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This package lets you run your code directly in Atom using any Jupyter kernels you have installed.

Hydrogen was inspired by Bret Victor's ideas about the power of instantaneous feedback and the design of Light Table. Running code inline and in real time is a more natural way to develop. By bringing the interactive style of Light Table to the rock-solid usability of Atom, Hydrogen makes it easy to write code the way you want to.



  • execute a line, selection, or block at a time
  • rich media support for plots, images, and video
  • watch expressions let you keep track of variables and re-run snippets after every change
  • completions from the running kernel, just like autocomplete in the Chrome dev tools
  • code can be inspected to show useful information provided by the running kernel
  • one kernel per language (so you can run snippets from several files, all in the same namespace)
  • interrupt or restart the kernel if anything goes wrong
  • use a custom kernel connection (for example to run code inside Docker), read more in the "Custom kernel connection (inside Docker)" section


For all systems, you'll need

  • Atom 1.6.0+
  • Jupyter notebook: If you have Python and pip setup, install the notebook directly with pip install jupyter
  • Python 2 for builds (you can still run Python 3 code)

You likely have them already installed. You can check your installation with apm install --check.


  • python (v2.7 recommended, v3.x.x is not supported)
  • make
  • A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like GCC

Use your distribution's package manager to install.


  • python (v2.7 recommended, v3.x.x is not supported): already installed on Mac OS X
  • Xcode Command Line Tools: Can be installed with xcode-select --install


💡 [Windows Vista / 7 only] requires .NET Framework 4.5.1

  • Option 1: Install all the required tools with a bundled installer

    1. Install the Visual C++ Build Environment from an elevated PowerShell (run as Administrator):
    apm install windows-build-tools --verbose
    npm install -g windows-build-tools
    1. To complete the setup run:
    apm config set msvs_version 2015
    apm config set python $env:USERPROFILE\.windows-build-tools\python27\python.exe
  • Option 2: Install dependencies and configuration manually

    1. Visual C++ Build Environment:
    • Option 1: Install Visual C++ Build Tools using the Default Install option.
    • Option 2: Install Visual Studio 2015 (or modify an existing installation) and select Common Tools for Visual C++ during setup.
    1. Install Python 2.7 or Miniconda 2.7 (v3.x.x is not supported)

    2. To complete the setup run:

    apm config set msvs_version 2015
    apm config set python python2.7


Assuming you followed the dependencies steps above, you can now apm install hydrogen (recommended) or search for "hydrogen" in the Install pane of the Atom settings.

If your default python is 3.x, you need to run instead PYTHON=python2.7 apm install hydrogen or change the default version for apm with apm config set python $(which python2.7) beforehand. You can still use 3.x versions of Python in Hydrogen, but it will only build with 2.x due to a longstanding issue with gyp.


Tested and works with:

But it should work with any kernel. If you are using Hydrogen with another kernel please add it to this list or post an issue if anything is broken!

Note that if you install a new kernel, you'll need to run Hydrogen: Update Kernels for Hydrogen to find it. For performance reasons, Hydrogen only looks for available kernels when it first starts.

Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Unfortunately, the versions of IPython provided in Debian's and Ubuntu's repositories are rather old and Hydrogen is unable to detect the kernel specs installed in your machine. To workaround this issue, Hydrogen provides the setting KernelSpec, where the user can declare the kernel specs manually. Find the KernelSpec setting in the Atom GUI by going to the Settings pane, click Packages, search for Hydrogen, and click the Hydrogen Settings button.

Below is an example KernelSpec for IPython 2 and 3:

  "kernelspecs": {
    "python2": {
      "spec": {
        "display_name": "Python 2",
        "language": "python",
        "argv": ["python2.7", "-m", "ipykernel", "-f", "{connection_file}"],
        "env": {}
    "python3": {
      "spec": {
        "display_name": "Python 3",
        "language": "python",
        "argv": ["python3.4", "-m", "ipykernel", "-f", "{connection_file}"],
        "env": {}


We have a troubleshooting guide! It's pretty sparse at the moment, so please share with us the resolution to any rough spots that you find.


