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Stephen Pascoe edited this page Apr 9, 2014 · 3 revisions
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Administrator Guide to customizing the ESGF User Interface

After installation, the user interface (UI) presented by the ESGF web front end module is configured to display a neutral, generic ESGF P2P Node. Currently, this UI can be customized through the following techniques.

Spring messages

Some level of customization (text and pictures) can be achieved by overriding the default values contained in the file _ webapps/WEB- INF/classes/ _ that is included in the web-front-end distribution. To do so, create a file /esg/config/ and override any message value you wish to change. At startup, the application will first look for each message value in _ /esg/config/ _ , and if not found it will default to the value contained in the file _ webapps/WEB-INF/classes/ _ .

For example, customizable Spring messages are provided for the following items:

  • The institution logo
  • The home page banner
  • A few text items displayed on the home page


Standard CSS techniques can be used to change the look and feel of the UI HTML pages. The web front end loads in order the following CSS stylesheets, where each successive CSS will override any style defined in a previous one:

  • _ /styles/blueprint/screen.css _ : defines the pages grid layout - must not be changed!

  • _ /styles/esgf-base.css _ : defines the default ESGF node look and feel - must not be changed!

    • Note: this CSS must be heavily re-factored and made simpler
    • Suggestion: we should focus on overriding the standard HTML tags such as


      etc and providing some other generic CSS classes such as _ error_text _ or similar - but not too many!

  • /styles/esgf-node.css : this CSS is empty by default, and is provided as a facility for each ESGF Node to define its own look and feel

JSP Overriding

Any of the JSP pages that are included as part of the esg-web-fe war file can off course be overridden in each specific deployment. The current model involves creating a web content directory structure under /esg/webapps/web- front-end that contains all the files that need to be overridden, or added, to a specific ESGF node deployment, and recursively copy this directory onto _ /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/esgf-web-fe _ after the war file has been deployed and expanded. In the future, this operation will be automatically performed by the ESGF installation script as part of a web-fron-end module upgrade.

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