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Vernita edited this page May 28, 2021 · 6 revisions


  • Obstacle avoidance
  • Speed control
  • Gyroscope control
  • Location identification
  • Goal identification
  • Path to goal

Functional Requirements

    1.1 The software should choose a path to avoid obstacles using the sensors of the car.

    1.8 The car shall be able to park automatically when prompted in software.

    1.9 The car shall follow given directions via the mobile app.

    1.10 The car’s speed will be adjusted according to the slope it’s driving on.

    1.11 The software should be able to navigate the car to a specified target position.

    1.12 The software should provide an AI that races against the user. 

Non-Functional Requirements

User Stories linked to Automation Milestone

    3.1 As a user in easy mode, I want my car to automatically avoid obstacles so that I do not have to manually avoid them. Issue: #16 Issue: #15

    3.2 As a user I want my car to avoid crashing so that my car will keep its maximum condition.Issue: #15

    4.1 As a user, I want to be able to choose the racing difficulty, so that I can have the ability to improve. Issue: #7

    4.1.1 As a user , I want to be able to up the difficulty to challenge myself when I want to. Issue: #7

    4.2 As a user, I want to be able to boost the speed on the car, so that I can 
    gain a lead on my opponent. Issue: #9

    4.3 As a user, I want to be able to race against a bot, so that I can race without another player.

Out of scope:

    4.4 As a user I would like the terrain/slopes to affect the speed so that I can strategize where to drive Issue: #14

    4.5 As a user I would like to be able to race against my friends in the same environment so that I can prove my superiority. Issue: #31

    5.1 As a user, I want to be able to give the car a location to drive to, so that I do not have to drive myself. 

    5.1.1 The system should intelligently maneuver the car so that the car will arrive safely Issue: #15

    5.1.2 The system should provide feedback if the position is impossible to reach in a specified amount of time. Issue: #17
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