The library "essay" is a code generator from a readme file, but this library is a reverse operation.
I used essay
and made a simple project that can generate many code files of javascript (ES7). That can create a good document because you can update code and docs in the same time. I would like to create a converter from code files structure into readme. It will be also created by essay
after convert them.
- Install this library
npm i -g code-to-essay
- Write a pathname with prefix
in your
- Convert them with command
- Setting your project follow
format (
Now, the project could be generated by essay
will start first when you call c2e build
// main.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { getTextFromFile, writeFileFromText } from './file'
import { convertLinesToContexts } from './converter'
const README = getTextFromFile(`./`)
const lines = README.split('\n')
const newContexts = convertLinesToContexts(lines)
const newDocs = newContexts.join('\n')
writeFileFromText(newDocs, './')
is a module that contains
check this line is start withc2e:
that mean This line is code, right ?convertCodeToContext
convert codec2e:
to context (code and block)convertLineToContext
pass line as params and return the correct contextconvertLinesToContexts
convert all lines to contexts (array)
// converter.js
import { getTextFromFile, writeFileFromText } from './file.js'
const isCode = (line) => {
return line.indexOf('c2e:') === 0
const convertCodeToContext = (line) => {
const pathname = line.split(':').pop()
const header = `// ${pathname}`
const code = getTextFromFile(pathname)
const end = "\`\`\`"
const start = end + 'js'
const context = [start, header, code, end].join('\n')
return context
export const convertLineToContext = (line) => {
return isCode(line) ? convertCodeToContext(line) : line
export const convertLinesToContexts = (lines) => {
const contexts = => {
const context = convertLineToContext(line)
return context
return contexts
is a module that contains
receive pathname and return textwriteFileFromText
receive text and pathname as params and write file
// file.js
import { resolve, join } from 'path'
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'
const projectPath = resolve()
export const getTextFromFile = (pathname) => {
console.log("%s %s", "Reading", pathname)
return readFileSync(join(projectPath, pathname), 'utf-8')
export const writeFileFromText = (text, pathname) => {
console.log("%s %s", "Writing", pathname)
return writeFileSync(join(projectPath, pathname), text, 'utf-8')
// converter.test.js
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { convertLineToContext, convertLinesToContexts } from './converter';
import { getTextFromFile } from './file'
it('should convert file that matched text to code', () => {
const example = getTextFromFile(`./`)
const lines = example.split('\n')
it('should convert line to context if it matches code-to-essay template', () => {
const line = 'c2e:src/main.js';
it('should return same text if it doesn\'t matches code-to-essay template', () => {
const line = '3. Convert them with command';
// file.test.js
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { getTextFromFile, writeFileFromText } from './file'
it('should return text of file', () => {
const path = ''
it('should write file from text', () => {
const text = 'test';
const path = './src/main.js'
const backupText = getTextFromFile(path)
writeFileFromText(text, path);
writeFileFromText(backupText, path)