Releases: CliMA/ClimaCore.jl
Releases · CliMA/ClimaCore.jl
ClimaCore v0.6.0
📢 API Changes:
- Add Geometry projection operator for calculating the compontent contribution along a given axis (#338)
- ClimaCoreVTK writevtk for NamedTuples of time series fields (#345) (@valeriabarra)
- Refactor mesh and topology code (#349) (@simonbyrne)
- add level interface function (#363) (@simonbyrne)
🚀 Features
- Add ability to plot 2D Fields on the sphere (#222)
- Add Geometry projection operator for calculating the compontent contribution along a given axis (#338)
- ClimaCoreVTK writevtk for NamedTuples of time series fields (#345) (@valeriabarra)
- ClimaCore Makie Plots (#359) (@jakebolewski)
- add extruded cubed sphere level plot (#381) (@jakebolewski)
📑 Documentation
- README: Update project info and technical aims/support (#340) (@valeriabarra)
🐛 Fixes
- Test failure with OrdinaryDiffEq v6+ (#371)
- Fix product metric terms (#377) (@simonbyrne)
ClimaCore v0.5.1
📢 API Changes:
- Assign a scalar value to a Field without using parent( ) (#273)
🚀 Features
- slightly re-work scalar asignment for fields, datalayout (#324) (@jakebolewski)
- Switch (warped) slice models plot output to use triplots (#328) (@jakebolewski)
📑 Documentation
- README: Add Zenodo's DOI badge (#329) (@valeriabarra)
🐛 Fixes
- fix visual artifact in interpolated slice plots with topo (#330) (@jakebolewski)
- force optimization of column() to reduce allocations in complex stencil codes (#342) (@jakebolewski)
ClimaCore v0.5.0
📢 API Changes:
🚀 Features
- Add support for masked column stencils / operators (#298)
- Conformal cubed sphere support and add warp/unwarp function tests (#288) (@valeriabarra)
- Add Biased operators (#289) (@charleskawczynski)
- allow using scalars and arrays in FieldVectors (#296) (@simonbyrne)
- Allow basetype replacement (#297) (@dennisYatunin)
📑 Documentation
- Document spectral element operators (#257) (@simonbyrne)
🐛 Fixes
- Bounds check error in data1d.jl (#316)
- Fixes a bug in opposing face (#295) (@sriharshakandala)
- Allow basetype replacement (#297) (@dennisYatunin)
- fix upper boundscheck on VF (column) datalayout (#317) (@jakebolewski)
ClimaCore v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- Make DSS tensor-aware (#160)
- JETTest failing with Julia 1.7 (#170)
- Support
for Fields. (#182) - Implement *(a, b,c) for Fields, DataLayouts. (#183)
- Look over the rising bubble test case (#203)
- Add plotting for element boundaries and nodes (#212)
- Use counter-clockwise ordering of vertices (#219)
- Add the ability to save fields to VTK XML for use in paraview (#223)
- Add ability to plot unstructred 2D mesh on the sphere (#224)
- Add advection of a cosine bell on sphere (#229)
- Duplicate Coordinates/Elements with Mesh2D (#248)
Merged pull requests:
- Add tutorial notebook (#214) (@simonbyrne)
- CI / README updates (#216) (@jakebolewski)
- Adding metric terms for sphere mesh. (#217) (@sriharshakandala)
- From Julia v1.7 and higher, JETTest's functionality is moved to JET.jl (and JETTest is deprecated). (#221) (@jakebolewski)
- plotting support for 2D rectangular mesh in unstructured mesh format. (#226) (@sriharshakandala)
- Add additional plotting utilities (#230) (@jakebolewski)
- Scalar Poisson problem unit test in 2D to test horizontal diffusion operator (#231) (@valeriabarra)
- change vertex element ordering to counter-clockwise (#232) (@simonbyrne)
- solid body rotation of cosine bell (#233) (@simonbyrne)
- make interval domain/mesh/topology consistent (#234) (@simonbyrne)
- change theta to phi for latitude (#236) (@szy21)
- Add the unit test for hyperdiffusion on a 2D sphere (#237) (@jiahe23)
- Sphere diffusion unit test (#238) (@valeriabarra)
- Add minimum, maximum, extrema and inf-norm support (#241) (@simonbyrne)
- remove EquispacedLineMesh and GridTopology1D (#242) (@simonbyrne)
- remove plots dependency, use use plots recipies (#243) (@jakebolewski)
- Counter-clockwise local face numbering (#244) (@sriharshakandala)
