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Enhancement of quill table module


[email protected] table module

  • complete UI operation process
  • insert/delete row/column/table; merge/split cells
  • support all origin quill formats
  • control cells width/height/border/background color
  • 100 percent table width or fixed pixel width
  • line break in cells
  • redo and undo
  • support whole table align left/center/right


npm install quill-table-up
import Quill from 'quill';
import TableUp, { TableAlign, TableMenuContextmenu, TableResizeBox, TableResizeScale, TableSelection, TableVirtualScrollbar } from 'quill-table-up';
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css';
import 'quill-table-up/index.css';
// If using the default customSelect option. You need to import this css
import 'quill-table-up/table-creator.css';

Quill.register({ [`modules/${TableUp.moduleName}`]: TableUp }, true);
// or
// Quill.register({ 'modules/table-up': TableUp }, true);

const quill = new Quill('#editor', {
  // ...
  modules: {
    //  ...
    toolbar: [
      // ...
      [ // use picker to enable the customSelect option
        { [TableUp.toolName]: [] }
    [TableUp.moduleName]: {
      scrollbar: TableVirtualScrollbar,
      align: TableAlign,
      resize: TableResizeBox,
      resizeScale: TableResizeScale,
      customSelect: defaultCustomSelect,
      selection: TableSelection,
      selectionOptions: {
        tableMenu: TableMenuContextmenu,


TableUp Options

attribute description type default
full if set true. width max will be 100% boolean false
fullSwitch enable to choose insert a full width table boolean true
texts the text used to create the table TableTextOptions defaultTexts
customSelect display a custom select to custom row and column number add a table. module provides default selector defaultCustomSelect (tableModule: TableUp, picker: Picker) => Promise<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement -
customBtn display a custom button to custom row and column number add a table. it only when use defaultCustomSelect will effect boolean false
selection table selection handler. module provides TableSelection Constructor -
selectionOptions table selection options TableSelectionOptions -
icon picker svg icon string. it will set with innerHTML string origin table icon
resize table cell resize handler. module provides TableResizeLine and TableResizeBox Constructor -
resizeScale equal scale table cell handler. module provides TableResizeScale Constructor -
scrollbar table virtual scrollbar handler. module provides TableVirtualScrollbar Constructor -
align table alignment handler. module provides TableAlign Constructor -
resizeOptions table cell resize handler options any -
resizeScaleOptions equal scale table cell handler options TableResizeScaleOptions -
alignOptions table alignment handler options any -
scrollbarOptions table virtual scrollbar handler options any -

I'm not suggest to use TableVirtualScrollbar and TableResizeLine at same time, because it will make the virtual scrollbar display blink. Just like the first editor in demo

default value
const defaultTexts = {
  fullCheckboxText: 'Insert full width table',
  customBtnText: 'Custom',
  confirmText: 'Confirm',
  cancelText: 'Cancel',
  rowText: 'Row',
  colText: 'Column',
  notPositiveNumberError: 'Please enter a positive integer',
  custom: 'Custom',
  clear: 'Clear',
  transparent: 'Transparent',
  perWidthInsufficient: 'The percentage width is insufficient. To complete the operation, the table needs to be converted to a fixed width. Do you want to continue?',

  InsertTop: 'Insert a row above',
  InsertRight: 'Insert a column right',
  InsertBottom: 'Insert a row below',
  InsertLeft: 'Insert a column Left',
  MergeCell: 'Merge Cell',
  SplitCell: 'Split Cell',
  DeleteRow: 'Delete Row',
  DeleteColumn: 'Delete Column',
  DeleteTable: 'Delete table',
  BackgroundColor: 'Set background color',
  BorderColor: 'Set border color',

TableResizeScale Options

attribute description type default
blockSize resize handle block size number 12

TableSelection Options

attribute description type default
selectColor selector border color string #0589f3
tableMenu the table operate menu. module provides TableMenuContextmenu and TableMenuSelect Constructor -
tableMenuOptions module TableMenu options TableMenuOptions -

TableMenu Options

attribute description type default
tipText when tableMenuClass set TableUp.TableMenuSelect, display tip text when hover icon. when tableMenuClass set TableUp.TableMenuContextmenu, display tip text after icon boolean true
localstorageKey used color save localstorage key string __table-bg-used-color
tools menu items Tool[] defaultTools
defaultColorMap color map string[][] in source code
types and default value
interface ToolOption {
  name: string;
  icon: string | ((tableModule: TableUp) => HTMLElement);
  tip?: string;
  key?: string; // the attribute name to set on td.
  isColorChoose?: boolean;
  handle: (tableModule: TableUp, selectedTds: TableCellInnerFormat[], e: Event | string) => void;
interface ToolOptionBreak {
  name: 'break';
type Tool = ToolOption | ToolOptionBreak;

const defaultTools = [
    name: 'InsertTop',
    icon: InsertTop,
    tip: 'Insert a row above',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'InsertRight',
    icon: InsertRight,
    tip: 'Insert a column right',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'InsertBottom',
    icon: InsertBottom,
    tip: 'Insert a row below',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'InsertLeft',
    icon: InsertLeft,
    tip: 'Insert a column Left',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'break',
    name: 'MergeCell',
    icon: MergeCell,
    tip: 'Merge Cell',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'SplitCell',
    icon: SplitCell,
    tip: 'Split Cell',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'break',
    name: 'DeleteRow',
    icon: RemoveRow,
    tip: 'Delete Row',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'DeleteColumn',
    icon: RemoveColumn,
    tip: 'Delete Column',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'DeleteTable',
    icon: RemoveTable,
    tip: 'Delete table',
    handle: (tableModule) => {},
    name: 'break',
    name: 'BackgroundColor',
    icon: Color,
    isColorChoose: true,
    tip: 'Set background color',
    key: 'background-color',
    handle: (tableModule, selectedTds, color) => {},
    name: 'BorderColor',
    icon: Border,
    isColorChoose: true,
    tip: 'Set border color',
    key: 'border-color',
    handle: (tableModule, selectedTds, color) => {},


if you need to rewrite extends from quill Block or Scroll blot. you need to import it from quill-table-up. or use Quill.import() after TableUp registed. beacuse module internal rewrite some functions, but those change only effect formats about table.

please read source code to know those change.

import {
} from 'quill-table-up';

class ScrollBlot extends ScrollOverride {
  // ...


Change internal constants variable

you can change internal constants variable by importing updateTableConstants from quill-table-up and call it before TableUp registed.

It helps to migrate from other table modules with the same data structure.

change variable demo

If you change the TableWrapperFormat blot name, you also need to add new css style to make toolbar icon have correct style.

/* change 'table-up' to your new blot name */
.ql-toolbar .ql-picker:not(.ql-color-picker):not(.ql-icon-picker).ql-table-up {
  width: 28px;
.ql-toolbar .ql-picker:not(.ql-color-picker):not(.ql-icon-picker).ql-table-up .ql-picker-label {
  padding: 2px 4px;
.ql-toolbar .ql-picker:not(.ql-color-picker):not(.ql-icon-picker).ql-table-up .ql-picker-label svg {
  position: static;
  margin-top: 0;