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Heapster disable debug output (#1449)
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* fixed the IRT description generation to match the recent change that made the translation of bitvector permissions to just be bitvectors

* added the notion of Heapster debug levels, and threaded them through all of the Heapster code so that no debug output is printed unless the Heapster debug level is set to at least 1
  • Loading branch information
Eddy Westbrook authored Sep 3, 2021
1 parent d6fe840 commit 3c33933
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Showing 9 changed files with 146 additions and 92 deletions.
44 changes: 20 additions & 24 deletions heapster-saw/src/Verifier/SAW/Heapster/Implication.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ import Verifier.SAW.Heapster.Permissions
import Verifier.SAW.Heapster.GenMonad

import GHC.Stack
import Debug.Trace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2657,15 +2656,15 @@ data ImplState vars ps =
-- ^ Types of all the variables in scope
_implStateFailPrefix :: String,
-- ^ A prefix string to prepend to any failure messages
_implStateDoTrace :: Bool
_implStateDebugLevel :: DebugLevel
-- ^ Whether tracing is turned on or not
makeLenses ''ImplState

mkImplState :: CruCtx vars -> PermSet ps -> PermEnv ->
PPInfo -> String -> Bool -> NameMap TypeRepr ->
PPInfo -> String -> DebugLevel -> NameMap TypeRepr ->
ImplState vars ps
mkImplState vars perms env info fail_prefix do_trace nameTypes =
mkImplState vars perms env info fail_prefix dlevel nameTypes =
ImplState {
_implStateVars = vars,
_implStatePerms = perms,
Expand All @@ -2676,7 +2675,7 @@ mkImplState vars perms env info fail_prefix do_trace nameTypes =
_implStatePPInfo = info,
_implStateNameTypes = nameTypes,
_implStateFailPrefix = fail_prefix,
_implStateDoTrace = do_trace
_implStateDebugLevel = dlevel

extImplState :: KnownRepr TypeRepr tp => ImplState vars ps ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2707,28 +2706,28 @@ runImplM ::
PermEnv {- ^ permission environment -} ->
PPInfo {- ^ pretty-printer settings -} ->
String {- ^ fail prefix -} ->
Bool {- ^ do trace -} ->
DebugLevel {- ^ debug level -} ->
NameMap TypeRepr {- ^ name types -} ->
ImplM vars s r ps_out ps_in a ->
((a, ImplState vars ps_out) -> State (Closed s) (r ps_out)) ->
State (Closed s) (PermImpl r ps_in)
runImplM vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix do_trace nameTypes m k =
runImplM vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix dlevel nameTypes m k =
(mkImplState vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix do_trace nameTypes)
(mkImplState vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix dlevel nameTypes)
(\s a -> PermImpl_Done <$> k (a, s))

-- | Run an 'ImplM' computation that returns a 'PermImpl', by inserting that
-- 'PermImpl' inside of the larger 'PermImpl' that is built up by the 'ImplM'
-- computation.
runImplImplM :: CruCtx vars -> PermSet ps_in -> PermEnv -> PPInfo ->
String -> Bool -> NameMap TypeRepr ->
String -> DebugLevel -> NameMap TypeRepr ->
ImplM vars s r ps_out ps_in (PermImpl r ps_out) ->
State (Closed s) (PermImpl r ps_in)
runImplImplM vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix do_trace nameTypes m =
runImplImplM vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix dlevel nameTypes m =
(mkImplState vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix do_trace nameTypes)
(mkImplState vars perms env ppInfo fail_prefix dlevel nameTypes)
(\_ -> pure)

-- | Embed a sub-computation in a name-binding inside another 'ImplM'
Expand All @@ -2742,7 +2741,7 @@ embedImplM ps_in m =
lift $
runImplM CruCtxNil (distPermSet ps_in)
(view implStatePermEnv s) (view implStatePPInfo s)
(view implStateFailPrefix s) (view implStateDoTrace s)
(view implStateFailPrefix s) (view implStateDebugLevel s)
(view implStateNameTypes s) m (pure . fst)

-- | Embed a sub-computation in a name-binding inside another 'ImplM'
Expand All @@ -2758,7 +2757,7 @@ embedMbImplM mb_ps_in mb_m =
CruCtxNil ps_in
(view implStatePermEnv s) (view implStatePPInfo s)
(view implStateFailPrefix s) (view implStateDoTrace s)
(view implStateFailPrefix s) (view implStateDebugLevel s)
(view implStateNameTypes s) m (pure . fst))
mb_ps_in mb_m

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3013,26 +3012,23 @@ implApplyImpl1 impl1 mb_ms =
implSetNameTypes ns ctx >>>
f ns)

-- | Emit debugging output using the current 'PPInfo' if the 'implStateDoTrace'
-- flag is set
-- | Emit debugging output using the current 'PPInfo' if the 'implStateDebugLevel'
-- is at least 1
implTraceM :: (PPInfo -> PP.Doc ann) -> ImplM vars s r ps ps String
implTraceM f =
do do_trace <- use implStateDoTrace
do dlevel <- use implStateDebugLevel
doc <- uses implStatePPInfo f
let str = renderDoc doc
fn do_trace str (pure str)
fn True = trace
fn False = const id
debugTrace dlevel str (return str)

