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Releases: AcutronicRobotics/MARA
Releases · AcutronicRobotics/MARA
First release of MARA for ROS2 Dashing.
Naming convention: <ROS2_DISTRO_NAME>-v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>
Change Log
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- hrim_actuation vs hrm_actuator #100
- Testing different target position for MARA #81
- Installation error #36
- failing #27
- Build problem [cv_bridge, mara_gazebo_plugins, robotiq_140_gripper_gazebo_plugin] #16
- Instalation #15
Merged pull requests:
- Update crystal #108 (YueErro)
- add pip3 as dependency #107 (alesolano)
- Update mara-ros2.repos: #106 (LanderU)
- Update mara_control #105 (nzlz)
- update readme #104 (YueErro)
- Fixing ID in mara service #103 (ahcorde)
- acutation_servomotor to actuator_rotaryservo #102 (YueErro)
- remove unecessary repos-test please #99 (rkojcev)
- Update gripper urdfs to sync with robotiq branch #98 (nzlz)
- Dashing #95 (LanderU)
- Replace readme crystal with dashing #94 (YueErro)
- Fixing callback and result for dashing #93 (anasarrak)
- Update .ci/Dockerfile #91 (LanderU)
- Enable multiple robots #90 (YueErro)
- update mara_description #89 (YueErro)
- Remove hrim_sensor_forcetorque_msgs CMakeList #88 (LanderU)
- Revert ForceTorque sensor bridge changes #87 (igorrecioh)
- Update Dockerfile: #86 (LanderU)
- Fix linking errors, bridge forcetorque #85 (LanderU)
- Added support for ForceTorque sensor bridge ROS2->ROS1 #84 (igorrecioh)
- Add the correct branch to acutronicrobotics/MARA - mara-ros2.repos #83 (anasarrak)
- Fix vision_opencv path #82 (anasarrak)
- Error2info #80 (alesolano)
- update mara_utils_scripts pkg #79 (YueErro)
- removal round 2 #77 (YueErro)
- update mara_description #76 (YueErro)
- improve rviz section #75 (alesolano)
- Remove warning #74 (nzlz)
- remove deprecated file #73 (YueErro)
- Added while statement: #72 (LanderU)
- reduce duplicated in readme #70 (alesolano)
- new yaml structure #69 (YueErro)
- update readme #68 (alesolano)
- Remove mara rviz #67 (rkojcev)
- update design #66 (YueErro)
- unify launch files and update files accordingly #65 (YueErro)
- Added travis: #64 (LanderU)
- remove turtlebot dependencies #63 (rkojcev)
- fix cmake of individual trajectories to use db #62 (rkojcev)
- Use crystal deb packages #61 (nzlz)
- add new urdfs #60 (YueErro)
- updating readme related to ROS1/2 bridge #59 (alesolano)
- fix references to nonexistent urdf #58 (YueErro)
- Mara repos hrim #57 (rkojcev)
- Remove xacros #56 (rkojcev)
- Structure update in the README #54 (nzlz)
- Readme update #53 (rkojcev)
- hack to replace remove melodic from setup.bash after compiling ros1 #50 (alesolano)
- rename file #49 (YueErro)
- fix in mara_bringup #48 (YueErro)
- fix installation instructions #47 (YueErro)
- add camera yaml and mara camera launch #45 (YueErro)
- Update #44 (LanderU)
- Merge AI and Master branches #43 (nzlz)
- update gazebo_ros_pkgs to crystal #42 (YueErro)
- Fixing inertias, center of mass, limits and efforts #41 (ahcorde)
- added effort and velocity to joint_states #39 (carlossvg)
- update image common to crystal #38 (nzlz)
- [WIP] Renaming hros to hrim #37 (ahcorde)
- Fix gripper vibrations [WIP] #35 (YueErro)
- Modified topic state_axis1 & state_axis2 #34 (igorrecioh)
- Gazebo joint plugin: remove hardcoded joint limits from spec service #33 (ibaiape)
- Update HRIM generation #32 (LanderU)
- Set master branch #31 (LanderU)
- Adapting mara_gazebo_plugins to HRIM Coliza #30 (ahcorde)
- Typo lista_subscribers #29 (igorrecioh)
- Typo subcriber --> subscribers #28 (igorrecioh)
- Create mara_contact_publisher [#26](
First release of MARA for ROS2 Crystal.
Naming convention: <ROS2_DISTRO_NAME>-v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>