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This test covers several aspects of cardio fitness, stamina, and running
distance, especially related to mutations affecting cardio and stamina,
and in particular the three CARDIO traits affected by #52980.

Some FIXMEs are noted, where trait buffs have changed significantly
since the introduction of cardio, and may need to be rebalanced.

Several stub test cases are included to invite future collaboration.
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wapcaplet committed Dec 26, 2021
1 parent 971859a commit 71c6ca5
Showing 1 changed file with 316 additions and 0 deletions.
316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions tests/cardio_test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
#include "avatar.h"
#include "cata_catch.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "map_helpers.h"
#include "player_helpers.h"

// Cardio Fitness
// --------------
// The hidden "Cardio Fitness" stat returned by Character::get_cardiofit() is the main factor in
// calculations related to cardiovascular health, including weariness, stamina, and stamina regen,
// more or less as described in the original issue #44370 "Rule #1. CARDIO".
// For player characters, cardio fitness is derived from a combination of several attributes:
// (
// [ 1/2 BMR ] // Basal Metabolic Rate, varies with activity and body size
// + [ Health ] // Hidden health modifier, -200..+200
// + [ Proficiency modifiers ] // NOT IMPLEMENTED
// + [ Cardio_Accumulator ] // Adjustment based on daily activity, starting at 1/2 BMR
// + 10 * [ Athletics skill ] // Formerly swimming skill, now more versatile and valuable
// ) * [ Trait modifiers ] // Good/bad cardio mutations like Languorous and Hyperactive
// For NPCs (having no cardio), the formula is simply 2 * BMR.
// Important functions:
// - Character::get_stamina
// - Character::set_stamina
// - Character::get_stamina_max
// - Character::get_cardiofit
// - Character::get_cardio_acc
// - Character::set_cardio_acc
// - avatar::update_cardio_acc <-- Critical

static const efftype_id effect_winded( "winded" );

static const move_mode_id move_mode_run( "run" );

static const skill_id skill_swimming( "swimming" );

// Base BMR for default character
static const int base_bmr = 1738;
static const int base_cardio = base_bmr;
// Base stamina
// MAX_STAMINA_BASE + CARDIOFIT_STAMINA_SCALING * base_bmr == 3500 + 3*1738
static const int base_stamina = 8714;

// Ensure the configured options from game_balance.json are what the tests assume they are
static void verify_default_cardio_options()
const int max_stamina_base = get_option<int>( "PLAYER_MAX_STAMINA_BASE" );
const int cardiofit_stamina_scaling = get_option<int>( "PLAYER_CARDIOFIT_STAMINA_SCALING" );
REQUIRE( max_stamina_base == 3500 );
REQUIRE( cardiofit_stamina_scaling == 3 );

// Count how many turns of running it takes for character to run out of stamina or become winded
// FIXME: This underestimates total running distance by 10-15% relative to in-game measurement.
// (For example, a normal character can run 98 steps in-game, but only 87 with this function).
static int running_turns( Character &they, const ter_id &terrain = t_pavement )
map &here = get_map();
// Please take off your shoes when entering, and no NPCs allowed
REQUIRE_FALSE( they.is_wearing_shoes() );
REQUIRE_FALSE( they.is_npc() );
// You put your left foot in, you put your right foot in
const tripoint left = they.pos();
const tripoint right = left + tripoint_east;
// You ensure two tiles of terrain to hokey-pokey in
here.ter_set( left, terrain );
here.ter_set( right, terrain );
REQUIRE( here.ter( left ) == terrain );
REQUIRE( here.ter( right ) == terrain );
// Take a deep breath and start running
they.set_stamina( they.get_stamina_max() );
they.set_movement_mode( move_mode_run );
// Count how many turns it takes to become winded
int turns = 0;
int STOP = 1000; // Safe exit in case of Superman
int last_stamina = they.get_stamina_max();
// Run until out of stamina or winded (should happen at the same time)
while( they.get_stamina() > 0 && !they.has_effect( effect_winded ) && turns < STOP ) {
// Step right on even turns, left on odd turns
if( turns % 2 == 0 ) {
g->walk_move( right, false, false );
} else {
g->walk_move( left, false, false );
// Count the turns
calendar::turn += 1_turns;
// Stamina must be decreasing; if not, quit
CAPTURE( last_stamina - they.get_stamina() );
REQUIRE( they.get_stamina() < last_stamina );
last_stamina = they.get_stamina();
return turns;