-- | Run an 'ImplM' computation with 'implStateDoTrace' temporarily disabled
-- | Run an 'ImplM' computation with the debug level set to 'noDebugLevel'
implWithoutTracingM :: ImplM vars s r ps_out ps_in a ->
ImplM vars s r ps_out ps_in a
implWithoutTracingM m =
use implStateDoTrace >>>= \saved ->
(implStateDoTrace .= False) >>>
use implStateDebugLevel >>>= \saved ->
(implStateDebugLevel .= noDebugLevel) >>>
m >>>= \a ->
(implStateDoTrace .= saved) >>
(implStateDebugLevel .= saved) >>
pure a

-- | Terminate the current proof branch with a failure
Expand Down
24 changes: 23 additions & 1 deletion heapster-saw/src/Verifier/SAW/Heapster/Permissions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,28 @@ foldMapWithDefault comb def f l = foldr1WithDefault comb def $ map f l
-- * Pretty-printing

-- | A special-purpose type used to indicate debugging level
data DebugLevel = DebugLevel Int deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- | The debug level for no debugging
noDebugLevel :: DebugLevel
noDebugLevel = DebugLevel 0

-- | The debug level to enable tracing
traceDebugLevel :: DebugLevel
traceDebugLevel = DebugLevel 1

-- | Output a debug statement to @stderr@ using 'trace' if the supplied
-- 'DebugLevel' is at least 'traceDebugLevel'
debugTrace :: DebugLevel -> String -> a -> a
debugTrace dlevel | dlevel >= traceDebugLevel = trace
debugTrace _ = const id

-- | Like 'debugTrace' but take in a 'Doc' instead of a 'String'
debugTracePretty :: DebugLevel -> Doc ann -> a -> a
debugTracePretty dlevel d a = debugTrace dlevel (renderDoc d) a

-- | The constant string functor
newtype StringF a = StringF { unStringF :: String }

-- | Convert a type to a base name for printing variables of that type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1007,7 +1029,7 @@ bvLt _ _ = False
bvSLt :: (1 <= w, KnownNat w) =>
PermExpr (BVType w) -> PermExpr (BVType w) -> Bool
bvSLt (bvMatchConst -> Just i1) (bvMatchConst -> Just i2) =
trace ("bvSLt " ++ show i1 ++ " " ++ show i2) (BV.slt knownNat i1 i2)
BV.slt knownNat i1 i2
bvSLt _ _ = False

-- | Test whether a bitvector expression @e@ is in a 'BVRange' for all
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions heapster-saw/src/Verifier/SAW/Heapster/RustTypes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1099,9 +1099,9 @@ rsConvertFun :: (1 <= w, KnownNat w) => prx w ->
Abi -> Generics Span -> FnDecl Span -> RustConvM Some3FunPerm
rsConvertFun w abi (Generics ldefs _tparams@[]
(WhereClause [] _) _) (FnDecl args maybe_ret_tp False _) =
fmap (\ret ->
tracePretty (pretty "rsConvertFun returning:" <+>
permPretty emptyPPInfo ret) ret) $
-- fmap (\ret ->
-- tracePretty (pretty "rsConvertFun returning:" <+>
-- permPretty emptyPPInfo ret) ret) $
withLifetimes ldefs $
do arg_shapes <- mapM (rsConvert w) args
ret_shape <- maybe (return PExpr_EmptyShape) (rsConvert w) maybe_ret_tp
Expand Down
32 changes: 15 additions & 17 deletions heapster-saw/src/Verifier/SAW/Heapster/SAWTranslation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ import Verifier.SAW.Heapster.Implication
import Verifier.SAW.Heapster.TypedCrucible

import GHC.Stack
import Debug.Trace

scInsertDef :: SharedContext -> ModuleName -> Ident -> Term -> Term -> IO ()
scInsertDef sc mnm ident def_tp def_tm =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3806,16 +3806,18 @@ debugPrettyPermCtx prxs (ptranss :>: ptrans) =
translateApply :: String -> OpenTerm -> Mb ctx (DistPerms ps) ->
ImpTransM ext blocks tops ret ps ctx OpenTerm
translateApply nm f perms =
do expr_ctx <- itiExprCtx <$> ask
do assertPermStackEqM nm perms
expr_ctx <- itiExprCtx <$> ask
arg_membs <- itiPermStackVars <$> ask
let e_args = (flip RL.get expr_ctx) arg_membs
i_args <- itiPermStack <$> ask
return $
trace ("translateApply for " ++ nm ++ " with perm arguments:\n" ++
-- renderDoc (list $ debugPrettyPermCtx (mbToProxy perms) i_args)
-- permPrettyString emptyPPInfo (permTransCtxPerms (mbToProxy perms) i_args)
permPrettyString emptyPPInfo perms
) $
) $ -}
applyOpenTermMulti f (exprCtxToTerms e_args ++ permCtxToTerms i_args)

