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Git Workflow Guide

Tony Craig edited this page May 23, 2024 · 11 revisions

Table of Contents


  • General Recommendations
  • Git Overview

Getting Started with Git

  • Setup a Github Account
  • Local Git Initialization
  • Git Password Management
  • Setting up Github Forks
  • Updating your Github Fork Main
  • Git Collaborators

Clone, Commit, Branch

  • Clone
  • Branch
  • Commit

Pushing and Pulling

  • Remotes
  • Push
  • Pull, Rebase
  • Some examples
    • Update fork main from Consortium main
    • Update a branch from Consortium main
    • Rejected pushes
    • Push to a different repository

Pull Request (PR)

  • PR Overview
  • Refreshing your PR


  • Submodule Overview
  • Update Icepack in CICE
  • Resync Icepack in CICE
  • Development of Icepack under CICE
  • Develop Icepack and CICE Concurrently
  • Switch the Icepack Submodule Repository
  • Remove and Replace the Icepack Submodule

Final Notes

  • Overall Workflow
  • Collaborating on Development
  • Submodule Problems
  • Problems with Pull Requests

Appendix A: Table of useful git commands
Appendix B: Best Practices
Appendix C: Terms


This document provides a simplified overview of git and how to use it within CICE-Consortium development. In most cases, it does not fully represent the details and complexity associated with git. It should provide a starting point for working in the CICE-Consortium, and it will hopefully encourage users to look for more detailed documentation on the web. This document is not a substitute for a proper and detailed git user guide.

If any information is confusing or missing, please provide feedback thru the community forum which can be found on the Resource Index Page.

General Recommendations

  • Create your own forks for each repository.

  • Keep your fork main consistent with the Consortium main: pull from the Consortium main and push to your fork main

  • Work on branches in your sandbox, not on main. Always branch from main unless you specifically want changes from another branch in the new branch. Use different sandboxes for different branches. Never push changes to your fork main, only to branches.

  • Before a Pull Request, update your branch using the Consortium main as your upstream source.

  • Before a Pull Request run the appropriate tests (see Resource Index for details) and include test information in the PR template.

  • Separate updates into multiple Pull Requests (one "fix" at a time). Fill in the Pull Request template with details specific to each particular "fix". This is especially important if some changes are bit-for-bit and others are not.

  • Be very careful with every pull and push command to make sure it's from/to the right repo/fork/branch and contains what is intended.
    Use ‘git status’ and ‘git remote -v’ frequently.

  • When working with CICE, treat Icepack as a separate repository. If you need to modify both Icepack and CICE together, clone your own version of Icepack to use within CICE, create a new branch in each, and commit and push Icepack and CICE changes separately. Do not worry about the submodule status initially.

See also our Software Development Practices.

Git Overview

CICE consists of a top level driver and dynamical core plus the Icepack code which is included as a git submodule. Because Icepack is a submodule of CICE, Icepack and CICE development are handled somewhat independently with respect to the github repositories even though development and testing may be done together and in the same sandbox.

Only a limited number of users are able to push to the CICE-Consortium repositories. Users will be working on personal forks and executing pull requests to merge their changes into the CICE-Consortium repositories. If you plan to work within the CICE-Consortium project, create a github account ( if you don’t have one already.

A good tutorial on the overall git workflow is at atlassian's comparing-workflows page. We will be following most of the ideas discussed in those workflows. Details about using git can be found at the git-scm site or use google search.

There are a few basics to understand about git. It is distributed. That means there are actually multiple repositories. For instance, normally there will be the github CICE-Consortium repository, a user’s github forked repository, and a local repository on your local machine associated with your sandbox. The sandbox just contains a particular version from your repository like the head of a specific branch. The sandbox is where you work. To download a copy of the repository to a local file system, you clone it in git, that creates the local repository and sets up the sandbox. That sandbox will be set to the head of the main branch initially and will contain all branches and tags from the remote repository at the time of the clone. You can update your local repository from any other repository by using fetch and merge (aka pull). When you commit, you are migrating changes from your sandbox to your local repository. Use push to migrate changes in the local repository back to your fork. Once your fork is ready, those changes will be migrated to the CICE-Consortium repository by executing a pull request. To update your local sandbox, you execute a pull from a github repository. More generally, you can pull or push from/to any github repository.

