  • Introducing dynamic levels for stepgain: now the bot takes in consideration 3 levels to buy and sell instead of 2 and using the "SMART" function (enabled by default) it can now use all 3 levels as a fallback chain if the price fails to reach desired level. Basically: in the previous stepgain strategies we only used 2 levels effectively: now all levels are taken in consideration. Pros of this change: you dont have to set buylvl or selllvl anymore: the bot updates the level dynamically as long as the price swings up and down

  • Introducing early stages of machine learning for price to buy: the best price to buy is automatically picked by the bot comparing BB and BUY_LEVEL, Pros: if you restart the bot, you dont need to wait hours before BB recalculation is done and used.

  • Actually deleting all open orders (buy and sell) if security margin is reached;

  • Fix "waiting to sell 0": it comes from the hack that handles "multiple buys";

  • Fix "Missing boughtPrice!!!" error, which is more than a fix: implementing manual trades: you can now buy manually and the bot would know the last price you bought. Same with manual sell orders: the bot switches to buy loop if you sell manually what it bought.

  • Deleting both BUY and SELL orders if they get unfilled and the price/volume moves away from previous trading opportunity: the bot will find new home at actual market conditions.

  • Embedding both color and debig console in windows, so unexperienced users can understand better what is going on

  • Initial commit of "Start all pairs": when you first start the GUI it will ask if you want to start all pairs. NB: DO NOT DO IT AT VERY FIRST START OF THIS EDITION. Instructions will follow on forums.

  • Some refactor of GUI layout to avoid exceeding borders if too many pairs are open


  • How to start from a fresh install:

    • Double click on GUNBOT.EXE
    • Change coin names and exchange (Kraken failed the test protocol, please use only polo and bittrex: in the next 24 hours i will push kraken in this release and update this note)
    • Push SAVE SETTINGS button
    • Push START button
    • WAIT for both debug and color consoles to show up and the Alert box to automatically close
    • Repeat for every new coin you want to trade
  • How to migrate from v3.2:

    • Make a new folder and copy/paste all your save.json file from old bot to new one
    • Start GUNBOT.EXE
    • Change coin names and exchange, following the save.json files you copy/pasted. Example: if you have poloniex-BTC_ETH-save.json, change coin names and market in the GUI to BTC/ETH/Poloniex
    • Push SAVE SETTINGS button
    • Push START button
    • WAIT for both debug and colo consoles to show up and the Alert box to automatically close
    • Repeat for each save.json file
  • How to start again after the first install start:

    • Push LOAD SETTINGS button: in the new window, select the pair worker you want to use
    • Push START button
    • WAIT for both debug and colo consoles to show up and the Alert box to automatically close
    • Repeat for each worker file you previously saved with V3.3 ONLY !!!! (workers from previous versions are not compatible)
  • How to use the START ALL PAIR function:

    • Please i'm still tuning the delay time and waiting for kraken tests to complete, so use this with a max of 4-5 coins. If you use this with 50 pairs, you get only errors 429. When i will push kraken in the next 24 hours you will be able to start all pairs. I will update this note.
    • Start GUNBOT.EXE
    • Your bot will ask if you want to start all previously saved pairs: answer yes
    • WAIT for all consoles (both debug and color) to start and for all Alert messageboxes to close automatically. If after a few minutes you see some Alert messageboxes not closing, you can push the RETRY button: the connection timedout and the retry function will kick your pair to start: all fine!

TODO (in the next 2 days):

  • Push kraken in the release
  • Tuning delay times
  • Include legacy strategies and Best Currencies in the release: for now you can use v3.2 if you want those old strategies.

Please report any bug immediately!!!