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Setting up OAuth & Deploying

nonword edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 8 revisions

Various notes for project set up



Obtain Google auth Client ID and Client Secret:

  • Log in to
  • Create a new Project if necessary
  • Select APIs & auth > APIs
  • Enable "Google+ API" and "Contacts API"
  • Select APIs & auth > Credentials
  • Under OAuth, Create a new Client ID
  • Enter authorized URIs, e.g.:
Authorized JavaScript Origins: http://localhost:3000/
Authorized redirect URIs: http://localhost:3000/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback
  • In your app root, create an .env with:
export GOOGLE_ID=*********************************************
export GOOGLE_SECRET=************************


  • Go to
  • Select "My Apps" > "Add a new app"
  • Enter an app name (e.g. 'Scribe')
  • Select 'Website' for app type
  • Enter your Site URL (e.g. http://localhost:3000 for testing)
  • Ignore all that noise about js integration
  • Reload page so that you can select "My Apps" > [app name]
  • Click "Settings" in sidebar and add a Contact Email
  • Click "Status & Review" in sidebar and make it public (At writing, prompt is "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?")
  • Maybe add an app icon under "App Details", as this is what the user will see when logging in.
  • Click 'Advanced' tab and add http://[domain]/users/auth/facebook/callback to "Valid OAuth redirect URIs"
  • Save keys in your .env, e.g.:
export FACEBOOK_ID=817972851652302
export FACEBOOK_SECRET=********************************


TODO: NOTE this is currently not working. Get 422 Unprocessable Entity when attempting to log in.

  • Log in at
  • You should see "Your applications" and a "New Application" link. If you do not, contact Zooniverse (TODO: contact info?).
  • Click 'New Application' and enter a Name (e.g. 'Scribe') and your dev and prod URIs, e.g.
  • Select 'User' Application Scope
  • Click 'Submit'
  • Save keys in your .env, e.g.:
export ZOONIVERSE_ID=d48226eb4c5e74************************************************
export ZOONIVERSE_SECRET=**********************************************

Test App Locally

  • Before starting app, run:
source .env
rails s


Add Heroku App

brew install heroku-toolbelt
  • In your app folder, create the heroku app, e.g.:
heroku apps:create emigrantbank
  • Register heroku remote, e.g.:
heroku git:remote --app emigrantbank

Register DB

  • Create a mongodb instance at
  • Add a user (e.g. 'scribe-emigrantbank-user', '**********')
  • Register db creds in heroku env, e.g.:
heroku config:set "MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://scribe-emigrantbank-user:***************"

Register OAuth Providers

  • Save all of your OAUTH keys to the Heroku env:
heroku config:set "GOOGLE_ID=*********************************************"
heroku config:set "GOOGLE_SECRET=************************"
heroku config:set "FACEBOOK_ID=817972851652302"
heroku config:set "FACEBOOK_SECRET=********************************"
heroku config:set "ZOONIVERSE_ID=d48226eb4c5e74************************************************"
heroku config:set "ZOONIVERSE_SECRET=**********************************************"

Push It

  • Allow browserify to work with this one weird trick
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL= 
  • Push code:
git push heroku master