// Give character a trait, and verify their expected cardio, max stamina, and running distance.
static void check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( Character &they, std::string trait_name,
const int expect_cardio_fit, const int expect_stamina_max, const int expect_run_tiles )
if( trait_name.empty() ) {
trait_name = "NONE";
} else {
set_single_trait( they, trait_name );
GIVEN( "trait: " + trait_name ) {
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == Approx( expect_cardio_fit ).margin( 2 ) );
CHECK( they.get_stamina_max() == Approx( expect_stamina_max ).margin( 5 ) );
//CHECK( they.get_stamina_max() == Approx( 3500 + 3 * expect_cardio_fit ).margin( 2 ) );
CHECK( running_turns( they ) == Approx( expect_run_tiles ).margin( 1 ) );

// Trait Modifiers
// ---------------
// Mutations/traits can influence cardio fitness level in a few ways:
// - Mutation affecting total body size, which affects base BMR and thus cardio
// - Little / Tiny: Smaller body has lower BMR, less cardio, cannot run as far
// - Large / Huge: Larger body has higher BMR, more cardio, can run further
// - metabolism_modifier: Affects metabolic_rate_base
// - Heat Dependent / Cold Blooded: Decreased BMR and cardio, less running
// - Fast/Rapid/Extreme Metabolism: Increased BMR and cardio, more running
// Some traits affect cardio fitness directly:
// - cardio_multiplier: Multiplies maximum cardio
// - Languorous: Bad cardio, less total stamina
// - Indefatigable, Hyperactive: Good cardio, more total stamina
// Some traits affect stamina regen and total running distance without affecting cardio:
// - stamina_regen_modifier
// - Fast Metabolism, Persistence Hunter: Increased stamina regeneration
TEST_CASE( "cardio is affected by certain traits", "[cardio][traits]" )
Character &they = get_player_character();


// Ensure no initial effects that would affect cardio
REQUIRE( they.get_healthy() == 0 );
REQUIRE( they.get_skill_level( skill_swimming ) == 0 );
// Ensure base_bmr and starting cardio are what we expect
REQUIRE( they.base_bmr() == base_bmr );
REQUIRE( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio );
REQUIRE( 2 * they.get_cardio_acc() == base_bmr );

// Values trailing after check //123 are pre-Cardio in-game running distances, a high-level
// metric for balancing traits relative to how they were before cardio. Some traits were buffed
// by the change to cardio; the fast metabolism, persistence hunger, and cold-blooded traits got
// a 20-30% boost in total running distance. The old values are preserved here for possible
// future rebalancing and comparison.

SECTION( "Base character with no traits" ) {
// pre-Cardio, could run 96 steps
// post-Cardio, can run 84 steps in-game, test case reaches 87
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "", base_cardio, base_stamina, 87 ); //96

// Sprint distance for each body size is only slightly different than it was before cardio
SECTION( "Traits affecting body size" ) {
// Body size determines BMR, which affects base cardio fitness
// Pre-Cardio, body size did not affect how many steps you could run
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "SMALL2", 1088, 6764, 95 ); //97
// FIXME: But why the heck can SMALL2 run further than SMALL?
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "SMALL", 1376, 7628, 82 ); //97
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "LARGE", 2162, 9986, 97 ); //97
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "HUGE", 2663, 11489, 109 ); //97

