That project was given by a teacher, in the subject of Software Engineer, where a team of developers (students) must develop a product by the end of the semester.
Need to create a new database in MySQL. After auth in your account, next step, write a Query:
create database am
More information about creating tables in db see here
Spring configuration is simple
If you don't to create tables, change spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update
The last task is to start the server through the command line. Write this command
java -jar <path>/activity-monitoring-sdu/target/am-server-<version>.jar
path - is your path in file / folder version - enter the version, see in download
Note that the server comes up on port 8080 by default. If the port is busy, it will throw an error on startup. Check if port 8080 is busy
The task provided by the teacher is located at this link
Since we are developing a full-fledged application where multi-user use is taken into account. We use
- Front End
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Back End
- Java, Spring (Web, Boot, Data) Thymeleaf
- UX/UI Design
- Adobe XD
- Database
- MySQL Server 5+
At first, we decided that we would use python, django as a development backend. But after that, we changed the decision on the 9th week of the project development that we will change the server side to Java, Spring
Role | Assignment |
Project Manager | Dauletkhan Narynbayev |
Database | Dias Aymuratov |
Backend(Analytics(Secondary)) | Ilyas Mohammad |
FrontEnd (HTML, CSS, JS, Thymeleaf) | Ayan Serikkhan |
Backend(Python Django(Secondary)) | Nurbakhyt Zhumatayev |
FullStack Dev (Java, Spring, FrontEnd, Databases) | Sanzhar Zhanibekov |
UX/UI Design (Adobe XD) | Sanzhar Zhanibekov |
From part of the design came out good, except the nuances of the development of the design itself. A black theme was implemented as the main theme. Then we thought about refining the light theme.
A mobile version of the design was also implemented, where screen size and experience were taken into account