-- | Translate a call to (the translation of) an entrypoint, by either calling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4194,29 +4196,26 @@ piLRTTransM x tps body_f =
translateEntryLRT :: TypedEntry TransPhase ext blocks tops ret args ghosts ->
TypeTransM ctx OpenTerm
translateEntryLRT entry@(TypedEntry {..}) =
trace "translateEntryLRT starting..." $ inEmptyCtxTransM $
inEmptyCtxTransM $
translateClosed (typedEntryAllArgs entry) >>= \arg_tps ->
piLRTTransM "arg" arg_tps $ \ectx ->
inCtxTransM ectx $
translate typedEntryPermsIn >>= \perms_in_tps ->
piLRTTransM "p" perms_in_tps $ \_ ->
translateEntryRetType entry >>= \retType ->
trace "translateEntryLRT finished" $
return $ ctorOpenTerm "Prelude.LRT_Ret" [retType]

-- | Build a @LetRecTypes@ list that describes the types of all of the
-- entrypoints in a 'TypedBlockMap'
translateBlockMapLRTs :: TypedBlockMap TransPhase ext blocks tops ret ->
TypeTransM ctx OpenTerm
translateBlockMapLRTs =
trace "translateBlockMapLRTs started..." $
(\entry rest_m ->
do entryType <- translateEntryLRT entry
rest <- rest_m
return $ ctorOpenTerm "Prelude.LRT_Cons" [entryType, rest])
(trace "translateBlockMapLRTs finished" $
return $ ctorOpenTerm "Prelude.LRT_Nil" [])
(return $ ctorOpenTerm "Prelude.LRT_Nil" [])

-- | Lambda-abstract over all the entrypoints in a 'TypedBlockMap' that
-- correspond to letrec-bound functions, putting the lambda-bound variables into
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4273,11 +4272,10 @@ translateBlockMapBodies :: PermCheckExtC ext =>
TypedBlockMap TransPhase ext blocks tops ret ->
TypeTransM ctx OpenTerm
translateBlockMapBodies mapTrans =
trace "translateBlockMapBodies starting..." $
(\entry restM ->
pairOpenTerm <$> translateEntryBody mapTrans entry <*> restM)
(trace "translateBlockMapBodies finished" $ return unitOpenTerm)
(return unitOpenTerm)

-- | Translate a typed CFG to a SAW term
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4401,9 +4399,9 @@ someCFGAndPermPtrPerm (SomeCFGAndPerm _ _ _ fun_perm) =
-- each @tpi@ is the @i@th type in @lrts@
tcTranslateCFGTupleFun ::
HasPtrWidth w =>
PermEnv -> EndianForm -> [SomeCFGAndPerm LLVM] ->
PermEnv -> EndianForm -> DebugLevel -> [SomeCFGAndPerm LLVM] ->
(OpenTerm, OpenTerm)
tcTranslateCFGTupleFun env endianness cfgs_and_perms =
tcTranslateCFGTupleFun env endianness dlevel cfgs_and_perms =
let lrts = map (someCFGAndPermLRT env) cfgs_and_perms in
let lrts_tm =
foldr (\lrt lrts' -> ctorOpenTerm "Prelude.LRT_Cons" [lrt,lrts'])
Expand All @@ -4427,8 +4425,8 @@ tcTranslateCFGTupleFun env endianness cfgs_and_perms =
tupleOpenTerm $ flip map (zip cfgs_and_perms funs) $ \(cfg_and_perm, _) ->
case cfg_and_perm of
SomeCFGAndPerm sym _ cfg fun_perm ->
trace ("Type-checking " ++ show sym) $
translateCFG env' $ tcCFG ?ptrWidth env' endianness fun_perm cfg
debugTrace dlevel ("Type-checking " ++ show sym) $
translateCFG env' $ tcCFG ?ptrWidth env' endianness dlevel fun_perm cfg

-- | Make a "coq-safe" identifier from a string that might contain
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4458,11 +4456,11 @@ mkSafeIdent mnm nm =
tcTranslateAddCFGs ::
HasPtrWidth w =>
SharedContext -> ModuleName ->
PermEnv -> EndianForm -> [SomeCFGAndPerm LLVM] ->
PermEnv -> EndianForm -> DebugLevel -> [SomeCFGAndPerm LLVM] ->
IO PermEnv
tcTranslateAddCFGs sc mod_name env endianness cfgs_and_perms =
tcTranslateAddCFGs sc mod_name env endianness dlevel cfgs_and_perms =
do let (lrts, tup_fun) =
tcTranslateCFGTupleFun env endianness cfgs_and_perms
tcTranslateCFGTupleFun env endianness dlevel cfgs_and_perms
let tup_fun_ident =
mkSafeIdent mod_name (someCFGAndPermToName (head cfgs_and_perms)
++ "__tuple_fun")
Expand Down

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