Hydrogen provides a selection of commands for running code. Press ⌘-⇧-P to open the command palette and type "hydrogen" and they will come up.

"Hydrogen: Run"

There are two ways to tell Hydrogen which code in your file to run.

  1. Selected code: If you have code selected when you hit Run, Hydrogen will run exactly that code.

  2. Current block: With no code selected, Hydrogen will try to find the complete block that's on or before the current line.

    • If the line you're on is already a complete expression (like s = "abracadabra"), Hydrogen will run just that line.

    • If the line you're on is the start of a block like a for loop, Hydrogen will run the whole block.

    • If the line you're on is blank, Hydrogen will run the first block above that line.

It's easiest to see these interactions visually:


"Hydrogen: Run And Move Down" will run the the code as described above and move the cursor to the next executable line.

If your code starts getting cluttered up with results, run "Hydrogen: Clear Results" to remove them all at once.

"Hydrogen: Run Cell"

A "code cell" is a block of lines to be executed at once. You can define them using inline comments. Hydrogen supports a multitude of ways to define cells. Pick the one you like best. The following is an example for python but it will work in any language, just replace # with the comment symbol for your desired language:

When you place the cursor inside a cell and hit "Run Cell", Hydrogen will execute this cell. The command "Hydrogen: Run Cell And Move Down" will move the cursor to the next cell after execution.

"Hydrogen: Run All" and "Hydrogen: Run All Above"

These commands will run all code inside the editor or all code above the cursor.

Watch Expressions

After you've run some code with Hydrogen, you can use the "Hydrogen: Toggle Watches" command from the Command Palette to open the watch expression sidebar. Whatever code you write in watch expressions will be re-run after each time you send that kernel any other code.


IMPORTANT: Be careful what you put in your watch expressions. If you write code that mutates state in a watch expression, that code will get run after every execute command and likely result in some extremely confusing bugs.

You can re-run the watch expressions by using the normal run shortcut (⌘-↩ by default) inside a watch expression's edit field.

If you have multiple kernels running, you can switch between their watch expressions with the "Hydrogen: Select Watch Kernel" command (or just click on the "Kernel: " text).


Receive completions from the running kernel.

Code Introspection

You can use the "Hydrogen: Toggle Inspector" command from the Command Palette to get metadata from the kernel about the object under the cursor.

Managing kernels

Sometimes things go wrong. Maybe you've written an infinite loop, maybe the kernel has crashed, or maybe you just want to clear the kernel's namespace. Use the command palette to interrupt (think Ctrl-C in a REPL) or restart the kernel.

You can also access these commands by clicking on the kernel status in the status bar or via the command palette. It looks like this:

Additionally, if you have two or more kernels for a particular language (grammar), you can select which kernel to use with the "Switch to " option in the Kernel Commands menu.

Plugins for Hydrogen

Hydrogen has support for plugins. Feel free to add your own to the list:

If you are interested in building a plugin take a look at our plugin API documentation.

How it works

Hydrogen implements the messaging protocol for Jupyter. Jupyter (formerly IPython) uses ZeroMQ to connect a client (like Hydrogen) to a running kernel (like IJulia or iTorch). The client sends code to be executed to the kernel, which runs it and sends back results.

Remote kernels via kernel gateways

In addition to managing local kernels and connecting to them over ZeroMQ, Hydrogen is also able to connect to Jupyter Kernel Gateways and Jupyter Notebook servers. This is most useful for running code remotely (e.g. in the cloud).

To connect to a gateway server, you must first add the connection information to the Hydrogen gateways setting. An example settings entry might be:

    "name": "Remote notebook",
    "options": {
            "baseUrl": ""

Each entry in the gateways list needs at minimum a name (for displaying in the UI), and a value for options.baseUrl. The options are passed directly to the jupyter-js-services npm package, which includes documentation for additional fields.

After gateways have been configured, you can use the "Hydrogen: Connect to Remote Kernel" command. You will be prompted to select a gateway, and then given the choice to either create a new session or connect to an existing one.

