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Build Status npm npm

Plugin to simplify consent management.


This plugin is based on the following stack:


npm install --save termsinator


const Termsinator = require('termsinator')

/* This is the most simplest configuration, check out the docs for more features */
  server: {
    endpoint: '/terms-and-conditions',
    host: '',
    instance: INSTANCE, // Express instance
    extractUser: function (req) {
      /* Must return a mongoose document with the same 
         type as defined in `database.schema` options */
      return req.user
  database: {
    schema: userSchema,
    setConsentOnCreate: function (doc) {
      return false
  ui: {
    logo: '', //Path
    title: 'Avtalevilkår',
    termsLink: 'Les gjennom avtalevilkårene',
    termsCheckbox: 'Jeg godtar avtalevilkårene',
    submitButton: 'Send og godkjenn',
  documents: JSON, // JSON -> containing all terms and conditions -> see doc


You can configurate Termsinator anytime by calling:

  /* Your config */

The following props are available for configuration:


Sets all necessary endpoints. It should look like this:

  server: {
    endpoint: '/terms-and-conditions', // Your preferred endpoint for TAC management
    host: '', // Host address of your app
    instance: INSTANCE, // Express instance
    extractUser: function (req) {
      /* Must return a mongoose document with the same 
         type as defined in `database.schema` options */
      return req.user


Sets schema methods and hooks.

It should look like this:

  database: {
    schema: userSchema, // Your user schema
    setConsentOnCreate: function (doc) {
      // Determine if consent should be set on creation, return true or false
      return false

IMPORTANT: If setConsentOnCreate === true, and the id on the document is a function, the request parameter is not supported and will be undefined

Termsinator will expose the following methods on all of your user documents:

userDocument.getConsent(req) -> return the current consent status and all historical consents

  current: {
    date: '...', // Date of consent action - null if no consent given
    status: '...', //Enum: ['accepted', 'declined', 'undetermined']
    document: '...', //Path to terms document
    metadata: {
      id: '...', // Document ID
      date: '...', // Document date
      message: '...', // Document message (Changelog)
  history: [CONSENT], // Array of historical consents (same as "current")

userDocument.setConsent() -> return the current consent status and all historical consents

  id: '...', // Document ID to be consented
  status: '...', //Enum: ['accepted', 'declined']


Set ui spesific properties like i18n, logo etc.


ui: {
  logo: '',
  title: 'Avtalevilkår',
  termsLink: 'Les gjennom avtalevilkårene',
  termsCheckbox: 'Jeg godtar avtalevilkårene',
  submitButton: 'Send og godkjenn',

It is also possible to set ui with a function that has the request as first parameter. This allows for more dynamic content.


ui: req => {
  // Do something like language resolving etc
  return {
    logo: '',
    title: 'Avtalevilkår',
    termsLink: 'Les gjennom avtalevilkårene',
    termsCheckbox: 'Jeg godtar avtalevilkårene',
    submitButton: 'Send og godkjenn',


Manage your terms & conditions, add new terms etc.

// Document object
	id: {String},
	document: {String},
	date: {String},
	// optional
	external: {Boolean},
	message: {String}

If external === true, the document property will be treated as a URL, not a path on disk

All values on the document object can be replaced by a function that returns the expected value type. The function will recieve the express request object as parameter


    id: '1.0.0',
    document: '/terms/Terms-1-0-0.pdf', // Relative path (from project root) to file on disk
    date: '2018-11-01T14:29:24.811Z',
    id: function (req) {
      return // This has to be a string
    document: '/path/to/external/api',
    external: true,
    message: 'Changes in usage of user properties',
    date: '2018-11-01T15:29:24.811Z',


The MIT License Copyright (c) Carsten Jacobsen