Example config for https://apod.nasa.gov:
"ArrowLeft": "hr + a",
"ArrowRight": "center a[href^=\"ap\"]:last-of-type"
Find event.key
values here: https://keycode.info/
web-ext run --firefox=/Applications/Firefox\ Developer\ Edition.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox --firefox-profile=Dev
Outdated but slightly useful: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Firefox_workflow_overview
Create a zip file with the correct manifest.json:
npm run build:v2
npm run build:v3
Check the contents of the zip with: unzip -l key-to-click.zip
convert ./icons/icon-fullsize.png -resize 48x48^ -background none -gravity center -extent 48x48 icons/icon.png
convert ./icons/icon-fullsize.png -resize 96x96^ -background none -gravity center -extent 96x96 icons/[email protected]
- Advanced config - ability to not ignore certain keys while in input/textarea/select