- 8ed412a support: template --output-dir some_dir (#587)
- 25c5e84 Managed by Terraform
- 14a5cd2 make shell test work universally (hopefully) (#585)
- 25ceb57 Bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.23.5 to 0.23.6 (#581)
- 1c7ddd0 Bump k8s.io/api from 0.23.5 to 0.23.6 (#583)
You can verify the signatures of both the checksums.txt file and the published docker images using cosign.
cosign verify-blob checksums.txt --signature=checksums.txt.sig --key https://artifacts.fairwinds.com/cosign.pub
cosign verify us-docker.pkg.dev/fairwinds-ops/oss/reckoner:v6 --key https://artifacts.fairwinds.com/cosign.pub