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Audiosutras edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 9 revisions

PI-HOLE & Unbound Docker Compose

Pi-hole is a DNS sinkhole that is effective at blocking ads and malware by closing connections to blacklisted domains. Unbound is a validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver that increase the privacy of its users.

This project provision two docker containers on a user's chosen machine that always run unless stopped; one for Pihole and the other Unbound. By default, PiHole is configured to use Unbound as its only upstream DNS server. This cuts Google, Cloudflare, and other DNS providers out from having a record of the domains you have requested to visit. In simple terms, this always means the sites you have visited. However note that your Internet Service Provider will still be able to access your DNS history without any obsfucation. For more information I found this reddit thread helpful.

The benefits of running pi-hole and unbound in docker containers are many. To speak to a few, it is the ability to run this software across operating system (linux, mac, windows) and across computing devices. You can benefit from adblocking and malware protection on your devices at home by running pihole containerized on a raspberry pi. You can also have this benefit on your laptop when connected to an external network that is not your own like hotel or airport wifi.

Unbound privacy benefits as your configured DNS resolver, but its important to mention before starting that you will still be able to disable this resolver and use Cloudflare for example for the benefits of internet speed.

Let's get started.

Prerequiste Installation

Docker & Docker Compose

This project depends on having Docker and Docker Compose installed on the machine you plan to run Pihole on. Ensure your machine has at least 4GB of RAM.

To check if docker and docker-compose is already installed run the following commands from the command line:

$ docker --version
Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.28.0, build d02a7b1a

If nothing was returned when running the above commands follow docker's recommended installation method found here under Scenario one: Install Docker Desktop for your operating system and/or linux distribution. If your machine is a Raspberry Pi or another single board computer check out these operating systems for getting docker up and running

Running PiHole & Unbound (Linux/Mac OS)

  • Clone this repository

    # linux/mac commands
    # Using https. Use SSH if contributing to the project 
    $ git clone
    # make pihole-unbound-dockercompose our working directory
    $ cd pihole-unbound-dockercompose
  • Download repository as a zip file

    # linux/mac commands
    # download zip file of master branch
    $ wget -O
    # unzip the zip file
    $ unzip
    # make pihole-unbound-dockercompose our working directory
    $ cd pihole-unbound-dockercompose-master
  1. Create an .env file in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file

    # linux/mac commands
    $ ls
    # opens nano editor
    $ touch .env && sudo nano .env

    Copy & Paste the code block below. Replace <super secret password for logging into pihole dashboard> with your password. Also select your current

    PIHOLE_PWD=<super secret password for logging into pihole dashboard>
    # Switch With your local TimeZone, ex: PIHOLE_TZ=America/New_York 

    Press CTRL + X then Y and then ENTER to exit the editor.

  2. Run the project detached as a background process.

    If you are running this project on Ubuntu (and maybe Fedora) there are additional steps that need to be completed before continuing with step 2.

    $ docker-compose up -d

    Pihole and Unbound will restart automatically unless explicitly stopped by the user.

  3. Get the IP Address of the Pihole instance

    • If wanting to use Pihole on the machine you just installed it on without local network coverage, the IP address you will use for your DNS server is (localhost).
    • For local network coverage, you will need to know the local IP address for the machine you placed Pihole on. Get that on linux by running
        # linux/mac commands
        # make sure to write down the first entry in this list
        $ hostname -I
  4. Confirm PiHole is using Unbound as the upstream DNS

    • Navigate to http://<ip-address>/admin replacing <ip-address> with the address you obtained in step 3.
    • Input the PIHOLE_PWD password you chose in step 1 to access the admin
    • Navigate to Settings, click on the DNS tab. Under Upstream DNS Custom 1 (IPv4) you should see checked This is Unbound's internal IP address.
    • You can uncheck this and use any of the other upstream dns servers like Cloudflare and Quad9 whenever you want to.
  5. Start using Pihole - Article: Configure Clients to use Pihole

    • On the Pihole installed machine you can navigate to Wifi or Network Settings and update the DNS section for your internet connection by inputing as the value for this section.
    • For local network coverage of all devices you will need to update Static DNS settings found in your router's admin page. You will set the DNS value to the local IP address you retrieved in step 3.

    For more Information see the article linked above for step 5.

Ubuntu Additional Steps

In order to proceed you will need to update systemd-resolved or disable it.

Here are the steps for the unoffical solution.

# The Unoffical Solution for the Streets

$ sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
$ sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
$ sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf 

Add dns=default under [main] section in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

# inside '/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf'


Press CTRL + X then Y and then ENTER to exit the editor.

Delete the sysmlink /etc/resolv.conf

$ rm /etc/resolv.conf

Restart NetworkManager

$ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Now we can proceed back to step 2 in Running PiHole & Unbound.

More Useful Resources & Articles

