You will need a static (public) IP address, so people will be able to connect to your server.
Find Frozen Flame - Dedicated server
in your Steam library and install it.
Then click on it and open local files folder.
You can use SteamCmd tool to download a server.
Use the next AppID 1348640
Open a folder of Dedicated server and launch FrozenFlameServer.exe
with -log
command line argument.
After that a game console will be shown. You can try to add it to your game private servers list with
IP by default (for local tests).
Use the next example to install the game server on Linux:
1. adduser steam
2. passwd steam
3. dnf install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686 tmux screen -y
4. su - steam
5. curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -
6. force_install_dir ./frozen_flame/
7. login anonymous
8. app_update 1348640 validate
9. quit
Thanks to Chester for community support.
Install/Update - Create a .bat or .sh file with the following contents to install the dedicated server.
"path\to\steamcmd.exe" +force_install_dir "path\to\install\DedicatedServer" +login anonymous +app_update 1348640 validate +quit
"path\to\FrozenFlameServer.exe" -log -LOCALLOGTIMES -MetaGameServerName="YOURSERVERNAME" -Port=7777 -queryPort=25575 -RconPort=27015 -RconPassword=YOURPASSWORD
- Shows a server console
- Use a local timezone
- Sets custom Game port. This is used by client to connect
- Sets custom Query Port. Used by Steam to get server info
- Sets your public IP
- Set server name
- Start the game with no EasyAntiCheat (clients also should be started without it)
- Set Rcon password
- Set Rcon port
In order to access Rcon you can utilize any interface of your choice (e.g. mcrcon : ).
Use the server's IP, Rcon Port and Rcon Password to connect to the server. Upon successful connection you can proceed to use server commands.
NOTE: Make sure to enter the password in the "admin:< Rcon Password >" format.
You can find the existing server commands here:
Create a Game.ini
file at:
For Windows: Your Dedicated Server Folder\FrozenFlame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer
For Linux: Your Dedicated Server Folder\FrozenFlame\Saved\Config\LinuxServer
Here is an example of Game.ini server config file.
Each game mode has some default settings which can be changed only in game mode configs (just add them to the same folder)
Campaign mode - HeavenNormal.ini
Cataclysm mode - GameModeSurvive.ini
Use the Engine.ini to change the game mode or make a server visible in public servers list.
Make sure that your server supports EasyAntiCheat
and players using it as well.
It should be in the end og server log right after start LogEOSAnalytics: Start Session (User: ...)
If for some reason it doesn't work - players can play on your dedicated server only without EasyAntiCheat (a second option on Steam game start).
Steam might be also required.
The default location for save files are:
Frozen Flame - Dedicated Server\FrozenFlame\Saved\SaveGames
Default ports list:
# Query Ports
# RCON Ports
# Server Ports
If you are crashing after the tutorial, install the standard Steam Client on the server you are hosting from. You simply need to install it and let it update. Once complete you can close it.