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Werner edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 4 revisions
Name Global Variable Description
Air SSair ZAS simulation ticks & zone rebuilds.
Airflow SSairflow Handles object movement due to air pressure. Does not support START_PROCESSING(). 0.1s tickrate.
Alarms SSalarm Tracking and processing of air, fire, and power alarm datums. In-game alarm objects are not processed here.
Ambient Occlusion SSocclusion
Arrivals SSarrivals Controls the Odin arrivals shuttle & handles Odin despawn timeout.
Assets SSassets Player asset cache. Handles sending of NanoUI and other HTML assets to players. Does not fire.
Atlas SSatlas Loads the Map
Atoms SSatoms Handles atom initialization. Does not fire.
Battle Monsters SSbattlemonsters
Calamity SScalamity Generic processor intended for use with blobs, singularities, and other major objects. Supports START_PROCESSING().
Cargo SScargo Manages cargo shuttle & supply transactions.
Chemistry SSchemistry Handles multi-tick chemical reactions.
Diseases SSdisease Generic processor intended for use with diseases. Supports START_PROCESSING().
Disposals SSdisposals Generic processor intended for use with disposal holder objects. Supports START_PROCESSING().
Economy SSeconomy Holds and handles the various money accounts
Effects Master SSeffects Handles new-style effect ticks.
Electronics SSelectronics Handles integrated circuts
Emergency Shuttle emergency_shuttle Handles emergency shuttle movement & calling.
Events SSevents Handles random event scheduling & ticks.
Explosives SSexplosives Handles explosion processing.
Falling SSfalling Handles objects falling down openturfs.
Garbage SSgarbage Garbage collector. Manages qdel'd objects.
Global Listener SSlistener
Holomap SSholomap Generates the Holomap
Icon Cache SSicon_cache Global holder for icon cache lists. Does not fire.
Icon Smoothing SSicon_smooth Handles queued icon smooth operations.
Icon Updates SSicon_update Handles icon updates queued with queue_icon_update().
Jobs SSjobs Handles job assignment, spawning, and despawning. Does not fire.
Law SSlaw Container for corporate regulations. Does not fire.
Lighting SSlighting Processes queued lighting engine updates & contains lighting object lists.
Machinery SSmachinery Handles machinery ticks, powernet ticks, and contains the global camera list.
Mobs - AI SSmob_ai Handles thinking mobs
Mobs - Life SSmobs Mob Life() processing & container for global mouse list.
Modifiers SSmodifiers Generic processor intended for use with modifier datums. 1s tickrate.
NanoUI SSnanoui Manages & processes NanoUI datums. Supports START_PROCESSING(), but should not be used for processing directly.
News SSnews Handles the news. Creation of channels and loading news from the db
Night Lighting SSnightlight Handles automatic night lighting switch over.
Orbits SSorbit Handles orbit datum updates.
Overlay SSoverlays Handles addition/removal of overlays from atoms. Does not support START_PROCESSING().
pAI SSpai Global pAI controller, handles candidate finding & global pAI software list. Does not fire.
Persistent Configuration SSpersist_config Perists Configuration Across Reboots
Pipenet SSpipenet Handles atmos pipenet processing. Supports START_PROCESSING().
Power SSpower Contains powernet lists and manages RCON. Does not fire.
Processing SSprocessing Generic multi-purpose processor. Supports START_PROCESSING(). 2s tickrate.
Processing (Fast) SSfast_process Generic multi-purpose processor with a high (0.5s) tick-rate. Supports START_PROCESSING().
Projectiles SSprojectiles
Radio SSradio Communications controller, manages radio frequencies. Does not fire.
Response Team SSresponseteam Handles selection of ERT or TCFL depending on round progression
Seeds & Plants SSplants Maintains global seed lists, plant icon caches, and handles spreading vine processing. Supports START_PROCESSING().
Shuttles shuttle_controller Handles shuttle processing & maintains global shuttle lists. Supports START_PROCESSING().
Space Parallax SSparallax Space parallax setup & container for space parallax lists. Does not fire.
Statistics & Inactivity SSfeedback Handles inactivity kick, feedback gathering, and round-end statistics. Cannot be var-edited.
Sun SSsun Solar sun tracking & solar panel updates.
Sunlight SSsunlight Handles surface sunlight illumination. Does not fire.
Ticker SSticker Manages game mode & round status.
Timer SStimer Handles timer (addtimer) processing.
Trade SStrade Handles the merchant Traders.
Traumas SStraumas Handles the Traumas.
Voting SSvote Handles voting. Shocking.
VueUI SSvueui Handles VueUI
Xenoarcheology SSxenoarch Handles xenoarch find generation at world start. Does not fire.
XKeyScore SSipintel Container for IPIntel cache. Does not fire.
Z-Copy SSzcopy
Map Finalization N/A Handles asteroid generation. Selects and loads the Away mission
Early Miscellaneous Init N/A Handles miscellaneous server setup steps done early in server boot. Does not fire.
Late Miscellaneous Init N/A Handles miscellaneous server setup steps done late in server boot. Does not fire.
-- Retired --
Objects SSobjects Handles processing of the processing_objects list.
Open Space SSopenturf Handles updates of open turf overlays & turfs, as well as containing the global lists of all openspace overlays + all openturfs.
Wireless SSwireless Maintains wireless reciever lists & handles wireless datum pairing.

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