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This project is based on the PaddlePaddle framework to reproduce the classical image colorization paper CIC (Colorful Image Colorization), CIC is able to model the color channels for grayscale input and recover the color of the image. The innovation of this paper is to consider the prediction of color channels (ab) as a classification task, i.e., the real ab channels are first encoded into 313 bins, and the forward process of the model is equivalent to performing 313 class classification. At the same time, in order to solve the problem that the image recovered color is affected by a large unsaturated area such as the background, the loss of each pixel is weighted according to the prior distribution of ab, which is essentially equivalent to doing color class balancing.
- [1] Zhang R , Isola P , Efros A A . Colorful Image Colorization[C]// European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Online Operation
- Ai Studio job project:https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/clusterprojectdetail/2304371
The CIC model is trained on 224x224 resolution, but since the model contains only convolutional layers, it can handle image inputs of arbitrary size when doing tests, and thus we report two different sets of test results:
oringinal size(no resize)
Model AuC ACC Full (color rebalance, $$\lambda=0.5$$ )86.36% 56.0%(two decimal places:55.89%)(56.0%) Non-rebalance 90.61%(89.5%) 59.32% Rebalance(color rebalance, $$\lambda=0$$ )75.82%(67.3%) 41.37 -
resize input to 224x224
Model AuC ACC Full (color rebalance, $\lambda=0.5$ )87.36% 56.44% (56.0%) Non-rebalance 91.13% (89.5%) 59.40% Rebalance(color rebalance, $\lambda=0$ )77.91%(67.3%) 42.86% **Note: **The bolded metrics are those reported in the paper and are aligned in both test settings.
The dataset in the paper is ImageNet, and the experiments are conducted on the CIE Lab color space. The original ImageNet dataset consists of about 130W training images, 50,000 validation set images and 10,000 test images, and the original training set is used for this replication. According to the paper description, the validation of the model is performed on the first 10,000 validation sets, and the testing is performed on 10,000 separate images in the validation set. The division follows the paper "Learning representations for automatic colorization" , and the specific division strategy See official website. Please put files under ./data/xxx.
- Hardware:GPU、CPU
- Pacakge: scikit-image>=0.14.2
- Framework:PaddlePaddle>=2.0.0
git clone https://github.com/Callifrey/Paddle-CIC.git
cd Paddle-CIC
Due to the RAM limitations of the Ai Studio scripting task, this implementation uses four Tesla V100 GPUs in parallel, with training initiated as follows.
python -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' train.py --image_dir [training path]
step1 generate colorization results
python test.py --image_dir [testing path]
step2: Image classification is performed on the generated colorized images to get the classification accuracy, because the generated colorized images can get higher classification accuracy than grayscale images when the colorized model performs well. Here, consistent with the original paper, a pre-trained VGG-16 is used to perform the classification. The model structure and pre-trained weights are obtained from paddle.vision.models.
python metrics_acc.py
The final precision results are written to the specified directory(eg:./metric/metric_results)
step3: The Euclidean distance is calculated between the real image and the ab channel of the generated image, and the proportion of pixels within a specific threshold is counted. The thresholds are scanned one by one from 0 to 150, and the final statistics are drawn as a curve to calculate the area under the curve. This is similar to the traditional AuC calculation, but this implementation does not use a third-party library, and directly approximates the area under the curve by the area of the "right-angle trapezoid " formed between two adjacent thresholds. Summing over 150 trapezoid areas and then normalizing.
python metrics_auc.py
The final precision results are written to the specified directory
The pre-training model for this implementation is available at Baidu Cloud Drive, extraction code: f444 , The pre-training model consists of three groups, which are Full model, Non-rebalance variant, and Rebalance variants. Each folder contains the final checkpoint and the train loss recorded during training using the Paddle visualdl tool.
├─data # dir for all data
├─imgs # dir for all imags
├─log # dir for log files
├─metric # dir for metric files
├─resources # code and data from others
├─model # dir for checkpoints
├─result # dir for results saved
│ README.md # Englisg readme
│ README_cn.md # Chiniese readme
│ dataset.py # Class for dataset
│ get_invalid_images # finding invalid images
│ remove_invalid.sh # delete invalid images
│ metrics_acc.py # testing for image classification
│ metrics_auc.py # testing for AuC
│ model.py # model structure
│ train.py # training code
│ test.py # testing code
│ utils.py # tool classes
train.py description for parameters(partly)
Parameters Default Description --image_dir str: ‘/media/gallifrey/DJW/Dataset/Imagenet/train’ Path for training data --continue_train bool: False wheather to continue training --which_epoch str: 'latest' start checkpoint --num_epoch int: 20 number of epoches --lr float: 3.16e-5 initial learning rate --rebalance bool: True color rebalance or not --NN int: 5 number of neighor for KNN --sigma float: 5.0 kernal size for gussian --gamma float: 0.5 coefficient for mixture of distributions -
test.py description for parameters(partly)
Parameters Default Description --model_path str: './model' path for models --image_dir str: ‘/media/gallifrey/DJW/Dataset/Imagenet/val' path for testing data --load_model str: '19' checkpoint ID --result_path str: './result' result path --max_samples int: int(sys.maxsize) max number to generate
Full model | variant:non-rebalance | bariant2:rebalance |
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20 images are randomly selected from the coloring images generated in the final model, and the coloring effect is shown in the following figure:
To compare the coloring effect and to illustrate the effectiveness of color rebalance, several sets of grayscale images (Gray), no color rebalance (Non-rebalance), added color rebalance (Rebalance), and real images (Ground Truth) are shown here.
Additional information about the model can be found in the following table:
Information | Description |
Author | Dai Jiawu |
Date | 2021.09 |
Framework version | Paddle 2.0.2 |
Application scenarios | Image Colorization |
Supported Hardware | GPU、CPU |
Download link | Pre-trained model (code:f444) |
Online operation | Scripts |