Figure: Relationship between CICE consortium repositories and git commands

Getting Started with Git

Setup a Github Account

You can clone (checkout) the CICE-Consortium code without a Github account, but if you want to have your own repository and contribute, you'll need a Github account. To setup a Github account, go to and click on the SignUp button in the upper right hand side.

Thereafter, you will SignIn when you go to

Local Git Initialization

Before using git on any platform, it’s useful to set a few things. Execute the following commands,

  git config --global "Your Github Username"
  git config --global [email protected]
  git config --global push.default simple

You only need to set these once for each independent platform, they will be stored in the file ~/.gitconfig

Git Password Management

When you setup a github account, you created a github password. This password can be used to login to your github account in a web browser, and it gives you access to your repositories and settings.

However, as of August 23, 2021, you need to setup personal access tokens to access to your account on the command line. For instance, this is required when you push changes to a repository from a terminal login session. Personal access tokens are long strings that are randomly generated by github. They have specific access permissions, exist indefinitely but can be revoked at any time, and are only viewable when generated.

To setup a personal access token, login to your github account on a web browser, click on your user Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens. Click "Generate New Token", name it (ie. Repo), set permissions (we recommend checking just the repo and workflow group), and click "Generate Token". The string that is generated should be cut and saved temporarily because once you navigate away from this window, the token will no longer be visible. This token can now be used on the command line when username and password are requested.

The personal access tokens are difficult to memorize, so some users may want to "store" the token on machines they often access. To store the token, configure the git credential helper by invoking the following on the command line once,

  git config --global credential.helper store

After the personal access token is used the first time, it will be remembered, and the username/password will no longer be required. This will need to be done on each machine where you typically work IF you want the personal access token stored permanently. The password is stored in a dot file in your home directory with private access permissions, but it is a standard text file, so you should be careful to limit permissions. If you revoke the token in your settings, a new token will need to be used.

You can view, change access permissions, create new, or revoke tokens under your Github Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens. You can create as many personal access tokens as you want and have them function concurrently, and you can revoke them at any time for security reasons.

Setting Up Github Forks

Users should create personal github forks of CICE and Icepack to carry out any development of the CICE or Icepack source code. To create a fork (you do this once),

Each repository (CICE and Icepack) have to be forked separately and users are encouraged to fork both repositories.

We encourage development on branches in forks and for the fork main to generally remain up to date with the Consortium version. This makes it easier to branch in the fork from a Consortium version of main.

Updating Your Github Fork main

We’re getting a little ahead with respect to documentation but to keep your fork main up to date with the consortium main, pull from the CICE-Consortium to your local sandbox, commit locally, and then push those changes to your fork. Typically, this looks like for Icepack

  git clone
  cd Icepack
  git remote add upstream
  git pull upstream main
  git push origin main

The upstream branches and tags are NOT updated with the above commands. If you want to update the branches and tags, also do

  git fetch upstream --tags
  git push origin --tags

and for CICE

  git clone 
  cd CICE
  git remote add upstream
  git pull upstream main
  git push origin main
  git fetch upstream --tags
  git push origin --tags
  git submodule update --init

This entire process clones your fork main which creates a local repo and sandbox, pulls changes from the CICE-Consortium (ie. upstream) main into your local sandbox (which commits those changes to your local repository), and pushes those changes to your fork (origin). Finally, you will probably want to formally update the submodule in case the pull from the upstream is pointing to a different version. We encourage all users to NOT commit local changes to main (always work on a branch), and to keep the fork main up to date with the consortium main.

Git Collaborators

In general, your forks are public, anyone can read, but nobody can write. You can add collaborators to your fork by logging into github and going to the repository, e.g. https://, clicking on Settings, then Collaborators. Then add the collaborator at the bottom of the page. When you do, that person will be invited to collaborate on your fork and you can give them write permission.

