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Command Line Options

Nick Abalov edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 4 revisions

Following command-line options are supported (none of them is required).


Port to listen on. Default: 9999.


Base URL path prefix for commands, e.g. wd/url. Default is empty (no prefix used).


Log verbosely. Increases logging level to DEBUG.


Write log to specified file instead of stdout, increases log level to INFO. Default is empty (logging to stdout).


Strict name of emulator to bind with driver. Driver will be able to start sessions only on this device, if session will specify deviceName that is not a substring of bound device name, then an error will occur. Use this option to run tests in parallel on different driver-emulator pairs connected to Selenium Grid on same host.


Configuration JSON file to register driver with Selenium Grid.


Timeout in millisecond for each ping request send by driver to InnerServer. Can be overridden by desired capability pingTimeout. Increase it if you experience Could not connect to the InnerServer and sure that InnerServer has started successfully. Default: 2500.