Blog Public
Contains the final code for the code built on different posts on my blog.
TerevintoSoftware.IoT Public
Humidity and temperature tracking IoT project
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 12, 2024 -
A Python package to deal with OAuth PKCE authentication flow to generate JWT tokens from desktop apps.
An ASP.NET Core tool for generating static websites from MVC views.
TerevintoSoftware.AadAppRegistry Public archive
A dotnet tool to facilitate Azure AD and B2C app registrations
TerevintoSoftware.Integrator Public archive
A .NET tool to auto-generate integration tests for ASP.NET Core MVC
A template for creating an ASP.NET Core solution with Angular support
Demo repository for TerevintoSoftware.StaticSiteGenerator
StaticBlogTemplate Public template
A template repository for creating static blog sites with ASP.NET Core and Markdown
TerevintoSoftware.ApiKeys Public
An ASP.NET Core package for creating and validating secure API keys.
TerevintoSoftware.SolidTester Public archive
A .NET Tool for generating unit tests