This is the third day of my 3 weeks challenge, bringing you a really simple FizzBuzz game.
Unlike the normal counting game, in this FizzBuzz you should "guess" if the number shown is a multiple of 3 (Fizz), a multiple of 5 (Buzz), a multiple of both 3 and 5 (FizzBuzz) or none of these.
- There are certain levels and the game is getting more and more difficult by reaching higher levels
- I have lives, so I can make a few mistakes
- There is a countdown timer
- I get a score based on the time and correct answers
- I can see my best score
- I can share my result(s) on Twitter
Although I kinda liked to build this game, the code looks like a mess. I didn't have enough time to refactor it and to add a Twitter button.
I also wanted to reward the user with some extra points if they reach higher levels.