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Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 29 deletions.
66 changes: 37 additions & 29 deletions scripts/field/FieldScanner.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function FieldScanner:init(resolution)
-- sure if it is 1 or 0.5, so 0.2 seems to be a safe bet
self.resolution = resolution or 0.2
self.highResolution = 0.1
self.normalTracerLookahead = 2.0
self.normalTracerLookahead = 5.0
self.shortTracerLookahead = self.normalTracerLookahead / 10
self.angleStep = self.highResolution / self.normalTracerLookahead
@@ -76,47 +76,53 @@ end

function FieldScanner:traceFieldEdge(probe)
self.points = {}
local startX, _, startZ = getWorldTranslation(probe)
local helperNode = CpUtil.createNode('helperNode', 0, 0, 0)
local startX, startY, startZ = getWorldTranslation(probe)
table.insert(self.points, {x = startX, y = startY, z = startZ})
local distanceFromStart = math.huge
local tracerLookahead = self.normalTracerLookahead
local prevYRot
local totalYRot = 0
local approachingCorner = false
local ignoreCornerAtIx = -1
local sharpCornerDeltaAngle = math.rad(15)
local i = 0
-- limit the number of iterations, also, must be close to the start and have made almost a full circle (pi is just
-- a half circle, but should be ok to protect us from edge cases like starting with a corner
while i < 100000 and (i == 1 or distanceFromStart > tracerLookahead or math.abs(totalYRot) < math.pi) do
local yRot = self:rotateProbeInFieldEdgeDirection(probe, tracerLookahead)
-- how much we just turned?
local deltaYRot = yRot - (prevYRot or yRot)
if prevYRot and math.abs(deltaYRot) > math.rad(15) then
if approachingCorner then
-- approaching the corner and there was a big rotation change so we just passed the corner
tracerLookahead = self.normalTracerLookahead
totalYRot = totalYRot + deltaYRot
approachingCorner = false
-- self:debug('Looks like just passed a corner at %.1f/%.1f (%d, %.1f°)', pX, pZ, i, math.deg(deltaYRot))
-- there is a big rotation change, a corner may be ahead,
-- switch to shorter tracer length while approaching the corner
tracerLookahead = self.normalTracerLookahead / 20
approachingCorner = true
-- rotate probe back to original direction
setRotation(probe, 0, prevYRot, 0)
yRot = prevYRot
--self:debug('Approaching a corner at %.1f/%.1f (%d, %.1f°)', pX, pZ, i, math.deg(deltaYRot))
self:moveProbeForward(probe, tracerLookahead)

if prevYRot and math.abs(deltaYRot) > sharpCornerDeltaAngle and i ~= ignoreCornerAtIx then
-- we probably just cut a corner. Calculate where the corner exactly is and insert a point there
-- see which way the edge goes here
yRot = self:rotateProbeInFieldEdgeDirection(probe, tracerLookahead)
deltaYRot = yRot - prevYRot
local lastWp = self.points[#self.points]
-- this is just geometry, we figure out here how far forward the corner is from the previous waypoint
local dx, _, _ = worldToLocal(probe, lastWp.x, lastWp.y, lastWp.z)
setTranslation(helperNode, lastWp.x, lastWp.y, lastWp.z)
setRotation(helperNode, 0, lastWp.yRot, 0)
local moveForward = math.abs(dx) / math.sin(math.pi - math.abs(deltaYRot))
local x, y, z = localToWorld(helperNode, 0, 0, moveForward)
if moveForward < tracerLookahead and math.abs(deltaYRot) > sharpCornerDeltaAngle then
-- only add plausible points and only when the delta angle is still above the threshold
table.insert(self.points, {x = x, y = y, z = z, yRot = yRot})
self:debug('Inserted a corner waypoint (%d, %.1f°), %.1f ahead of the last', i, math.deg(deltaYRot), dx / math.sin(math.pi - math.abs(deltaYRot)))
i = i + 1
self:moveProbeForward(probe, tracerLookahead)
local pX, pY, pZ = getWorldTranslation(probe)
table.insert(self.points, {x = pX, y = pY, z = pZ, yRot = yRot})
distanceFromStart = MathUtil.getPointPointDistance(pX, pZ, startX, startZ)
totalYRot = totalYRot + deltaYRot

local pX, pY, pZ = getWorldTranslation(probe)
table.insert(self.points, {x = pX, y = pY, z = pZ, yRot = yRot})
distanceFromStart = MathUtil.getPointPointDistance(pX, pZ, startX, startZ)
totalYRot = totalYRot + deltaYRot
-- more or less in the same direction, continue with the longer tracer beam
prevYRot = yRot
i = i + 1
self:debug('Field contour with %d points generated, total rotation %.1f°', #self.points, math.deg(totalYRot))
-- a negative totalYRot means we went around the field clockwise, which we always should if we start in the
-- middle of the field
@@ -146,10 +152,11 @@ function FieldScanner:findContour(x, z)
i = i + 1
self.points = self:simplifyPolygon(self.points, 1)
-- TODO: see if we still need these commented out processors, if not, remove
--self.points = self:simplifyPolygon(self.points, 1)
self:debug('Field contour simplified, has now %d points', #self.points)
self.points = self:addIntermediatePoints(self.points, 5)
--self.points = self:addIntermediatePoints(self.points, 5)
self:debug('Intermediate points added, has now %d points', #self.points)
return self.points
@@ -159,7 +166,7 @@ function FieldScanner:draw()
if self.points then
for i = 2, #self.points do
local p, n = self.points[i - 1], self.points[i]
Utils.renderTextAtWorldPosition(p.x, p.y + 1.2, p.z, tostring(i), getCorrectTextSize(0.012), 0)
Utils.renderTextAtWorldPosition(p.x, p.y + 1.2, p.z, tostring(i - 1), getCorrectTextSize(0.012), 0)
DebugUtil.drawDebugLine(p.x, p.y + 1, p.z, n.x, n.y + 1, n.z, 0, 1, 0)
@@ -172,6 +179,7 @@ function FieldScanner:sharpenCorners(points)
local indicesToRemove = {}
for i, p in ipairs(points) do
local d = MathUtil.getPointPointDistance(p.x, p.z, prev.x, prev.z)
self:debug('%d %.1f', i, d)
if d < self.shortTracerLookahead then
self:debug('There seems to be a corner at %i: %.1f, %.1f', i, p.x, p.z)
table.insert(indicesToRemove, i)

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