Clone, Commit, Branch


(checkout or creating a Sandbox)

To create the initial sandbox, use git clone.

  git clone --recurse-submodules

--recurse-submodules populates all submodules, which is useful for CICE since Icepack is a submodule. If you forget to use --recurse-submodules then

  git clone
  cd CICE
  git submodule update --init

When you clone, your sandbox will be set to the head of the main branch. You can also specify a local directory name with git clone

  git clone --recurse-submodules CICE.mysandbox

Verify with git status and git remote -v

  git status
    On branch main
    Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'.
    nothing to commit, working directory clean

  git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)

You can clone any public github repository.


Branches and forks are often treated the same, but they are fundamentally different. A fork is a copy of an entire repository; that repository contains branches. A branch is more like a specific version within a repository.

To see which branches exist, in a sandbox,

  git branch --list
  git branch --list --all

--all shows all remote branches. To switch to an existing branch, use git checkout, then git submodule update.

  git checkout branchname
  git submodule update --init  # needed to synchronize your Icepack checkout.
  # or, do both in one command :
  git checkout --recurse-submodules branchname

You can also checkout a branch directly with clone using the -b option from any github location,

  git clone -b branchname --recurse-submodules

To create a new branch, initialize your sandbox to the version you want to branch from and type,

  git branch mybranch

You will usually branch from the head of the consortium main, and this is good time to update your fork's main as part of the process,

  git clone cice.mybranch
  cd cice.mybranch
  git remote add upstream
  git pull upstream main
  git push origin main
  git branch mybranch
  git checkout mybranch
  git submodule update --init

The first 5 lines above just update main in your fork with the consortium version. Then the branch is created from the head of main, it is checked out, and then the submodule is checked out.

We recommend that you give your branches meaningful names, because you likely will create and use many of them, and this helps identify pull requests. E.g. for a bug fix, you might use something like “bugfix_thermo_conductivity.” We recommend you work only on branches in your fork and that main is consistent with the CICE-Consortium repository. NOTE: When you execute “git checkout”, you will switch branches and may lose local modifications that have not been committed so BE CAREFUL with checkout. You can use “git stash” to save local changes and then recover them later.

Branches in git are generally not something that should last forever, and they can be used liberally. As a general rule, pull requests will be done to the Consortium from branches in your fork, and we recommend that each branch be used for a single pull request. In other words, once a pull request is issued, stop development on that branch and create a new branch. To branch from a working branch

  git checkout currentbranch
  git branch newbranch
  git checkout newbranch
  git submodule update --init

or even better

  git clone cice.mybranch
  cd cice.mybranch
  git remote add upstream
  git pull upstream main
  git push origin main
  git branch newbranch
  git checkout newbranch
  git pull origin oldbranch
  git submodule update --init

This branches off the current Consortium main but then pulls in any changes to the newbranch from the oldbranch.

To delete a branch in your local repository

  git checkout main
  git branch -d branchname

To delete a branch in your remote repository

  git push origin --delete branchname


When you commit, you are committing changes to the local repository. This repository is part of your sandbox and is created when you clone. In general, you want to use git status, git add, git rm, and git commit. Git status indicates where you are in the repository and what changes have been made in your sandbox. Git add tells git which files you want to update in the local repository when you commit. Git commit then commits those to your local repository.

  git status
  git add file1
  git add file2 file3
  git add file4
  git rm file5
  git commit -m “modified this really cool thing in my code”
  git status

In this case, add specifies both new AND modified files that need to be committed. You can also use git commit -a to automatically add modified files, but please review the git documentation first.

When you git add or git rm files, git status will no longer show them as being different, but they are NOT yet committed to your local repository. You must do git commit to commit the actual code changes.

When committing, please try to provide comprehensive documentation. If you use the -m option, you can specify a single line commit message on the command line. If you don't use -m, an editor will open for you to add a commit message which provides some extra flexibility in creating an extended commit message. We encourage use of the interactive editor for commit messages. The initial line short be a short 40-60 character line summary, followed by a line break and a more detailed message summarizing changes. This helps document model history within the repository.