Unlike with local kernels, Hydrogen does not kill remote kernels when it disconnects from them. This allows sharing remote kernels between Hydrogen and the Notebook UI, as well as using them for long-running processes. To clean up unused kernels, you must explicitly call the "Hydrogen: Shutdown Kernel" command while connected to a kernel.

Note: Unlike a notebook server, the jupyter kernel gateway by default disables listing already-running kernels. This means that once disconnected from a kernel, you will not be able to reconnect to it. You can set c.KernelGatewayApp.list_kernels = True in your kernel gateway configuration to change this behavior.

Example remote kernel gateway

To create a remote kernel gateway you could

  • Install Jupyter Kernel Gateway:
pip install jupyter_kernel_gateway
  • Run the kernel gateway with parameters specifying the IP address and port to listen to, e.g.:
jupyter kernelgateway --ip= --port=8888

Note: "" means "listen to all IPs, including public IPs".

Docker execution via kernel gateways

You can use the same technique to create a kernel gateway in a Docker container. That would allow you to develop from Atom but with all the dependencies, autocompletion, environment, etc. of a Docker container.

But, due to the way that the kernel gateway creates sub-processes for each kernel, you have to use it in a special way, you can't run the jupyter kernelgateway directly in your Dockerfile CMD section. You need to call it with an init manager such as tini or run it from an interactive console.

Here's an example of how to setup a Docker execution environment with Hydrogen running the kernel gateway from an interactive console:

Example Docker kernel gateway


  • Create a Dockerfile
  • Install jupyter_kernel_gateway in your Dockerfile
  • Expose the gateway port, in this example it will be 8888:
FROM python:2.7

# Remove in production
RUN pip install jupyter_kernel_gateway

Run Docker Container with Docker commands

Note: alternatively, see below for docker-compose instructions.

  • Build your container:
docker build -t hydro .
  • Run your container mapping the port of the gateway
  • Give your container a name
  • Make it run an infinite loop that just keeps the container alive:
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name hydro  hydro bash -c "while true; do sleep 10; done"

Note: you will only be able to run one container using that port mapping. So, if you had another container using that port, you will have to stop that one first. Or alternatively, you can create a mapping to a new port and add that configuration in the Hydrogen settings (see below).

  • Execute an interactive bash session in your running container:
docker exec -it hydro bash
  • From that interactive session, start the gateway
  • Specify the IP to make your container listen to public connections
  • Specify the port that you exposed in your Dockerfile:
jupyter kernelgateway --ip= --port=8888

Run Docker Container with Docker Compose

  • Create a docker-compose.yml file with something like:
version: '2'
    build: .
      - "8888:8888"
    command: bash -c "while true; do sleep 10; done"
  • The docker-compose.yml file has a port mapping using the port exposed in the Dockerfile and used in the jupyter kernelgateway command
  • The command overrides the default CMD in the Dockerfile (if there was one) and executes an infinite loop that would just keep the container alive

Note: you will only be able to run one container using that port mapping. So, if you had another container using that port, you will have to stop that one first. Or alternatively, you can create a mapping to a new port and add that configuration in the Hydrogen settings (see below).

  • Now start (and build) your container with docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
  • Check the name of your running container with:
docker-compose ps
  • Execute an interactive bash session in your running container (use the name from above), e.g.:
docker exec -it myproject_hydro_1 bash
  • From that interactive session, start the gateway
  • Specify the IP to make your container listen to public connections
  • Specify the port that you exposed in your Dockerfile:
jupyter kernelgateway --ip= --port=8888

