This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 11, 2023. It is now read-only.
- CIS Kubernetes (PRs #2066, #2098, #2125 @JunSun17)
- Kubernetes PodSecurity option enabled (PRs #2048, #2145 @pidah)
- AAD Admin Group Object ID flag (PR #2111 @pidah)
- --authorization-mode=Node only if secure kubelet (PR #2138 @jackfrancis)
- Add default audit policy (PR #2189 @pidah)
- New Kubernetes versions
- v1.9.3 (PR #2242 @CecileRobertMichon @JiangtianLi)
- v1.9.2 (PR #2092 @CecileRobertMichon @JiangtianLi)
- v1.8.8 (PR #2243 @CecileRobertMichon @JiangtianLi)
- v1.8.7 (PR #2068 @jackfrancis @JiangtianLi)
- Clear containers (PRs #1945, #2067 @jessfraz)
- --feature-gates for kubelet and apiserver (PRs #2032, #2081 @stuartleeks)
- Upgrade docker-engine to 1.13.* for k8s >= v1.7 (PR #2144 @jackfrancis)
- Allow 1 core master node VM sizes (PR #2173 @dtzar)
- Update prometheus-grafana addon (PR #2183 @martell)
- ServiceNodeExclusion in controller-manager for k8s >= 1.9 (PR #2180 @bnookala)
- Add VM SKUs for DC/OS master and agent (PR #2184 @yakman2020)
- Enabling Azure CNI for Windows Kubernetes (experimental) (PRs #2174, #2237, #2244 @saiyan86)
- Enabled preprovisioning on windows DC/OS agents (PR #2228 @yakman2020)
- Enable cloud controller manager support for Kubernetes 1.9 (PR #2233 @karataliu)
- Kubernetes Tiller Addon: configuration to set max-history (PR #2217 @ultimateboy)
- Windows RS3 hot fix for k8s (PR #2230 @JiangtianLi)
- Fix issue with apiserver when using AADProfile (PR #2047 @tesharp)
- Custom OSDiskSizeGB for Windows Kubernetes (PR #2097 @JiangtianLi)
- Multiple resource types for EncryptionConfig (Kubernetes)(PR #2104 @jackfrancis)
- TLS etcd backward compatibility upgrade fix (PR #2118 @CecileRobertMichon)
- only create cert files on master (PR #2120 @CecileRobertMichon)
- Enable iptables forward for kubernetes (PR #2139 @feiskyer)
- Mount in /var/lib/cni from the host (PR #2165 @brendanburns)
- Protect etcd tls from race conditions (PR #2160 @CecileRobertMichon)
- Kubernetes version validation for managed clusters (PR #2194 @dmitsh)
- --bind-address typo in apiserver (PR #2192 @stephenlawrence)
- Additional cloud-init deployment resiliency (PRs #2196, #2203, #2211, #2220, #2214, #2221, #2229, #2245, #2241 @jackfrancis, @CecileRobertMichon)
- Fix DC/OS release version (PR #2197 @jonas)
- kubelet --cluster-dns user override (PR #2078 @tesharp)
- Remove Agent NICs dependency on Master NICs during upgrade. (PR #2213 @JunSun17)
- Return nil error on successful deployment (PR #2218 @dmitsh)
- Fixed version checking for managed clusters (PR #2226 @dmitsh)
- Keyvault etcd certs (PR #2155 @CecileRobertMichon)
- fix --auto-suffix when dnsPrefix is defined in apimodel json file (PR #2239 @serbrech)
- Aggregated API uses secure etcd endpoint/certs (PR #2252 @pidah)
- Add single quotes around sp secret (PR #2255 @CecileRobertMichon)
- Fixes to non-RBAC clusters (PRs #2253, #2267 @jackfrancis)
- Improving IP address assignment for master nodes with Azure CNI (PR #1966 @tamilmani1989)
- Upgrade Azure CNI to 1.0.1 (PR #2064 @jackfrancis)
- Deployment error details during upgrade (PR #1995 @dmitsh)
- azureconst for francecentral (PR #2164 @serbrech)
- validation error if custom VNET + Windows (PR #2168 @jackfrancis)
- replaced apierror with armerror (PR #2205 @dmitsh)
- Remove debug binary (PR #2235 @ultimateboy)
- set addon enabled value if nil (PR #2254 @jackfrancis)
- latest ubuntu image (PR #2259 @jackfrancis)
- freshen go-dev image (PR #2261 @jackfrancis)
- keep DeploymentOperationsListResult in DeploymentError (PR #2266 @dmitsh)
- Upgrade Kubernetes components
- latest dashboard for v1.8 and v1.9 clusters (#2070 @jackfrancis)
- latest kube-dns for v1.8 and v1.9 k8s clusters (#2073 @jackfrancis)
- latest heapster for v1.8 and v1.9 clusters (#2072 @jackfrancis)
- latest pause image for v1.8 and v1.9 k8s clusters (#2074 @jackfrancis)
- CSE provisioning script in foreground on agent nodes (PR #2113 @dmitsh)
- Docs updates!
- PR #2128 @JiangtianLi
- PR #2147 @JiangtianLi
- PR #2171 @diwakar-s-maurya
- PR #2170 @serbrech
- Update ApiServerConfig customization/override example (PR #2201 @pidah)
- PR #2208 @ckbhatt
- PR #2236 @pweil
- CI/E2E maintenance/improvements!
- Add HPA autoscale test to E2E (PR #2096 @jackfrancis)
- E2E debugging (PRs #2126, #2190, #2207, #2210, #2224 @jackfrancis)
- PR #2154 @CecileRobertMichon
- PR #2156 @jackfrancis
- PR #2206 @jackfrancis
- PR #2204 @jackfrancis
- PR #2240 @jackfrancis