Pushing and Pulling

Pushing and Pulling are operations associated with migrating changes between repositories. You push something if you are acting on the “sending” side and you pull something if you are on the “receiving” side. To push or pull, you should specify both the repository and what is being migrated explicitly, and you will need write access to that repository. The git remote command is extremely useful in push and pull operations.


  git remote -v
     origin (fetch)
     origin (push)

shows the repositories that are currently associated with your local repository. By default, the repository that was cloned will be nicknamed “origin”. Others can be added easily, e.g.,

  git remote add upstream
  git remote add buddy
  git remote -v
     buddy (fetch)
     buddy (push)
     origin (fetch)
     origin (push)
     upstream (fetch)
     upstream (push)

Now you can pull or push from/to any of these repositories by referencing their nickname.


Push migrates changes from your local repository to the github repository. Push looks like

  git push origin mybranch

This pushes mybranch from your local repository to the origin repository. You push to the repository of interest (ie. origin) and on the branch of interest (ie. mybranch). You can also push tags,

  git tag mybranch_tag01
  git push origin mybranch_tag01

Pull, Rebase

Pull migrates changes from a remote repository to your local repository. Pull looks like

  git pull origin mybranch

This pulls mybranch from the origin repository to your local repository. It is important to keep your local branch synced up with your remote repository when multiple people are developing in the same repository+branch.

When you pull, it's possible conflicts will arise. If they do, git will let you know and you'll have to manually reconcile those conflicts.

When you pull, you are just integrating local and remote commits on a commit-by-commit basis by time. Another way to operate is to rebase. When you rebase, the remote commits are checked out and then your local commits are "replayed" on top. This will change your local commit history, but can be advantageous in terms of keeping track of commit history and doing pull requests. To rebase,

  git pull --rebase origin branchname

A pull is the same thing as a fetch and a merge. There are some cases where it may be better to do a fetch, review the changes (git diff), and then do a merge. So

  git pull origin branchname

Is the same as

  git fetch origin
  git merge origin/branchname

When you pull, you may have to update submodules manually if they've changed. The pull will not automatically do that.

  git pull origin branchname
  git submodule update --init

Some Examples

In all these examples, you may need to update submodules manually after a pull. This can be done safely in most cases by executing

  git submodule update --init

If the submodule has not changed, there is no harm done. However, if you have manually cloned Icepack in your CICE sandbox, then the submodule update is not appropriate.

Update fork main from Consortium main

As noted earlier in this document, if you want to update your main fork to recent changes in the CICE-Consortium main, you would pull from the consortium and push to your fork as follows

  git checkout main
  git remote add upstream
  git pull upstream main      # pulls upstream repo main to local repo and sandbox
  git push origin main        # pushes your local repo main to your fork

Update a branch from Consortium main

A similar process can be used to update a branch. However, on a branch, we recommend using rebase rather than pull. Pull merges upstream and local changes based on time of commit. Rebase updates the local repository by first "rebasing" the repository from the upstream source and then "replaying" your local commits on top of the rebase. That means your local changes are always built on top of the base. This would look like

  git checkout branchname
  git remote add upstream
  git pull --rebase upstream main
  git push origin branchname

The push works fine if it is just a fast-forward (consistent history) push. If you have pushed the branch to your remote repository before the rebase, it probably won't be a fast-forward as the history of your local repository and the remote repository have diverged. To overcome this, you'll have to do one of two things. Either force the push and overwrite the history on your branch in your repo. This is perfectly fine if nobody else is working in your branch. That would look like

  git push --force-with-lease origin branchname

The force-with-lease (versus just force) checks whether you might overwrite non-local commits on your branch before forcing. This prevents remote commits by others from being lost. The other option is to switch to a new branch and pull changes from the old branch,

  git checkout main
  git remote add upstream
  git pull upstream main 
  git push origin main 
  git branch newbranch
  git checkout newbranch
  git pull origin oldbranch

Now you have a new branch based on the current Consortium main with changes from the old branch.