Connect Atom

  • Go to the settings in Atom with: ctrl-shift-p and type Settings View: Open
  • Go to the "Packages" section
  • Type Hydrogen and go to package settings
  • In the section "List of kernel gateways to use" add settings for the container your created
  • Use a name that you can remind when running Hydrogen
  • In the baseUrl section use the host or IP that you use to access your Docker containers:
    • If you are using Docker Toolbox in Windows or Mac (or Docker for Windows, Docker for Mac), as it will be running in a virtual machine, the IP (host) would probably be like:, you can read about it and check the docker-machine ip default command in the official Docker docs
    • If you are using Docker in a Linux machine and you are running Atom in that same machine you can just use localhost as the host of your baseUrl
  • For example, a possible configuration for Docker Toolbox in Windows or Mac could be:
[{"name": "Docker Toolbox", "options": {"baseUrl": ""}}]
  • In Atom, open a Python file, e.g.
  • Connect to the kernel you just configured: ctrl-shift-p and type: Hydrogen: Connect To Remote Kernel
  • Select the kernel gateway you configured, e.g. Docker Toolbox
  • Select the "type of kernel" to run, there will just be the option Python 2
  • Then select the line or block of code that you want to execute inside of your container
  • Run the code with: ctrl-shift-p and type: Hydrogen: Run

Testing it

You can test that it is actually working by installing a package in your container that you don't have locally and using it inside your container (from your Atom editor).

  • For example, install the Python package markdown in your Dockerfile:
FROM python:2.7

RUN pip install markdown

# Remove in production
RUN pip install jupyter_kernel_gateway
  • Follow all the instructions above, and use a Python file that has:
import markdown
  • Select the code and run it with: ctrl-shift-p and type Hydrogen: Run, you will see the code executed inline like:
import markdown [✓]
markdown.version ['2.6.6']

Terminate the connection and container

  • To terminate a running kernel gateway you can "kill" it as any Linux process with ctrl-c

But because of the way Jupyter Kernel Gateway creates sub-processes and due to the fact that you are running in a Docker container, the actual kernel process will still be running.

  • Before exiting the terminal, find the still running (Python) kernel process with:
ps -fA
  • You will get something like:
root@6d09f8fee132:/# ps -fA
root         1     0  0 00:21 ?        00:00:00 bash -c while true; do sleep 10; done
root        10     0  0 00:22 ?        00:00:00 bash
root        23     0  0 00:22 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/python2 -m ipykernel -f /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/kernel-95baef8a-6427-4415-bc95-e02dc74e4ebb.js
root        77     1  0 00:28 ?        00:00:00 sleep 10
root        78    10  0 00:28 ?        00:00:00 ps -fA
  • Kill the ipykernel process by killing all the python processes:
pkill python
  • Now you can exit the interactive terminal with:

Custom kernel connection (inside Docker)

Note: Hydrogen now supports using kernel gateways (see the instructions above). Using that option might be simpler and will allow you to use the functionality in Windows or Mac very easily.

You can use a custom kernel connection file to connect to a previously created kernel.

For example, you can run a kernel inside a Docker container and make Hydrogen connect to it automatically.

Hydrogen will look for a kernel JSON connection file under ./hydrogen/connection.json inside your project. If that file exists, Hydrogen will try to connect to the kernel specified by that connection file.

Here's a simple recipe for doing and testing that with Python:

  • In your project directory, create a Dockerfile with:
FROM python:2.7

RUN pip install markdown # Delete this line after testing

RUN pip install ipykernel
RUN echo "alias hydrokernel='python -m ipykernel "'--ip=$(hostname -I)'" -f /tmp/hydrogen/connection.json'" >> /etc/bash.bashrc

You will test using the Python package markdown from inside the Docker container in your local Atom editor, with autocompletion, etc.

The last two lines are the only (temporary) addition to your Dockerfile that will allow you to develop locally using the remote Python kernel. If you already have a Python project with a Dockerfile you only need to copy those 2 lines and add them to it:

RUN pip install ipykernel
RUN echo "alias hydrokernel='python -m ipykernel "'--ip=$(hostname -I)'" -f /tmp/hydrogen/connection.json'" >> /etc/bash.bashrc

The first of those two lines will install the Python package ipykernel, which is the only requisite to run the remote Python kernel.

The second line creates a handy shortcut named hydrokernel to run a Python kernel that listens on the container's IP address and writes the connection file to /tmp/hydrogen/connection.json.

