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Merge pull request #1427 from brettlangdon/fail2ban-check
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Fail2ban check
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talwai committed Jul 28, 2015
2 parents be96890 + 015ddc6 commit 3482245
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Showing 3 changed files with 389 additions and 0 deletions.
216 changes: 216 additions & 0 deletions checks.d/
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@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# stdlib
import subprocess

# project
from checks import AgentCheck

class Fail2Ban(AgentCheck):
""" Fail2Ban agent check
This check is used to run the `fail2ban-client` command to get the status
of active fail2ban jails. The following is an example of the metrics retrieved
for a single jail:
fail2ban.filter.currently_failed = 2 {'type': 'gauge', 'tags': ['jail:ssh']}
fail2ban.action.total_banned = 4955 {'type': 'gauge', 'tags': ['jail:ssh']}
fail2ban.action.currently_banned = 1 {'type': 'gauge', 'tags': ['jail:ssh']}
fail2ban.filter.total_failed = 61645 {'type': 'gauge', 'tags': ['jail:ssh']}

STATS = dict(
filter=["currently_failed", "total_failed"],
action=["currently_banned", "total_banned"],
SERVICE_CHECK_NAME = "fail2ban.can_connect"

def check(self, instance):
""" Run the check
Each instance accepts the following paramaters:
sudo Optional: Boolean - whether or not to prepend "sudo" to the fail2ban-client calls
jail_blacklist Optional: List - any fail2ban jails to omit, e.g. "ssh-ddos"
tags Optional: List - any additional tags to send with each metric for the instance
sudo = instance.get("sudo", False)
jail_blacklist = instance.get("jail_blacklist", [])
instance_tags = instance.get('tags', [])

if self.can_ping_fail2ban(sudo=sudo):
self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK, tags=instance_tags)
stats = self.get_jail_stats(sudo=sudo, jail_blacklist=jail_blacklist)
for jail_name, metric, value in stats:
tags = instance_tags + ["jail:%s" % (jail_name, )]
self.gauge(metric, value, tags=tags)
self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL, tags=instance_tags)

def execute_command(self, args, sudo=False):
""" Helper method used to execute the given command
:param args: Command arguments to execute, e.g. ["fail2ban-client", "status"]
:type args: list
:param sudo: Whether or not to prepend "sudo" to the argument list [default: False]
:type sudo: bool
:rtype: generator
:returns: a generator which will yield for every line in the commands stdout
if sudo:
args.insert(0, "sudo")
process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, err = process.communicate()
if output and not err and process.returncode == 0:
for line in output.split("\n"):
yield line

def get_jails(self, sudo=False, jail_blacklist=None):
""" Get a list of enabled jails
:param sudo: Whether or not sudo is needed [default: False]
:type sudo: bool
:param jail_blacklist: A list of jails to omit [default: None]
:type jail_blacklist: None|list
:rtype: generator
:returns: a generator which will yield for every jail name found (minus those
provided in ``jail_blacklist``)
for line in self.execute_command(["fail2ban-client", "status"], sudo=sudo):
if "list" in line:
_, _, jails = line.rpartition(":")
for jail in jails.split(","):
jail = jail.strip(" \t\r\n")
if not jail_blacklist or jail not in jail_blacklist:
yield jail

def get_jail_status(self, jail, sudo=False):
""" Parse the status output for a given jail
The output will look like
.. code:: python
"filter": {
"total_failed": 456,
"currently_failed": 0
"action": {
"currently_banned": 2,
"total_banned": 345
Parsing these metrics is a little messy since the output of fail2ban-client looks like:
.. code:: none
Status for the jail: ssh
|- filter
| |- File list:/var/log/auth.log
| |- Currently failed:0
| `- Total failed:62170
`- action
|- Currently banned:1
| `- IP list:
`- Total banned:4978
The main idea of this method is that we want to parse "filter" and "action" as
top level "buckets" and parse everything under them as metrics, so we end
up with the above example output
:param jail: The name of the jail to get the status of
:type jail: str
:param sudo: Whether or not sudo is needed to execute [default: False]
:type sudo: bool
:rtype: dict
:returns: A dictionary mapping jail filter or action metrics
contents = self.execute_command(["fail2ban-client", "status", jail], sudo=sudo)