Pull and rebase can result in conflicts. If there are conflicts, they will be reported and you will have to fix them to continue. With pull, you will have to resolve the conflicts and commit manually. With rebase, you will have to resolve the conflicts and use git rebase --continue. See the git documentation for more details about handling conflicts. In summary, to rebase a branch with conflicts, do the following

  git clone --recurse-submodules
  git checkout branchname
  git remote add upstream
  git pull --rebase upstream main (or git fetch upstream main; git rebase upstream/main)
  > hand edit conflicts
  git rebase --continue
  git push --force-with-least origin branchname

Your branch will now be rebased to the current main and your pull request should update and reflect that.

Rejected pushes

If you get a "rejected" error message when you try to push, it's probably because someone else pushed a change onto your remote repository and your local repository is currently behind. The fix is to update your local repository by doing

  git pull origin branchname

This could result in a conflict that would have to be resolved.

Push to a different repository

As noted above, you can pull from a repository that is different from your origin repository. You can also push to a different remote repository. If you wanted to copy someone else's branch onto your fork, you could

 git clone CICE.branchname
 cd CICE.branchname
 git checkout branchname
 git add myrepo
 git push myrepo branchname

This is useful in cases where you want to contribute to a remote repository but you don't have write access. You can push local commits to the branch to your remote repository (your fork) and then issue PRs to propose merges to the other user's repository.

Pull Request

PR Overview

All modifications to the CICE-Consortium repositories will have to be done via a Pull Request (PR) from a fork. These pull requests will be formally reviewed and tested before being accepted and pulled into the Consortium repository. In general, the recommended process is to create a branch in a fork, develop and test, keep up to date with the CICE-Consortium main, document, and then when ready execute a pull request to the Consortium repository.

To execute a pull request,

  • Login to your fork in github (i.e. https://
  • Click on the appropriate repository
  • Switch to the appropriate branch via the drop down box
  • Click on the box “New Pull Request” next to the branch name
  • Review and verify the changes
  • Review and verify that the base and head are accurate
  • Add any relevant documentation in the template box and propose reviewers
  • Click on the “create pull request” box

Once the reviewers are satisfied with the pull request, it will be squashed-merged into the main branch. Any forward development at this point should happen in a new branch created from from the updated main.

Refreshing your PR

There are times where a PR is conflicting with the destination code, where the PR shows changes related to pulls from main, where the PR isn't running correctly, or where the PR just is not reviewable or readable for various reasons. One option is to pull (or pull --rebase) the Consortium main to your branch. Sometimes this creates problems for the PR. Another option is to create a new branch and reissue the PR. Lets assume the current branch is called feature. These steps (or similar) should allow you to continue fairly quickly

 (delete pull request for feature branch)
 git clone cice.feature2
 cd cice.feature2
 git remote add upstream
 git pull upstream main
 git push origin main
 git branch feature2
 git checkout feature2
 git pull origin feature
 git submodule update --init
   (review and test)
 git add ...
 git commit -m "pull feature branch to feature2 branch"
 git push origin feature2
 (create pull request for feature2 branch)


Submodule Overview

Submodules are a more advanced feature of Git that even experienced Git users might not have encountered. Here are some reading materials, in increasing level of complexity, about submodules:

Icepack is a submodule of CICE. Submodules are pointers to specific versions in an external repository. Working with Icepack in CICE is like working with a repository in a repository. When Icepack is cloned by CICE as a submodule, a specific version of Icepack will be downloaded. Without going into too much detail, Icepack will in a detached HEAD state which means it is a fixed version and cannot be modified easily.

  git clone --recurse-submodules
  cd cice/icepack
  git remote -v
     origin (fetch)
     origin (push)
  git status
     HEAD detached at 192fbaa
     nothing to commit, working directory clean

In this case, CICE is using Icepack hash is 192fbaa from the CICE-Consortium repository into the CICE directory structure.

Icepack Version in CICE

In general, to update Icepack to the version CICE is pointing to, do

 git submodule update --init

This should generally be done after any pull, after switching to an older branch, or after executing any other command that might have modified the Icepack version in CICE. This should not be done if you have clone Icepack manually in your CICE sandbox.

Normally, CICE is pointing to a particular version of Icepack in the CICE-Consortium fork. If a pull or branch ever changes the Icepack fork (to a user fork for example), you will additionally need to do a sync operation,

  git submodule sync
  git submodule update --init

In general, we do not encourage changing the Icepack fork in CICE.

