This sample contains a fully usable template app for:
- Angular 17 with Angular Material
- ASP.NET Core 8
- Entity Framework Core 8
- ASP.NET Core Identity
This template contains components to do sign in/up, and a sample page for users administration.
The following are some screenshots of this template to give a better idea of what is provided.
You require the following installed on your computer:
- .NET 8 SDK
- NodeJs 18.13 or newer, or NodeJs 20.9 or newer.
- [recommended] Visual Studio 2022 17.8 (or newer), or Visual Studio Code
To build the .NET side of things, run:
dotnet build
To build the Angular side of things, run:
cd CT.Examples.AspNetCoreWithAngular.Api/ClientApp
npm i
npm run build
Running the applications can be achieved similarly:
dotnet watch
cd CT.Examples.AspNetCoreWithAngular.Api/ClientApp
npm i
npm run start