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CodebaseVisulizer3D is a bachelor project with the goal of making it easier to getting an overview of codebases. It consumes a git repo and represents the datastructure with 3D graphics and performs code complexity review on the code.

Core team / Authors

  • Kent Wincent Holt - 473209
  • Zohaib Butt - 473219
  • Eldar Hauge Torkelsen - 473180

Dockerized install

  • Navigate to repository root and run "sudo docker-compose up"

Access application

  • Open browser and go to "localhost".

Manual install guide

  • Clone the repository.

Setup frontend

  • Download and Install Emscripten
  • Intall Sass by running the following command
    • sudo get-apt install ruby-sass
  • Navigate to "frontend/" and run the following command
    • sass --watch ./sass/:./css/
  • Navigate to the root folder of repository and run the following command.
    • git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Configuration:
    • Connections:
      • Navigate to the frontend/js/config folder and open the config.js file.
      • Fill all fields with appropriate information:
        • "host_ip" is the clients ip address.
        • "host_port" is the clients port.
        • "api_ip" is api/back-end servers ip.
        • "api_port" should be 5016 as this is not configurable in the current version.
        • "api_servername" is api/back-end servers name (not really needed at this point).
    • Style:
      • If you have a custom style you can edit it in frontend/js/config/style.js file.
  • For apache setup look up how to setup a virtualhost and make it point to "CodebaseVisualizer3D/frontend".

Setup backend

Setup apiServer

  • Install Golang

  • Install MongoDB.

  • Navigate to backend/apiServer folder from project root.

  • Create a ".env" file where the following environment variables should exist:

    • "PORT" should be 5016.
    • "REPOSITORY_PATH" should be a folder to store cloned repositories.
    • "DB_LOCATION" should be "/data/db" or the path to mongodb storage.
    • "JAVA_PARSER" should be the absolute path to Java parser which relies at the following path from project root folder: CodebaseVisualizer3D/backend/parser/build/classes/java/main

Setup parser

  • Install Java 11.0.2 or later.

  • Download and install Gradle version 5.2 or later.

  • Navigate to backend/parser folder from project root.

  • Run "gradle release"

Access the application

  • Open a terminal an execute the following commands:

    • "sudo service apache2 start"
    • "sudo mongod"
  • Navigate to "CodebaseVisualizer3D/backend/apiServer" folder and run "go build . && go run main.go"

  • Open a browser and navigate to custom URL specified in the apache2 setup.