ACS AEM Commons v4.2.2
released this
16 Jul 00:53
841 commits
to master
since this release
[4.2.2] - 2019-07-15
- #1967 - Expose On-Deploy Script Executor for external script triggering
- #1967 - Write On-Deploy Script exception statement to the result node
- #1927 - HTTP cache: added cookie exclusion
- #1905 - HTTP cache: added response header exclusion
- #1945 - Added support for jcr:content creation and update to the Data Importer
- #1989 - Updated maven dependency org.owasp:dependency-check-maven to 5.1.1
- #1547 - Updated Report Runner's ReportCSVExportServlet to support extra-ACS Commons ReportCellCSVExporter
- #1976 - Fixed failing Remote Assets and tests dependent on mock server on JDK 11
- #1982 - Fixed the Shared and Global icons that are not appearing in edit bar when the dialog is edited and saved and page refreshes due to Edit Config Listener ( Shared Component Properties )