- install ruby. For MacOS users, you should follow this guide. After this step, if you run
ruby --version
, you will see a version greater than 3. - fork this github and
git clone
into you local computer. note the name should be[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME].github.io
! - run
bundle install
inside the github directory. - check your webite locally. run
bundle exec jekyll serve
- By now, you should see your website with ""
- in _config.yml, change every personal information to yours.
- to enable disqus comment, I go to https://disqus.com/, click
get started
, clickI want to install disqus on my website
. follow their instructions you will get a js code, just copy and paste by searching.disqus_enable
. you can watch this video. They have free services and it's enough for my use case. - to enbale utterances comment, go to utterances and install it. After follow this website you will get a js code, just copy and paste by searching
. 中文版见我的第一个 post(for chinese version, see my first post).
rake post title="TITLE" subtitle="SUBTITLE"