This is a python package which consists of a basic classes for generating tests for ACM-like problems.
Working example located at sample/ folder. To run an example - you have to:
1. Create a folder with name 'Tests' next to the (because sample uses its as
destination for in/out tests)
2. Run script (use may command like this one: python
3. Look into Tests/ folder to enjoy the result
The sample consists of two differen author's solutions (written on C# and Python) to famous two-sum problem (add two numbers). demonstrate two usages - one using C# source as author's solution and the other one - Python.
Supported languages:
- Python
- C#
- C++
To add support for another language - you have to:
1. Create new class inherited from BaseRunner class.
2. Implement abstract method - create_run_command(). This method should return shell
command to compile and run author's solution with specified input test.
You can specify different compiler/interpreter in the method create_run_command() of corresponding runner.
To generate test set for your own problem(s) - you have to:
1. Create new class inherited from BaseTestGenerator class. (look at the provided sample for more details)
2. Implement abstract method - generate_inputs(). This method should create input tests and
yield them to the caller (python generator).
3. Create an object of your test generator class.
4. Call generate() method on created object.