- Server
- Endpoints
- Database
- Frontend
- Express
- Mongoose
Structure (Draft)
const Termsinator = require('termsinator')
server: {
endpoint: '/terms-condition',
host: 'https://localhost:4040',
instance: INSTANCE, // Express instance
extractUser: function(req) {
// This is the default func
return req.user
database: {
schema: userSchema,
setConsentOnCreate: function(doc) {
return false
ui: {
logo: '...', //Path
title: 'Avtalevilkår',
termsLink: 'Les gjennom avtaleviklårene',
termsCheckbox: 'Jeg godtar avtalevilkårene',
submitButton: 'Send og godkjenn',
documents: JSON,
//GET to root of endpoint
let response = {
current: {
date: '...',
status: '...', //Enum: ['accepted', 'declined', 'undetermined']
document: '...', //Path to terms
metadata: OBJECT, // -> matching json entry from documents
history: [CONSENT],
//POST to root of endpoint
let body = {
id: '1.0.0',
status: '...', //Enum: ['accepted', 'declined']
} // Response -> same as GET
Structure (Draft)
const user = QUERY() //Mongoose query
//userSchema -> Extension via plugin
//... existing definitions
termsinator: [
date: Date,
status: '...',
id: '...',
user.setConsent(CONSENT) // sets -> same input as POST
user.getConsent() // returns same as GET
"id": "1.0.0",
"document": "/terms-condition/1-0-0.pdf", //Absolute path from project root
"message": "Custom message...", //can be html
"date": DATE
options.database.schema.pre('save', function(next) { if(options.database.setConsentOnCreate(this)) this.setConsent({}) next() })