- add nary recursive apply ops (#245) (@jakebolewski)
- Switch SpectralElement1D to use IntervalDomain (#246) (@simonbyrne)
- Ensure local right-handed coordinate system for all elements. (#247) (@sriharshakandala)
- DSS for AxisVector (#249) (@simonbyrne)
- Release notes / Changelog GitHub Action (#252) (@valeriabarra)
- Add VTK output (#253) (@kpamnany)
- Bump version to 0.3.0 (#254) (@simonbyrne)
- move climacorevtk to lib/ subdir, update CI (#256) (@jakebolewski)
ClimaCore v0.2.0
Closed issues:
- Optionally interpolate extruded spectral spaces to a regular grid in the horizontal (#188)
- Composing operator with Ref (#189)
Merged pull requests:
- add vector advection tests (#165) (@simonbyrne)
- warp cube surface to sphere surface (#190) (@sriharshakandala)
- Convergence tests for FD operators in 1D (#193) (@valeriabarra)
- Change coordinate type for sphere. (#196) (@sriharshakandala)
- More work on 1D FD space convergence tests (#197) (@valeriabarra)
- Fix call to coordinates_data (#198) (@charleskawczynski)
- Change bubble vertical advection operators (#199) (@simonbyrne)
- add flux correction for bubble (#200) (@simonbyrne)
- Domain coordinate types (#201) (@jakebolewski)
- Embedded domain field into unstructured 2D mesh struct. (#205) (@sriharshakandala)
- add 1D extruded horizontal interpolation, update field plots (#207) (@jakebolewski)
ClimaCore v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- Play nice with DifferentialEquations.jl (#19)
- Add single sided stencils with boundry conditions for vertical column mesh with no ghost points (#37)
- simple finite difference vertical test cases (#39)
- Add Ekman diffusion example (#43)
- Add Hyperdiffusion (#46)
- Add Curl operator (#47)
- Interpolate fields to faces when exporting plots/animations (#49)
- Support callable operators (#53)
- Make
less error prone (#54) - Add weighted interpolation FD operator (#55)
- Better error message when tryingto broadcast into the wrong type of Field (#56)
- Test annhilator properties (#62)
- Rename to ClimaCore.jl (#64)
- incorrect combination and conversion of vector types (#74)
- questions about boundary conditions (#83)
- Handling of fields on different spaces (#87)
- Generalize the SpectralBroadcasting Operators to work for both 1D and 2D slab configurations (#91)
- Add fieldtype conversions for DataLayout objects so we don't loose type safety (#95)
- out-of-place broadcasting for
should return aFieldVector
(#120) - test/spectraloperators.jl: most tests fail when number of elem is different in x1 and x2 directions (#122)
- print out the project manifest on CI so we can easily check if it differs from the local project manifest (#129)
- FieldVector is incompatible with DiffEq.jl step! function (#132)
- Add functionality allowing for broadcasting vertical operators over 1D, 2D extruded domains (#142)
- Add functionality allowing for broadcasting horizontal spectral operators over 1D, 2D domains (#143)
- Add functionality allowing for broadcasting vertical operators over 2Dx (3D) extruded domains (#153)
- Add functionality allowing for broadcasting horizontal spectral operators over 2Dx (3D) extruded domains (#154)
- Add 2Dx extruded space backing datalayout and broadcasting support (#155)
Merged pull requests:
- Init CI Setup (#1) (@jakebolewski)
- add GPU tests (#2) (@simonbyrne)
- hookup buildkite cluster ci (#3) (@jakebolewski)
- update CUDA to 3.0, correct cluster CI CUDA_HOME (#4) (@jakebolewski)
- rename pancake to slab (#5) (@simonbyrne)
- Add README and codecov (#6) (@charleskawczynski)
- Add Domain, Discretization and Topology interfaces (#7) (@simonbyrne)
- add some initial tests for quadrature (#8) (@jakebolewski)
- Add base docs (#12) (@charleskawczynski)
- Create codecov.yml (#14) (@jakebolewski)
- Meshes, fields and broadcasting (#15) (@simonbyrne)
- add support for scalar broadcast assignment (#16) (@simonbyrne)
- Fields (#17) (@simonbyrne)
- Interpolation, heatmap and diffusion example (#18) (@simonbyrne)
- A few doc improvements (#20) (@charleskawczynski)