  • Run your container mounting a volume that maps ./hydrogen/ in your local project directory to /tmp/hydrogen/ in your container. That's the trick that will allow Hydrogen to connect to the kernel running inside your container automatically. It's probably better to run it with the command bash and start the kernel manually, so that you can restart it if you need to (or if it dies).

Running using docker build

  • Build your container with:
docker build -t python-docker .
docker run -it --name python-docker -v $(pwd)/hydrogen:/tmp/hydrogen python-docker bash
  • Next, you just have to call the alias command we created in the Dockerfile, that will start the kernel with all the parameters needed:

Please see below for information to do after your container has started running.

Running using docker-compose

If you try to use docker-compose with the Dockerfile as above you might not be able to connect to hydrokernel. This is because the ports have been not forwarded and cannot be accessed from outside of the new docker-compose sub-network. You need to forward these ports manually in the docker-compose.yml file.

To ensure the ports used by hydrokernel are the same each time it loads you must specify them on the command line. Do not try and use/modify connection.json as it is overwritten on startup.

python -m ipykernel --stdin=45323 --iopub=43223 --shell=41454 --control=44186 --hb=40772 --ip= -f /tmp/hydrogen/connection.json

You may notice that the IP address given is different, binds to all possible interfaces.

Create docker-compose.yml and paste the following:

version: '2'
    build: .
    ports: #FROM connection.json
      - "45323:45323"
      - "44186:44186"
      - "40772:40772"
      - "41454:41454"
      - "43223:43223"
      - ./hydrogen:/tmp/hydrogen #hydrogen connection info
    command: python -m ipykernel --stdin=45323 --iopub=43223 --shell=41454 --control=44186 --hb=40772 --ip= -f /tmp/hydrogen/connection.json

Key points:

  • Ensure docker-compose.yml is in the same directory as your Dockerfile. If you have put your Dockerfile in a subfolder then modify the build entry for the hydrokernel service in the docker-compose.yml file to point to the Dockerfile.

  • Ensure that the ports that are forwarded are exactly the same on the host machine as the container i.e. port 45323 should be forwarded to 45253. Reason being, Hydrogen will attempt to connect using the ports in the connection.json file which will be described as the container sees them, not the host.

  • You could also run the command in the Dockerfile as a CMD entry but this way it's crystal clear what ports we're forwarding, there are quite a few so switching between files to get them is a headache!

You can then use docker-compose up in the same directory as docker-compose.yml to start it up.

Please see below for information to do after your container has started running.

When your container is running

  • You will see an output similar to:
root@24ae5d04ef3c:/# hydrokernel
NOTE: When using the `ipython kernel` entry point, Ctrl-C will not work.

To exit, you will have to explicitly quit this process, by either sending
"quit" from a client, or using Ctrl-\ in UNIX-like environments.

To read more about this, see

To connect another client to this kernel, use:
    --existing /tmp/hydrogen/connection.json
  • And you will see that a file was created in ./hydrogen/connection.json inside your project directory.

  • Now you can create a file with:

import markdown
  • Select the contents and run them with Hydrogen ("cmd-shift-P" and "Hydrogen: run").

  • You will see the inline execution and output that just ran from your kernel, even if you don't have the Python package markdown installed locally, because it's running inside your container.

import markdown [✓]
markdown.version ['2.6.6']

Why "Hydrogen"?

Hydrogen atoms make up 90% of Jupiter by volume.

Plus, it was easy to make a logo.

hydrogen logo


Quick and dirty setup

apm develop hydrogen

This will clone the hydrogen repository to ~/github unless you set the ATOM_REPOS_HOME environment variable.

I already cloned it!

If you cloned it somewhere else, you'll want to use apm link --dev within the package directory, followed by apm install to get dependencies.


After pulling upstream changes, make sure to run apm update.

To start hacking, make sure to run atom --dev from the package directory. Cut a branch while you're working then either submit a Pull Request when done or when you want some feedback!

Running specs

You can run specs by triggering the window:run-package-specs command in Atom. To run tests on the command line use apm test within the package directory.

You can learn more about how to write specs here.


✳️ Run code inline in Atom using Jupyter kernels







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