A Unity package for Fizzyo game development . You can view more detailed documentation in the official documentation website.
Download the latest Fizzyo Framework unity package from here
- From Unity select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package
- Select the FizzyoFramework.unitypackage that you have downloaded.
- In the window that pops up select ok to import the package.
- Add all scenes from Assets/Fizzyo/Scenes to your project build settings by opening them and going to File > Build Settings > Add Open Scenes.
the Unity package is also able to be cloned directly from GitHub and the fizzyo folder placed in your projects Assets folder.
After importing the Fizzyo Framework you will have a new Folder called Fizzyo located in your Assets directory. This Folder contatins everything you will need to use the Fizzyo device and services, you should not need to modify anything in the folder it's self as the framework is accessed through singletons.
The Fizzyo Framework is accessed though singletons. This means that one FizzyoFramework class is used throughout the lifetime of your application and can be accessed from any script using FizzyoFrameework.Instance
This is a example of a minimal game that scores number of good breaths during playing
//use Fizzyo namespace
using Fizzyo;
int score = 0;
int breaths = 5;
int breathCount = 0;
private string PerfectBreathUID = "";
void Start(){
FizzyoFramework.Instance.Recogniser.BreathStarted += OnBreathStarted;
FizzyoFramework.Instance.Recogniser.BreathComplete += OnBreathEnded;
void Update(){
//get exhale pressure between -1 and 1
float pressure = FizzyoFramework.Instance.Device.Pressure();
Debug.Log("Exhale pressure: " + pressure);
void OnBreathStarted(object sender)
Debug.Log("Breath started");
void OnBreathEnded(object sender, ExhalationCompleteEventArgs e)
if(e.BreathQuality() >= 2){
if(e.BreathQuality() >= 4){
if(breathCount > breaths){
Returns the pressure returned by the Fizzyo device as a user exhales through it. The value returned are calibrated. A value of 1.0 corresponds to the maximum pressure someone produced when calibrating and 0.0 maps to the pressure when not breathing through the device. a smaller negative value is produced if the user inhales through the device and a number above 1.0 can be produced if the user exhales harder than their calibration breath.
Events can be used to listen for the start or end of a breath.
FizzyoFramework.Instance.Recogniser.BreathStarted += OnBreathStarted;
FizzyoFramework.Instance.Recogniser.BreathComplete += OnBreathEnded;
void OnBreathStarted(object sender)
void OnBreathEnded(object sender, ExhalationCompleteEventArgs e)
The event will fire at the end of an exhaled breath and provide information for: a) BreathLength b) BreathCount c) ExhaledVolume d) IsBreathFull
Achievements will need to be first registered in the (Fizzyo Portal)[] using your developers account and then can be unlocked for each user by calling.
Scores achieved in your game can be posted to the score board using the following.
Users will need to login to the fizzyo system in order to submit analytics, achievements and leader boards. A login screen is automatically displayed in the FizzyoFramework unless disabled through the FizzyoFramework editor properties.
*Whilst playing through the editor the Fizzyo Framework automatically logs in to a test user specified in the FizzyoFramework.cs properties. If you would like to show a login window at a specific point in your game you can call.
In order to use game achievements, high scores and analytics your game will need to be registed on the (Fizzyo Portal)[]
The FizzyoFramework script can be attached to a Unity GameObject to configure though the Unity Editor. [image]