Update Icepack in CICE

If all you want to do is change the Icepack version in CICE in the Consortium repository, then you would create a branch, switch the Icepack version, git add Icepack in CICE, commit, and issue a pull request,

  git clone cice.mybranch 
  cd cice.mybranch
  (update to Consortium CICE main if needed)
  git branch mybranch
  git checkout mybranch
  git submodule update --init
  cd icepack
  git status                # should be in a detached HEAD
  git branch --all --list   # figure out what to checkout
  git checkout somebranch   # checkout a new version of Icepack from the consortium
  git status                # should be pointing to another version of Icepack
  cd .. 
  (test CICE)
  git add icepack           # add Icepack changes to CICE
  git commit                # in CICE
  git push origin mybranch
  (create PR for CICE)

This is the standard procedure for updating the Icepack submodule in CICE.

Development of Icepack under CICE

When you checkout CICE, a specific version of Icepack will also be cloned. This version is not ready for modifications, and it can be convenient to develop Icepack changes from a CICE sandbox to facilitate testing within CICE. You can clone a working version of Icepack to sit within CICE easily as follows,

  git clone --recurse-submodules CICE.icepack.feature   # checkout CICE
  cd CICE.icepack.feature
  mv Icepack Icepack.00                            # move the default Icepack
  git clone    # clone Icepack separately
  cd Icepack
  git branch feature
  git checkout feature

You now have a copy of Icepack from your personal fork on a new branch in your CICE sandbox. You can develop, test, commit, and push Icepack changes. You can also test CICE in this sandbox. Eventually, you can create an Icepack Pull Request. In this mode of development, you will probably not be committing any changes to the CICE repository nor should you worry about anything related to the submodule in CICE. You are just developing Icepack within a CICE sandbox.

Develop CICE and Icepack Concurrently

There are a number of different ways to handle development of Icepack and CICE concurrently. What we strongly recommend is that you checkout CICE and Icepack from your fork and develop each within a single sandbox but as independent repositories. Eventually, you'll do a PR for Icepack. Once that is accepted, you can update the submodule in CICE and create a CICE PR. The basic steps are

  1. clone CICE from user repository (fork)
  2. update CICE repository main to Consortium version if needed
  3. create and checkout a CICE branch
  4. remove/move Icepack
  5. clone Icepack from user repository (fork)
  6. update Icepack repository main to Consortium version if needed
  7. create and checkout an Icepack branch
  8. develop/commit/push Icepack changes to the Icepack remote repository on the Icepack branch. Develop/commit/push CICE changes to CICE remote repository on the CICE branch. Do not update the Icepack submodule in CICE
  9. execute a PR for the Icepack branch to merge changes to the Consortium repository
  10. update the CICE branch submodule to point to the appropriate Consortium Icepack version and commit/push that change to the CICE branch
  11. execute a PR for the CICE branch to merge changes to the Consortium repository including the update to the Icepack submodule version

By using this approach, the Icepack submodule in CICE is updated only as final step using an existing version of Icepack from the Consortium repository. The above steps would look like

  git clone cice.mybranch --recurse-submodules
  cd cice.mybranch
  (update to Consortium CICE main if needed)
  git branch mybranch
  git checkout mybranch
  mv icepack icepack.orig                              # put aside the original version of icepack
  git clone        # check out a new version of icepack from your fork and drop it into your icepack directory in your sandbox
  cd Icepack
  (update to Consortium Icepack main if needed)
  git branch icebranch
  git checkout icebranch
  (modify icepack and cice, test icepack and cice, add/commit/push icepack and cice, as separate repositories)
  git push origin icebranch                            # push all changes to Icepack repository
  (create a PR for icebranch and wait for the Icepack PR to be done)

  cd cice.mybranch
  mv icepack                               # put aside your working copy of icepack
  git clone icepack      # check out the consortium icepack main
  diff -r icepack                          # just make sure it looks OK
  (test CICE)
  git add icepack
  git commit -m "update icepack version"
  git push origin mybranch
  (create a PR for CICE that will include CICE mods and a new version of Icepack)

Basically, you are treating CICE and Icepack as separate repositories until the final step where you update the Icepack submodule version in CICE.

