Releases: GaloyMoney/galoy-infra
Releases · GaloyMoney/galoy-infra
v0.3.2 Release
Bug Fixes
- Switch to installing gke auth plugin from apt (#76)
- Enquote latest version before comparison with current version (#74)
- Enquote param to hcledit (#73)
- Make k8s bump commit message conventional (#72)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Remove gke auth installation for now (#77)
- Bump kubernetes to '1.21.14-gke.2100'
v0.3.1 Release
Bump k8s to '"1.21.14-gke.700"'
v0.3.0 Release
Bug Fixes
- Iam members were not added (#70)
- [breaking] Nat to depend on inception roles (#69)
- Bastion_image variable missing -lts
- Gke gcloud auth plugin installation (#67)
- Add gke-gcloud-auth-plugin to stay compatible with gke
- [breaking] Bastion internet access needs nat (#63)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add vault to bastion startup script (#71)
- Update bastion image (#68)
- Add permissions for router on inception roles (#66)
- Bastion to depend on router nat explicitly (#65)
Before Rolling Out
Since it has a breaking change, you'd need to perform:
# Inside Inception
terraform import module.inception.google_compute_router.router <id>
terraform import module.inception.google_compute_router_nat.main <id>
# Inside Platform
terraform state rm module.platform.google_compute_router.router
terraform state rm module.platform.google_compute_router_nat.main
v0.2.1 Release
v0.2.0 Release
v0.1.21 Release
Bump k8s to '"1.21.12-gke.2200"'
v0.1.20 Release
feat: add cloudsql instance update perms in platform roles (#49)
v0.1.19 Release
v0.1.18 Release
fix: objects-list role name
v0.1.17 Release
Bug Fixes
- Objects-list role name
- Pass in tf_state_bucket_policy doesn't result in error