Configuration of my system the way I like it.
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Optional applications which enhance the command line.
- autojump
- coreutils (dircolors)
- exuberant-ctags
- silversearcher-ag
- pspg, Postgres Pager
sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag exuberant-ctags coreutils autojump
- Alfred
- Fantastical
- Flycut
- Muzzel
- Sound Control
- Pushover for simple notifications for long running processes to iOS or Android devices
- It's All Text!: Edit textareas using an external editor
- Markdown Here
- Markdown Viewer
- Nimbus Screen Capture
- Octotree file hierarchy tree for Github.
- VimFx: Vim keyboard shortcuts for Firefox
- [DevDocs][]
- git-extras
- shellcheck
- yamllint
sudo apt-get install shellcheck git-extras
fc-cache -fv # update font caches
- awesome_print
- brice
- bundler_diffgems
- hirb
- looksee
- rubocop
- scss_lint
gem install awesome_print brice hirb looksee rubocop scss_lint
- Effortless Ctags with Git: Setup and configure Ctags to be run with
git commands like
git checkout