Switch the Icepack Submodule Repository

Two things define a specific version of a submodule, the repository of the submodule and the version (hash). These two parameters are defined separately, and it's quite possible to end up with a repository and hash that are inconsistent. In that case, the Icepack submodule won't be valid.

The Icepack submodule in CICE is generally going to point to the CICE-Consortium Repository. The update Icepack in CICE section documents how to update the Icepack submodule version (hash) in CICE. This section will document how to change the submodule repository. If you follow the recommended workflow, you should NEVER do this. But for completeness, we include it in the documentation. To update the submodule repository, you will execute some git config commands,

  git clone cice.mybranch --recurse-submodules
  cd cice.mybranch
  (update to Consortium CICE main if needed)
  git branch mybranch
  git checkout mybranch   # work on CICE branch
  git config --file=.gitmodules -l
  git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.icepack.url  # change the repository
  git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.icepack.branch main
  git config --file=.gitmodules -l
  git submodule sync                          # this syncs to the new submodule.icepack.url repo
  git submodule update --init                 # this checks out the new repo
  cd icepack
  git remote -v                               # verify origin
  git checkout something                      # change the version of Icepack
  cd ../
  git add icepack
  git commit -m "switch icepack to different repository and hash"
  git push origin mybranch

Again, this should be avoided in most cases. We recommend developing CICE and Icepack concurrently and treating the two repositories independently until the Icepack submodule in CICE can be easily updated from a version on the Consortium main.

Remove and Replace the Icepack Submodule

This is not something you should normally do, but it's another way to change the Icepack submodule repository,

  cd CICE
  git submodule deinit -f icepack
  rm -r -f .git/modules/icepack
  git rm -f icepack
  git commit -m “remove icepack”
  git submodule add icepack
  cd icepack
  git checkout some_branch
  cd ../
  git add icepack
  git commit -m “switch to Icepack version xyz”

Final Notes

Overall Workflow

To summarize, a typical workflow for development on a branch would be

  git clone cice.mybranch --recurse-submodules
  cd cice.mybranch
  git remote add upstream
  git pull upstream main
  git push origin main
  git submodule update
  git branch mybranch
  git checkout mybranch
     (develop and test)
  git status
  git add file1 file2     
  git rm file3
  git commit -m “developed something and tested on mybranch”
     (develop and test)
  git add file4
  git commit -m "updated something again"
  git pull --rebase upstream main
  git commit -m "rebase to main"
  git push origin mybranch
  (create the Pull Request)

Collaborating on Development

Collaboration on model development features is encouraged. When collaborating, there are some things to consider

  • Communicate regularly regarding working branches, priorities, and pushes.
  • Define a prime repository for the work to exist and either provide write access to others or PR changes from other working repositories to the prime repository.
  • Use git pull prime_repo branchname frequently to ensure your local repository is up to date with the prime repository.
  • If a push is rejected, your local repository is behind the prime repository. Use git pull prime_repo branchname to fix this.
  • Conflicts can arise, you'll need to resolve them occasionally.
  • If working collaboratively on both CICE and Icepack at the same time, be particularly careful to communicate changes. Try to avoid committing changes to the Icepack submodule in CICE unless it's well thought out.

Submodule Problems

It's easy to accidently update the Icepack submodule in CICE when you don't mean to. If Icepack has been modified, updated, or switched in a CICE sandbox, that will show up as an Icepack difference in git status. If you do git commit -a you will automatically change the Icepack submodule hash in CICE. To undo that, the recommended procedure would be to formally update Icepack in CICE to the correct version and then continue working. That might involve moving your working Icepack directory, checking out a version of Icepack from the Consortium, switching to the correct version (hash), and then committing Icepack to CICE. You can then move your working version of Icepack back into your sandbox.

We suggest avoiding git commit -a if there are Icepack changes. Use git add and git commit to explicitly add the set of changes that are desired. You can use git add on a directory to add everything under that directory to speed up the process.

