On Windows? Want to install Atom packages depending on native Node modules?
Install the build tools from an elevated PowerShell (run as Administrator) by running:
apm install windows-build-tools --verbose
apm config set msvs_version 2015
apm config set python $env:USERPROFILE\.windows-build-tools\python27\python.exe
It will install Windows Build Tools by Felix Rieseberg without needing a separate Node.js installation:
After installation, npm will automatically execute this module, which downloads and installs Visual C++ Build Tools 2015, provided free of charge by Microsoft. These tools are required to compile popular native modules. It will also install Python 2.7, configuring your machine and npm appropriately.
💡 [Windows Vista / 7 only] requires .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Currently not installed automatically by this package)
Both installations are conflict-free, meaning that they do not mess with existing installations of Visual Studio, C++ Build Tools, or Python. If you see anything that indiciates otherwise, please file a bug.
To verify that everything worked run:
apm install --check