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Matthew Harris edited this page Oct 9, 2013 · 4 revisions

Downloading CMIP5 data from the PCMDI FTP server

||<tablestyle="font-weight: bold;"#FFFF00>1/9/2013: The PCMDI FTP server is currently not operational, due to firewall issues. Please use ESGF services at to download data (via http). ||

Accessing the Server

ftp to, and enter you ESG username and password. The account must be obtained from pcmdi3 or pcmdi9, and must belong to the 'CMIP5 Research' group. If you do not have an ESG account, or your existing account is from a different server, see the next section. Do not use your openid for login.

Connected to
Name (...): esg_username
331 Please specify the password.
Password: esg_password
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

Obtaining a PCMDI account:

Note: If you have downloaded CMIP5 data from ESG using an account from pcmdi3 or pcmdi9, AND you are a member of the CMIP5 Research group, this step is unnecessary.

  • Create an account from the PCMDI P2P server

  • Login to the P2P server with your account.

  • Select Search.

  • Select the CMIP5 project from Search Categories.

  • Select 'Add to Cart' for any of the results.

  • Select 'Data Cart'

  • Select 'Expand'

  • Select 'HTTP' for any of the files displayed

  • You will be given a menu of groups that are allowed to access the data. Pick 'CMIP5 Research'. You don't have to actually download the file.

At this point you should be able to use your account on the ftp server.

Directory structure

The ftp directory structure follows the [ CMIP5 DRS convention ](http://cmip- , with one exception:

////<time_frequency>//<CMOR_ta ble>///<file_version>/<file_name>

For example:


The exception to the DRS convention is the <file_version> field, which is an integer number starting at 1. The larger the file version number, the more recent the file. For example, if there are directories numbered 1,2, and 3, then the file(s) in directory 3 are the latest versions.The DRS 'dataset version number' does not appear in the ftp directory structure.

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