This repo is a template repository for the files needed for migrating Inventory data from a source system into FOLIO
This template plays a vital part in a process together with other repos allowing you to perform bibliographic data migration from a legacy ILS into FOLIO. For more information on the process, head over to the linked repos below. In order to perform migrations according to this process, you need to clone the following repositories:
The repo contains the following mapping files in the Mapping files folder. There is a web tool that helps you crate the mapping files for certain objects available at
File\Process | Bibs->Instances | Holdings (from MARC/MFHD) | Holdings (from item tsv/csv) | Items | Open Loans | Users |
marc-instance-mapping-rules.json | yes | no | no | no | no | no |
mfhd_rules.json | no | yes | no | no | no | no |
item_mapping.json | no | no | no | yes | no | no |
holdings_mapping.json | no | no | yes | no | no | |
locations.tsv | no | yes | yes | yes | no | no |
material_types.tsv | no | no | no | yes | no | |
loan_types.tsv | no | no | no | yes | no | no |
call_number_type_mapping.tsv | no | no | optional | optional | no | no |
statcodes.tsv | no | no | optional | optional | no | no |
item_statuses.tsv | no | no | no | optional | no | no |
post_loan_migration_statuses.tsv | no | no | no | no | optional | no |
patron_types.tsv | no | no | no | no | no | yes |
user_mapping.json* | no | no | no | no | no | yes |
* Currently, the user_mapping file name needs to reflect the name of the user data file it maps from.
These are the mapping rules from MARC21 bib records to FOLIO instances. The rules are stored in the tenant, but it is good practice to keep them under version control so you can maintain the customizations as the mapping rules evolve.For more information on syntax etc, read the documentation.
This file is built out according to the mapping rules for bibs. The conditions are different, and not well documented at this point. Look at the example file and refer to the mappinrules documentation
Just as the item_mapping.json and the user mapping files, these files are esiest to create using the data-mapping-file-creator tool You base the mapping on the same item export as you use for the items.
This is a mapping file for the items. The process assumes you have the item data in a CSV/TSV format. The structure of the file is dependant on the the column names in the TSV file. For example, if you have a file that looks like this:
... | Z30_BARCODE | Z30_CALL_NO | Z30_DESCRIPTION | ... |
... | 123456790 | Some call number | some note | ... |
Your map should look like this:
"folio_field": "barcode",
"legacy_field": "Z30_BARCODE",
"description": ""
"folio_field": "itemLevelCallNumber",
"legacy_field": "Z30_CALL_NO",
"description": ""
"folio_field": "notes[0].itemNoteTypeId",
"legacy_field": "Z30_DESCRIPTION",
"value": "c7bc292c-a318-43d3-9b03-7a40dfba046a",
"description": ""
"folio_field": "notes[0].staffOnly",
"legacy_field": "Z30_DESCRIPTION",
"value": false,
"description": ""
"folio_field": "notes[0].note",
"legacy_field": "Z30_DESCRIPTION",
"value": false,
"description": ""
The resulting FOLIO Item would look like this:
"barcode": "123456790",
"itemLevelCallNumber": "Some call number"
"staffOnly": false,
"note": "some note",
"itemNoteTypeId": "c7bc292c-a318-43d3-9b03-7a40dfba046a"
All mapping files (locations.tsv, material_types.tsv, locations.tsv etc) have a mechanism that allows you to add * to legacy fields in a row, and add the default value from folio in the folio_code/folio_name column. If the mapping fails, the script will assign this value to the records created. Good practice is to have migration-specific value for defaults to be able to locate the records in FOLIO
These mappings allow for some complexity. These are the mappings of the legacy and FOLIO locations. The file must be structured like this:
folio_code | legacy_code | Z30_COLLECTION |
AFA | * | * |
The legacy_code part is needed for both Holdings migratiom. For Item migration, the source fields can be used (Z30_COLLECTION in this case). You can add as many source fields as you like for the Items
These mappings allow for some complexity. The first column name is fixed, since that is the target material type in FOLIO. Then you add the column names from the Item export TSV. For each column added, the values in them must match. At least one value per column must match. Se loan_types.tsv for complex examples
folio_name | Z30_MATERIAL |
Audiocassette | ACASS |
Audiocassette | * |
These mappings allow for some complexity. The first column name is fixed, since that is the target loan type in FOLIO. Then you add the column names from the Item export TSV. For each column added, the values in them must match. At least one value per column must match
folio_name | Z30_SUB_LIBRARY | Z30_ITEM_STATUS |
Non-circulating | UMDUB | 02 |
Non-circulating | * | * |
These mappings allow for some complexity eventhough not needed.
folio_name | Z30_CALL_NO_TYPE |
Dewey Decimal classification | 8 |
Unmapped | * |
In order to map one statistical code to the FOLIO UUID, you need this map, and the field mapped in the item_mappings.json. These mappings allow for some complexity even though not needed. This mapping does not allow for default values. Any record without the field will not get one assigned.
folio_code | Z30_STAT_CODE |
married_with_children | 8 |
happily_ever_after | 9 |
The handling of Item statuses is a bit of a project of its own, since not all statuses in legacy systems will have their equivalents in FOLIO. This mapping allows you to point one legacy status to a FOLIO status. If not status map is supplied, the status will be set to available.
legacy_code | folio_name |
checked_out | Checked out |
available | Available |
lost | Aged to lost |
This is not yet a mapping file per se, but it is used to substitute the values in the next_item_status column in the legacy open loans file. Leave the statuses you do not want the loans migration process to migrate empty and replace the legacy statuses you want to apply with the correct FOLIO ones.
In the example records folder, you will find example source records and example results from after a transformation
The following table outlines the result records and their use and role
File | Content | Use for |
folio_holdings.json | FOLIO Holdings records in json format. One per row in the file | To be loaded into FOLIO using the batch APIs |
folio_instances.json | FOLIO Instance records in json format. One per row in the file | To be loaded into FOLIO using the batch APIs |
folio_items.json | FOLIO Item records in json format. One per row in the file | To be loaded into FOLIO using the batch APIs |
holdings_id_map.json | A json map from legacy Holdings Id to the ID of the created FOLIO Holdings record | To be used in subsequent transformation steps | | A file containing various breakdowns of the transformation. Also contains errors to be fixed by the library | Create list of cleaning tasks, mapping refinement |
instance_id_map.json | A json map from legacy Bib Id to the ID of the created FOLIO Instance record. Relies on the "ILS Flavour" parameter in the scripts | To be used in subsequent transformation steps | | A file containing various breakdowns of the transformation. Also contains errors to be fixed by the library | Create list of cleaning tasks, mapping refinement |
item_id_map.json | A json map from legacy Item Id to the ID of the created FOLIO Item record | To be used in subsequent transformation steps |
item_transform_errors.tsv | A TSV file with errors and data issues together with the row number or id for the Item | To be used in fixing of data issues | | A file containing various breakdowns of the transformation. Also contains errors to be fixed by the library | Create list of cleaning tasks, mapping refinement |
marc_xml_dump.xml | A MARCXML dump of the bib records, with the proper 001:s and 999 fields added | For pre-loading a Discovery system. |
srs.json | FOLIO SRS records in json format. One per row in the file | To be loaded into FOLIO using the batch APIs |