# these two generator expresstions are used to "peel back" one level of the output,
# so that anything starting with "-" is our top level "bucket"
# [
# "- filter",
# " |- File list:/var/log/auth.log",
# " |- Currently failed:0",
# " `- Total failed:62170",
# "- action",
# " |- Currently banned:1",
# " | `- IP list:",
# " `- Total banned:4978"
# ]
contents = (l.strip("\r\n") for l in contents
if len(l) and l[0] in (" ", "|", "-", "`"))
contents = (l.strip("|`") for l in contents)

last = None
tree = dict()
for line in contents:
# "- filter" or "- action"
if line.startswith("-"):
last = line.strip("- ")
tree[last] = dict()
elif last in tree:
# this is a metric under "filter" or "action", do some serious
# cleanup of excess characters, partition on ":", then do some more cleanup
part = line[2:].strip(" |`-")
key, _, value = part.partition(":")
key = key.strip(" \t").replace(" ", "_").lower()
value = value.strip(" \t")
if value != '':
tree[last][key] = value

return tree

def get_jail_stats(self, sudo=False, jail_blacklist=None):
""" Parse out all the available stats from fail2ban-client
The output will be a generator which emits tuples used for emitting
metrics, the tuples will look like the following
.. code:: python
[('ssh', 'fail2ban.action.currently_banned', '1'),
('ssh', 'fail2ban.action.total_banned', '4979'),
('ssh', 'fail2ban.filter.currently_failed', '1'),
('ssh', 'fail2ban.filter.total_failed', '62177'),
('ssh_ddos', 'fail2ban.action.currently_banned', '0'),
('ssh_ddos', 'fail2ban.action.total_banned', '19'),
('ssh_ddos', 'fail2ban.filter.currently_failed', '0'),
('ssh_ddos', 'fail2ban.filter.total_failed', '1425')]
:param sudo: Whether or not sudo is needed to execute [default: False]
:type sudo: bool
:param jail_blacklist: A list of jails to omit [default: None]
:type jail_blacklist: None|list
:rtype: generator
:returns: A generator which emits tuples ``(<jail_name>, <metric_name>, <metric_value>)``
for jail in self.get_jails(sudo=sudo, jail_blacklist=jail_blacklist):
jail_status = self.get_jail_status(jail, sudo=sudo)
jail_name = jail.replace("-", "_")
for stat, substats in self.STATS.iteritems():
for substat in substats:
value = jail_status.get(stat, {}).get(substat, 0)
yield (jail_name, "fail2ban.%s.%s" % (stat, substat), value)

def can_ping_fail2ban(self, sudo=False):
""" Check if we can ping fail2ban server
Simply executes ``fail2ban-client ping``, expects the response "pong"
:param sudo: Whether or not sudo is needed to execute [default: False]
:type sudo: bool
:rtype: bool
:returns: Whether or not we got a "pong" response back
output = self.execute_command(["fail2ban-client", "ping"], sudo=sudo)
for line in output:
if "pong" in line:
return True
return False
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions conf.d/fail2ban.yaml.example
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

# this check uses fail2ban-client to get the status from fail2ban, usually you need root
# in order to access the fail2ban-server
# since this check runs as the dd-agent user you will probably need to set sudo: True
# as well as granting the dd-agent user rights to execute the fail2ban-client command
# using sudo, you can do so by adding the following to your /etc/sudoers file
# dd-agent ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/fail2ban-client

- # sudo: True
# this probably needs to be set to True, but lets leave commented out, just in case

# tags:
# - optional:tag
# additional tags to emit along with the metrics

# jail_blacklist:
# - optional_blacklist
# use this blacklist to omit fetching and emiting status/metrics for a given jail, e.g. "ssh"
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions tests/checks/mock/
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# stdlib
import subprocess # noqa