- Bickley jet and ODE support (#21) (@simonbyrne)
- Add DG support (#22) (@simonbyrne)
- Fix branch name for julia formatter (#23) (@charleskawczynski)
- Add column mesh (#25) (@charleskawczynski)
- add surface geometry and numerical flux functions (#26) (@simonbyrne)
- updates initial conditions and plots (#27) (@sandreza)
- add CPU benchmark (#29) (@simonbyrne)
- Add boundary fluxes (#30) (@simonbyrne)
- rename modules and objects (#31) (@simonbyrne)
- Remove unused yaml file (#33) (@charleskawczynski)
- Fix readme status badge (#34) (@charleskawczynski)
- Add back codecov.yml (#36) (@jakebolewski)
- Finite Difference Vertical Discretization and Operators (#40) (@jakebolewski)
- add missing artifact paths (#48) (@jakebolewski)
- Ekman layer test (#51) (@Zhengyu-Huang)
- Define Base.axes(::Field) to return the space, instead of a tuple (#57) (@simonbyrne)
- Add weighted and upwind baised interpolation operators and Advection Operator (#58) (@jakebolewski)
- Add DiffEqBase dependency, remove unused file (#59) (@charleskawczynski)
- Add PlusHalf wrapper type (#60) (@simonbyrne)
- Make FD operators callable (#63) (@jakebolewski)
- rename package to ClimaCore.jl (#65) (@jakebolewski)
- Switch spectral operators to use broadcasting (#67) (@simonbyrne)
- Adv-Diff Test (#68) (@akshaysridhar)
- add 1d advection convergence test (#69) (@jakebolewski)
- require explict boundary condition tag arguments for domains (#70) (@jakebolewski)
- Docs: improve doc string (#71) (@valeriabarra)
- add ekman examples to buildkite ci (#72) (@jakebolewski)
- overload the default behavior of materialize! to check that the dest space aligns with the inferred stencil result space (#73) (@jakebolewski)
- add basetype function (#76) (@simonbyrne)
- Perf: Specialize
(#80) (@kpamnany) - Unify LocalGeometry for spectral and finite difference spaces (#84) (@simonbyrne)
- Implement 2D extruded domain support (1D SE, 1D FV) (#86) (@jakebolewski)
- Add FieldVector wrapper (#90) (@simonbyrne)
- Improve performance of
benchmark (#92) (@kpamnany) - AxisTensors: generic local coordinate vectors (#93) (@simonbyrne)
- AxisTensor improvements (#94) (@simonbyrne)
- Fix finite difference boundary condition (#98) (@simonbyrne)
- Update CompatHelper scripts (#99) (@simonbyrne)
- Create (#100) (@simonbyrne)
- Revert "Create" (#116) (@simonbyrne)
- add Pkg Compat, remove unneeded dependencies (#117) (@simonbyrne)
- Run CompatHelper in morning (#118) (@simonbyrne)
- Add column example using Rosebrock implicit solver, extend broadcasting (#119) (@simonbyrne)
- Added GPU versions of volume and face reference kernels. (#121) (@sriharshakandala)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for UnicodePlots to 2, (keep existing compat) (#123) (@github-actions[bot])
- Small Topologies/grid.jl typo (#126) (@valeriabarra)
- Unify SE operator behavior for 1D, 2D, and 1/2D+ function spaces (#127) (@jakebolewski)
- Update pipeline.yml (#128) (@jakebolewski)
- Print out status and manifest of proj/test deps on CI (#130) (@jakebolewski)
- Finite difference operators to use vectors (#131) (@jakebolewski)
- fix vertex iterator (#137) (@simonbyrne)
- Horizontal operators on extruded domain (#140) (@jakebolewski)
- Vertical fd operator support on hybrid domains (#145) (@jakebolewski)
- Fix an error in the hydrostatic ekman column example (#149) (@szy21)
- fix typo in 1d spectral space metric (#150) (@simonbyrne)
- Define gradient in terms of outer product (#151) (@simonbyrne)
- add consistent type convert methods for DataLayouts, add tests (#152) (@jakebolewski)
- Add an additional diagonal hybrid domain test (#156) (@bischtob)
- Add datalayout functionality for 2Dx spaces (#157) (@jakebolewski)
- 2D SE, 1D FD Extuded Domain (3D box) support (#158) (@jakebolewski)
- add transform function (#159) (@simonbyrne)
- Fix sgeom⁺ in SpectralElementSpace2D (#161) (@valeriabarra)
- Add a more compact show method for DataLayouts (#162) (@jakebolewski)
- Skip annotations check (#169) (@charleskawczynski)