From Sierra... | To FOLIO... |
Bibliographic records | Instances |
Bibliographic records | SRS records |
Check-in records | Holdings |
Items | Holdings |
Items | Items |
Patrons | Users |
Loans | Loans |
Requests | Requests |
Vendors | Organizations |
Orders | Orders |
Orders | PO Lines |
When exporting data from Create lists, please use comma as delimiter, and semi-colon as repeated-field delimiter.
Library exports a file of .b records in MARC21 format, using Create lists and Data Exchange.
IC and library verify that all relevant mapping_files are up-to-date and correct.
Library exports a file of .c records in MARC21 format, using Create lists and Data Exchange.
IC and library verify that all relevant mapping_files are up-to-date and correct.
IC exports a file of .i records in json format using the Sierra APIs.
After exporting the data, IC will
- Transform the items into FOLIO holdings and items
- Load the holdings and items into FOLIO
IC and library verify that all relevant mapping_files are up-to-date and correct.
Library exports a file of .p records in csv format using Create lists.
Sierra fields to export |
IC and library verify that all relevant mapping_files are up-to-date and correct.
After receiving the data, IC will
- Split names into firstname & last name
- Transform the patrons into FOLIO users
- Load the users into FOLIO
Library exports a file of .i records in csv format using Create lists.
Sierra fields to export |
Library indicates which service point should be used as "Check out service point".
After receiving the data, IC will
- Transform the item data into FOLIO loans
- Load the loans into FOLIO
We expect the number of open requests to be so low that the migration will most easily be done manually by library.
Library exports a file of .v records in csv format using Create lists.
Sierra fields to export |
IC and library verify that all relevant mapping_files are up-to-date and correct.
After receiving the data, IC will
- Transform the vendors into FOLIO organizations
- Load the organizations into FOLIO
Library exports a file of .o records in csv format using Create lists.
Sierra fields to export |
IC and library verify that all relevant mapping_files are up-to-date and correct.
After receiving the data, IC will
- Transform the orders into FOLIO Orders and PO Lines
- Load the Orders and PO Lines into FOLIO
Add a new column for each new export
Data type | Name & date | Name & date |
Bibs | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |
Items | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |
Check-in | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |
Patrons | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |
Loans | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |
Requests | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |
Vendors | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |
Orders | name.csv yyyymmdd | name.csv yyyymmdd |