# third party
import mock

# project
from tests.checks.common import AgentCheckTest

class Fail2BanTestCase(AgentCheckTest):
CHECK_NAME = 'fail2ban'

def setUp(self):
self.config = {
"instances": [
"sudo": True,

def test_execute_command(self):
with mock.patch("subprocess.Popen") as popen:
popen.return_value = mock.Mock()
popen.return_value.returncode = 0
popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = ("Output\nHere", None)
output = self.check.execute_command(["some", "args"])
self.assertEquals(["Output", "Here"], list(output))
args = list(popen.call_args)
self.assertTrue(["some", "args"] in args[0])

def test_execute_command_sudo(self):
with mock.patch("subprocess.Popen") as popen:
popen.return_value = mock.Mock()
popen.return_value.returncode = 0
popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = ("Output\nHere", None)
output = self.check.execute_command(["some", "args"], sudo=True)
self.assertEquals(["Output", "Here"], list(output))
args = list(popen.call_args)
self.assertTrue(["sudo", "some", "args"] in args[0])

def test_get_jails(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.check, "execute_command") as execute_command:
execute_command.return_value = [
"|- Number of jail:\t2"
"`- Jail list:\tssh, ssh-ddos"

self.assertEquals(["ssh", "ssh-ddos"], list(self.check.get_jails()))
self.assertEquals(["ssh"], list(self.check.get_jails(jail_blacklist=["ssh-ddos"])))
self.assertEquals([], list(self.check.get_jails(jail_blacklist=["ssh-ddos", "ssh"])))

def test_get_jail_status(self):
status_output = [
"Status for the jail: ssh",
"|- filter",
"| |- File list:\t/var/log/auth.log",
"| |- Currently failed:\t2",
"| `- Total failed:\t62219",
"`- action",
" |- Currently banned:\t2",
" | `- IP list:\t104.217.154.54",
" `- Total banned:\t4985"
expected = {
"filter": {
"file_list": "/var/log/auth.log",
"currently_failed": "2",
"total_failed": "62219"
"action": {
"currently_banned": "2",
"ip_list": "",
"total_banned": "4985"
with mock.patch.object(self.check, "execute_command") as execute_command:
execute_command.return_value = status_output
status = self.check.get_jail_status("ssh")
self.assertEqual(expected, status)

def test_get_jail_stats(self):
jails = ["ssh"]
jail_status = {
"filter": {
"file_list": "/var/log/auth.log",
"currently_failed": "2",
"total_failed": "62219"
"action": {
"currently_banned": "2",
"ip_list": "",
"total_banned": "4985"
expected = [
("ssh", "fail2ban.action.currently_banned", "2"),
("ssh", "fail2ban.action.total_banned", "4985"),
("ssh", "fail2ban.filter.currently_failed", "2"),
("ssh", "fail2ban.filter.total_failed", "62219")
with mock.patch.object(self.check, "get_jail_status") as get_jail_status:
with mock.patch.object(self.check, "get_jails") as get_jails:
get_jails.return_value = jails
get_jail_status.return_value = jail_status
stats = self.check.get_jail_stats()
self.assertEquals(expected, list(stats))

def test_can_ping_fail2ban_pong(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.check, "execute_command") as execute_command:
execute_command.return_value = ["Server replied: pong"]
execute_command.assert_called_with(["fail2ban-client", "ping"], sudo=False)

def test_can_ping_fail2ban_fail(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.check, "execute_command") as execute_command:
# if it cannot connect we will get a subprocess.CalledProcessError
# which means execute_command will return []
execute_command.return_value = []
execute_command.assert_called_with(["fail2ban-client", "ping"], sudo=False)

def test_check(self):
def mock_can_ping_fail2ban(sudo=False):
return True

def mock_get_jail_stats(sudo=False, jail_blacklist=None):
return [
("ssh", "fail2ban.action.currently_banned", "2"),
("ssh", "fail2ban.action.total_banned", "4985"),
("ssh", "fail2ban.filter.currently_failed", "2"),
("ssh", "fail2ban.filter.total_failed", "62219")

mocks = {
"can_ping_fail2ban": mock_can_ping_fail2ban,
"get_jail_stats": mock_get_jail_stats,

self.run_check(self.config, mocks=mocks)
expected_metrics = [
('fail2ban.filter.total_failed', '62219', ['jail:ssh']),
('fail2ban.action.total_banned', '4985', ['jail:ssh']),
('fail2ban.action.currently_banned', '2', ['jail:ssh']),
('fail2ban.filter.currently_failed', '2', ['jail:ssh'])
for metric, value, tags in expected_metrics:
self.assertMetric(metric, value=value, tags=tags)

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