Usage: Please refer to offical pytorch tutorial on attention-RNN machine translation, except that this implementation
handles batched inputs, and that it implements a slightly different attention mechanism.
To find out the formula-level difference of implementation, illustrations below will help a lot.
PyTorch version mechanism illustration, see here:
PyTorch offical Seq2seq machine translation tutorial:
Bahdanau attention illustration, see here:
PyTorch version attention decoder fed "word_embedding" to compute attention weights,
while in the origin paper it is supposed to be "encoder_outputs". In this repository,
we implemented the origin attention decoder according to the paper
Update: dynamic encoder added and does not require inputs to be sorted by length in a batch.
PyTorch supports element-wise fetching and assigning tensor values during procedure, but actually it is slow especially when running on GPU. In a tutorial(,
attention values are assigned element-wise; it's absolutely correct(and intuitive from formulas in paper), but slow on our GPU.
Thus, we re-implemented a real batched tensor manipulating version, and it achieves more than 10X speed improvement.
This code works well on personal projects.