- 🎉 First official release of PyGMT 🎉
- Python 3.8 is now supported (#398)
- PyGMT now uses the stable version of GMT 6.0.0 by default (#363)
- Use sphinx-gallery to manage examples and tutorials (#268)
New features:
- Wrap blockmedian (#349)
- Add pygmt.config() to change gmt defaults locally and globally (#293)
- Wrap grdview (#330)
- Wrap grdtrack (#308)
- Wrap colorbar (#332)
- Wrap text (#321)
- Wrap legend (#333)
- Wrap makecpt (#329)
- Add a new method to shift plot origins (#289)
- Allow text accepting "frame" as an argument (#385)
- Allow for grids with negative lat/lon increments (#369)
- Allow passing in list to 'region' argument in surface (#378)
- Allow passing in scalar number to x and y in plot (#376)
- Implement default position/box for legend (#359)
- Add sequence_space converter in kwargs_to_string (#325)
- Update PyPI install instructions and API disclaimer message (#421)
- Fix the link to GMT documentation (#419)
- Use napoleon instead of numpydoc with sphinx (#383)
- Document using a list for repeated arguments (#361)
- Add legend gallery entry (#358)
- Update instructions to set GMT_LIBRARY_PATH (#324)
- Fix the link to the GMT homepage (#331)
- Split projections gallery by projection types (#318)
- Fix the link to GMT/Matlab API in the README (#297)
- Use shinx extlinks for linking GMT docs (#294)
- Comment about country code in projection examples (#290)
- Add an overview page listing presentations (#286)
Bug Fixes:
- Let surface return xr.DataArray instead of xr.Dataset (#408)
- Update GMT constant GMT_STR16 to GMT_VF_LEN for GMT API change in 6.1.0 (#397)
- Properly trigger pytest matplotlib image comparison (#352)
- Use uuid.uuid4 to generate unique names (#274)
- Quickfix Zeit Now miniconda installer link to anaconda.com (#413)
- Fix Github Pages deployment from Travis (#410)
- Update and clean TravisCI configuration (#404)
- Quickfix min elevation for new SRTM15+V2.1 earth relief grids (#401)
- Wrap docstrings to 79 chars and check with flake8 (#384)
- Update continuous integration scripts to 1.2.0 (#355)
- Use Zeit Now to deploy doc builds from PRs (#344)
- Move gmt from requirements.txt to CI scripts instead (#343)
- Change py.test to pytest (#338)
- Add Google Analytics to measure site visitors (#314)
- Register mpl_image_compare marker to remove PytestUnknownMarkWarning (#323)
- Disable Windows CI builds before PR #313 is merged (#320)
- Enable Mac and Windows CI on Azure Pipelines (#312)
- Fixes for using GMT 6.0.0rc1 (#311)
- Assign authorship to "The PyGMT Developers" (#284)
- Remove mention of gitter.im (#405)
- Remove portrait (-P) from common options (#339)
- Remove require.js since WorldWind was dropped (#278)
- Remove Web WorldWind support (#275)
This release contains contributions from: