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Vernita edited this page May 28, 2021 · 4 revisions


  • Network

Functional Requirements

    1.3 The car shall be able to be controlled via the mobile app.

    1.5 The car should be able to be controlled via a discord bot.

Non-Functional Requirements

    2.3 The software shall have an ease of connection with SMCE.

User Stories linked to Connection Milestone

    4.6 As a user I want the time for the races I've completed to be stored and showcased so I can compare and brag about it to my friends. Issue: #24
    6.1 As a user, I would like to control the car through multiple different ways, including a keyboard, and a discord bot, so that I can drive the car 
    in numerous ways. Issue: #43 Issue: #11

Out of Scope

    6.2 As a user, I want to be able to control the car using a third party, so that I can access the controls easily. 
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