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RWXML Language Server

provides various IDE functionalities, as VSCode Extension

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  • Custom syntax highlighting
  • Basic completion snippets.
  • Real time code analysis.
  • Code Completion.
  • Go to definition, Go to Reference support.
  • Find all symbol references.
  • find parent / childrenss
  • Symbol rename command.
  • Inheritance Attribute suggestion
  • AlienRace support
  • incremental update & validation
  • Texture preview
  • Texture path suggestion
  • patch operation snippets
  • Cache DLL extracted data


RWXML: Clear DLL Cache

deletes all DLL extracted cache.

RWXML: Open Cache Directory

opens your cache directory.


VSCode Marketplace (Click)


configures RWXML Language Server.

  "rwxml.paths.rimWorld": "C:\\...\\common\\RimWorld", // RimWorld/ Directory path.

  // overrides default path / assumed path from rimWorld
  "rwxml.paths.rimWorldData": "C:\\...\\RimWorld\\Data",
  "rwxml.paths.rimWorldManaged": "C:\\...\\RimWorld\\RimWorldWin64_Data\\Managed",
  "rwxml.paths.localMods": "C:\\...\\RimWorld\\Mods",
  "rwxml.paths.workshopMods": "C:\\...\\workshop\\contents\\294100",
  "rwxml.paths.externalMods": [
    // and so on...

  "rwxml.logs.level": "info", // set log level, "info", "warn", "error", "debug", "silly"

  "rwxml.codeHighlighting.enabled": true, // manages code highlighting. fine-grained control is not implemented yet
  "rwxml.diagnostics.enabled": true, // manages code diagnostics.

Default Paths

this extension requires RimWorld DLL, RimWorld Core to operate. it scans Workshop/Local Mod Directory to support external mods.

the path for these resources are below:

RimWorld DLL

  • windows: C:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rimworld\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed
  • darwin(macos): Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld/

RimWorld Core

  • windows: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\RimWorld\\Data
  • darwin(macos): Library/Application Support/Steam/Steamapps/common/RimWorld/

Local Mod Directory

  • windows: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\RimWorld\\Mods
  • darwin(macos): Library/Application Support/Steam/Steamapps/common/RimWorld/

Workshop Directory

  • windows: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\294100
  • darwin(macos): Library/Application Support/Steam/Steamapps/workshop/content/294100

Setup devlopment environment

  1. clone repository locally
git clone
  1. install project
# cwd: repository root
pnpm install
  1. build project
# cwd: repository root
pnpm run watch # this will build project and watch project changes
  1. open /vsc-extension with VSCode, and launch Launch Client