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npalmer edited this page Jan 22, 2015 · 1 revision

The Society for Computational Economics has started taking abstract submissions for the 21st International Conference: Computing in Economics and Finance, 20-22 June, Howard Civil Service International House Taipei, Taiwan.

The abstract submission deadline is February 16, 2015.

The early registration deadline is April 24, 2015.

Visit the CEF2015 website for keynote speaker, pre-conference workshop and other details.

This year, sessions will be organized which are specifically oriented toward presenting and sharing algorithms and code for solving particular classes of models. For example, it may prove useful to have a session devoted to tools and techniques specifically for solving models with heterogeneous agents or occasionally binding constraints. These "more formal" presentations may be augmented with either follow-up poster sessions or hands on bring-your-laptop sessions. Please email organizers directly if you might be interested in presenting at sessions like these.