If the submodule is problematic, just checkout a new copy of Icepack, continue to work, and avoid submodule commands. The CICE submodule setting can be fixed as a separate step. If you really get stuck, create a new sandbox and start again. Do not delete the old sandbox in case you need to recover anything. You should be able to create a useful sandbox and then carefully step forward using the appropriate process. Finally, feel free to contact folks in the Consortium thru the community form for help. The community forum is linked on the Resource Index page.

Problems with Pull Requests

Sometimes a pull request will have conflicts with the current main. Those conflicts will need to be resolved before the pull request can be executed. In those cases, the development branch should be updated to any changes from the Consortium Main. That process is documented in the section related to updating a branch from the Consortium main

Sometimes a pull request will reflect more than just the changes you've committed. That can occur when the history of the branch and the history of the main become intertwined. Git creates differences by looking at the git history, not at the code differences. There are a few ways to correct this. The method we recommend is to create a new branch off the current main, pull the changes from the prior branch to the new branch, then issue a new PR. These steps are documented in the section on how to refresh your PR

Finally, if there are problems or questions with a PR, a discussion will probably occur thru the conversation and review features in the PR and help can be provided thru that feature.

Appendix A: Table of Useful git Commands

These commands are generally invoked by git [command] with some options.

[command] Description
add Defines which files will be committed
branch Create a branch or list branches
checkout Switch to another version/branch
clone Initialize a local repo/sandbox
commit Copy changes into the local sandbox repository
diff Provides list of changes in current sandbox, lots of options for doing diffs with other repo versions.
fetch Download changes to local repo
log Provide a summary of commits
merge Merge changes from local repo to sandbox
pull Download changes to local sandbox (== fetch + merge)
push Upload changes
rebase like pull but updates the base version then replays local changes, same as pull --rebase
remote [-v] [add] Lists/Sets remote repositories in a sandbox
rm Removes a file from the repo
status Provides summary of status of sandbox
submodule Many options, useful for working with submodules
tag -a Create a tag or list tags
update Pull updates into the local sandbox

Further Information

There are many git commands to diagnose the status of your sandbox.


Status provides a summary of the status of your sandbox.

  git status

will indicate which branch your sandbox is on and the changes that have been made. This should be used often during development and before commits and pushes.


Diff shows code changes.

  git diff

If you also want to see the submodule diffs, use

  git diff --submodule

but it's important to remember that a commit to CICE will NOT commit the Icepack changes to Icepack.


Log summarizes the commits and pushes in your sandbox up to the current state. The first entry will provide the id of the current model version.

  git log

If you want a useful graphical summary of the log, try

  git log --graph --oneline --decorate


Remote summarizes the remote repositories setup locally.

  git remote -v

git remote add is used to add name new remote repositories for use locally.

Appendix B: Best Practices

  • Create a fresh clone and branch for each batch of changes that will be submitted in separate PRs, if a previous PR might not be executed before work begins on the next one.
  • Keep your fork main up to date with the Consortium, don't commit local changes to your fork main, and rebase your branches from the main Consortium repositories periodically.
  • Always develop on a branch, then create a PR to merge to the consortium main.
  • Use “git status” often.
  • Use “git remote -v” often.
  • Always commit with a reasonably detailed and clear commit message.

Appendix C: Terms

Branch - A pointer to a parallel development in a repository
Checkout - When you switch to a branch in your local repository
Commit - When you copy changes into your local repository
Clone - When you copy a github repository into a local sandbox
Fetch - When you update your local repository from an external repository
Fork - When you copy a repository within github from one github project to another
Hash - Particular version in git defined by a string of random characters generated by git
Main - The base trunk branch in a github repository
Merge - Merging changes from your local repository to your sandbox
Pull - When you copy changes out of an external repository to your local repository and merge those changes into your local sandbox. This is a combination of fetch and merge
Pull Request - A github operation to request an update to an upstream repository (aka PR)
Push - When you copy changes into a github repository
Sandbox - Your local checkout with or without local modifications
Submodule - An external repository included in another repository
Tag - The ability to explicitly name a specific version of the module in a repository

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