Created a desktop application using WPF in .NET Core 3.1 framework. Users who need to update a keyword in a specific column or create a clone of a table with exact fields and contraints then this application is exactly what you are looking for.
Application Overview:
- Connect to yout sql server studio (either by windows or sql server authentication)
- List of all databases will be shown to you without actually opening the sql server studio itself
- Select a database and all the tables related to the selected database will be displayed
- Select a table and click on the column that you want to update
- Add two keywords from and to. From the existing word that exists in the column of the selected table and to to the keyword that you want to update
- Click on update then the values will be updated in the rows that contains that from keyword to the new value in the to keyword.
- A new clone of a table with primary/foreign keys will be created with the updated values (Previous table will be kept as it was).
- You can generate an excel report containing the information about how many rows were updated, what were the values before and after.