SECTION( "Traits with cardio_multiplier" ) {
// These traits were formerly implemented by max_stamina_modifier, which multiplied
// maximum stamina. Now that cardio fitness is actually implemented, these traits
// directly affect total cardio fitness, and thus maximum stamina (and running distance).
// Languorous
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "BADCARDIO", 0.7 * base_cardio, 7148, 67 ); //70
// Indefatigable
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "GOODCARDIO", 1.3 * base_cardio, 10277, 109 ); //126
// Hyperactive
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "GOODCARDIO2", 1.6 * base_cardio, 11840, 134 ); //145

// FIXME: These traits need a significant nerf (-8 to -32) to reach their pre-Cardio balance
SECTION( "Traits with metabolism_modifier AND stamina_regen_modifier" ) {
// Fast Metabolism
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "HUNGER", 2173, 10019, 98 ); //76
// Very Fast Metabolism
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "HUNGER2", 2608, 11324, 112 ); //87
// Extreme Metabolism
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "HUNGER3", 3477, 13931, 139 ); //107

// FIXME: These traits need a significant nerf (-20) to reach their pre-Cardio balance
SECTION( "Traits with ONLY stamina_regen_modifier" ) {
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "PERSISTENCE_HUNTER", base_cardio, base_stamina, 89 ); //68
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "PERSISTENCE_HUNTER2", base_cardio, base_stamina, 90 ); //69

// FIXME: These traits need a significant nerf (-20) to reach their pre-Cardio balance
SECTION( "Traits with ONLY metabolism_modifier" ) {
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "COLDBLOOD", 1449, 7847, 82 ); //63
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "COLDBLOOD2", 1304, 7412, 82 ); //62
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "COLDBLOOD3", 1304, 7412, 82 ); //62
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "COLDBLOOD4", 1304, 7412, 82 ); //62
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "LIGHTEATER", 1449, 7847, 82 ); //63
check_trait_cardio_stamina_run( they, "MET_RAT", 2028, 9584, 93 ); //72

TEST_CASE( "cardio affects stamina regeneration", "[cardio][stamina]" )
// With baseline cardio, stamina regen is X
// With low cardio, stamina regen is X--
// With high cardio, stamina regen is X++

TEST_CASE( "cardio affects weariness", "[cardio][weariness]" )
// Weariness threshold is 1/2 cardio

TEST_CASE( "cardio is affected by activity level each day", "[cardio][activity]" )
// When activity increases, cardio goes up
// When activity decreases, cardio goes down
// When activity stays the same, cardio stays the same

// Given a starting character
// When they get no exercise for a week
// Then their cardio should decrease slightly
// When they get moderate exercise for a week
// Then their cardio should increase slightly

TEST_CASE( "cardio is affected by character height", "[cardio][height]" )
Character &they = get_player_character();

REQUIRE( they.size_class == creature_size::medium );

SECTION( "Within a size class, greater height means greater cardio" ) {
they.set_base_height( Character::default_height( they.size_class ) );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio ); //1739
they.set_base_height( Character::max_height( they.size_class ) );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == Approx( base_cardio + 196 ).margin( 5 ) ); //1935
they.set_base_height( Character::min_height( they.size_class ) );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == Approx( base_cardio - 214 ).margin( 5 ) ); //1525

TEST_CASE( "cardio is affected by character weight", "[cardio][weight]" )
// Underweight, overweight

TEST_CASE( "cardio is affected by character health", "[cardio][health]" )
Character &they = get_player_character();

SECTION( "Hidden health stat adds directly to cardio fitness" ) {
they.set_healthy( 0 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio );
they.set_healthy( 200 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 200 );
they.set_healthy( -200 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio - 200 );

TEST_CASE( "cardio is affected by athletics skill", "[cardio][athletics]" )
Character &they = get_player_character();

SECTION( "Athletics skill adds 10 per level to cardio fitness" ) {
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 0 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 1 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 10 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 2 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 20 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 3 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 30 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 4 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 40 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 5 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 50 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 6 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 60 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 7 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 70 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 8 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 80 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 9 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 90 );
they.set_skill_level( skill_swimming, 10 );
CHECK( they.get_cardiofit() == base_cardio + 100 );

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