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Running tests in parallel

Nick Abalov edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 3 revisions

Running tests in parallel using Selenium grid

To run tests in parallel using selenium grid you will have to start as many driver instances as many parallel sessions you want. Each driver should started with unique --port and bound-device-name values and connected to grid with --nodeconfig option.


  1. Download latest selenium release from
  2. Start Selenium grid
start "SeleniumHub" java -jar C:\Downloads\selenium\selenium-server-standalone.jar -role hub
  1. Start as many instances of driver as many parallel sessions you want to have (e.g. for 2 parallel sessions we will start 2 drivers):
start Winium.StoreApps.Driver.exe --port=10001 --bound-device-name="Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4 inch 512MB" –-nodeconfig=template.nodeconfig.json --verbose
start Winium.StoreApps.Driver.exe --port=10002 --bound-device-name="Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4 inch" –-nodeconfig=template.nodeconfig.json --verbose

Note that both drivers were started with different --port and --bound-device-name values. --nodeconfig option was used to tell driver to auto register as node on selenium grid. template.nodeconfig.json is provided with driver and is enough to connect driver as a node to a grid running on a localhost with default port of 4444.

  • You can list all installed emulators by running Winium.StoreApps.Driver.exe --bound-device-name=?.
  • If you want to run grid on different port or if you want to run node and grid on different hosts, then you will have to edit the configuration file.